I'm new and starting to develop my first system(s).
I plan to go with Norgate as my data provider.
The Norgate packages are here:
Gold: History for last 20 years, $198 for 6 months, $360 for 12 months
Platinum: History back to 1992, $346.50 for 6 months, $630 for 12 months, delisted securities back to 1992, historical index constituents (???)
I'm leaning toward Gold. I like the extras of Gold, i.e. current fundamentals, so am not considering Silver.
Do I need all the history of Platinum for back testing if I'm developing new systems? In the Dump It Here thread,
@Skate said he had a lot of history during system development, but then dropped the history once his systems were developed.
Thanks for your advice,