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Norgate - Gold or Platinum if developing new systems?

28 May 2020

I'm new and starting to develop my first system(s).

I plan to go with Norgate as my data provider.

The Norgate packages are here:

Gold: History for last 20 years, $198 for 6 months, $360 for 12 months

Platinum: History back to 1992, $346.50 for 6 months, $630 for 12 months, delisted securities back to 1992, historical index constituents (???)

I'm leaning toward Gold. I like the extras of Gold, i.e. current fundamentals, so am not considering Silver.

Do I need all the history of Platinum for back testing if I'm developing new systems? In the Dump It Here thread, @Skate said he had a lot of history during system development, but then dropped the history once his systems were developed.

Thanks for your advice,
I'm only using Silver. When I had premium I had the whole 20years which was good intially. I don't use it now though. The inclusion of fundamentals could be helpful for you too (I don't use them but its another metric to be added if its what you are after). I may upgrade to Gold just for the extras.
Platinum is recommended to eliminate survivorship bias in backtesting. It's also useful if you want to limit your universe to the constituents of an index. e.g. Only trade a stock if it's in the S&P/ASX 200.
@Linus van Pelt I had gold for six months, then upgraded to platinum for the next 6. The difference in backtesting numerous systems for me was significant once I had the delisted / historical index constituents etc.

I know it sucks paying extra, but for developing and testing systems I feel it is essential for accuracy. If you are only running systems EOD and do not require accurate backtesting, you don't need platinum.
I, too, started with Norgate as my data provider and have been happy with their services.
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