I've built a fairly sizable coal miner holding since I originally "dipped my toe in the water" when some of these were around a dollar. At the time the narrative was that coal was dead and would most likely disappear as an industry. Even accessory analysis revealed that this was an absolute load of codswallop.
One of my best strategies is to try and define when commodities are at the absolutely minimum price... The price went producers start closing down because they can't make a profit.
eg, if coffee farmers start plowing their bushes in because they losing money, buy coffee with your damned ears pinned back... Because an under supply is surely to follow.
That was my thinking when I originally entered the coal market, especially when the month for the product is not likely to reduce anytime soon.
People are always going to drink coffee, and for the foreseeable future, the world is always going to need coal.... our coal.
Does <$4 for NHC represent that level at the present time? Well, I'm seriously thinking about doing some topping up now too.