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New Zealand a Failed State and a Rogue State to the rest of the World

Sir Garpal
We have arranged, more fittingly we dare say, a Bugatti Chiron for you drives so that you may on occasion match the efforts of the magnificent Mr Munro.

Sir Garpal
We have arranged, more fittingly we dare say, a Bugatti Chiron for you drives so that you may on occasion match the efforts of the magnificent Mr Munro.


A good attempt @rederob , and thank you.

I have decided that there will be a maximum of one red star on any South Island flag with a minimum of more than two white stars.

I have further decided following consultation that an Indian Motorcycle rather than any flora or fauna should be present on the Southland flag.


ps As per your DM your emoulement shall in future be weekly and paid in AUD rather than NZD. A wise move. It endears you more to HM E2 and of course myself.

pps May I have the changes before her birthday.

Sir Garpal
We have arranged, more fittingly we dare say, a Bugatti Chiron for you drives so that you may on occasion match the efforts of the magnificent Mr Munro.


A prediction.

My Elliott Wave analysis suggests a big stimulus package for Australia from the budget today in New Zealand. Watch this space. The Kiwi's are coming to save the day...again. Go the All Blacks!!

By the way, I am not Kiwi!!
I have further decided following consultation that an Indian Motorcycle rather than any flora or fauna should be present on the Southland flag.
Sir Garpal
This motorcycle is presently selling like hotcakes at Invercargill outlets and may be a good fit:

With respect
pps May I have the changes before her birthday.

Geeez and here was me trying to be nice. The Australians I have met have always lacked subtlety.

Bye the way from where I am standing the Southern Cross tilts more to the Right


PS I am not sure you should be hanging out for that crisp white envelope between now and June Jacinda is all for a Republic and the Queen has gone into hiding
Mrs Ardern has contacted me in relation to new borders between the South Island and New New Zealand.

I have decided that The land masses of Thoms Rock, Mana Island and Kapiti Island to the low water marks will decide the approximate northern border of Greater Australia including the Cook Strait therein.

Stewart Island is a rogue state

true story
Mrs Ardern has contacted me in relation to new borders between the South Island and New New Zealand.

Insulting our intelligence is one thing.......... Insulting our Leader is quite another...............Missssss Ardern ......Thank you. It seems ...almost .....plausible that you never even received such a letter.

Insulting our intelligence is one thing.......... Insulting our Leader is quite another...............Missssss Ardern ......Thank you. It seems ...almost .....plausible that you never even received such a letter.

I gather the interchange was brokered by the United Nations human rights committee, just to make sure GG's communication was not haram.
Insulting our intelligence is one thing.......... Insulting our Leader is quite another...............Missssss Ardern ......Thank you. It seems ...almost .....plausible that you never even received such a letter.

I am so sorry.

I thought she was married.

OK, Miss Ardern.


ps Didn't she have a baby?
Man you must be old ............or asleep ....when the ME Too movement marched past your door

All the best
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Man you must be old ............or asleep ....when the ME Too movement marched past your door

All the best
Miss Ardern seems more than capable of looking after herself and New New Zealand.

It will be interesting to see if the NZ unemployment rate is as low as that of Australia and whether they raise interest rates as we are likely to do.

A prediction.

My Elliott Wave analysis suggests a big stimulus package for Australia from the budget today in New Zealand. Watch this space. The Kiwi's are coming to save the day...again. Go the All Blacks!!

By the way, I am not Kiwi!!

There was a rumour that ALL Kiwi's were getting a big wad of money or travel vouchers in the budget today...depending on income.

The travel vouchers would have been used by many to travel to our good buddies in Aussie. Thus single handedly driving your economy like never seen before.

Unfortunately the most popular prime minister on the planet (our Jacinda) failed to open her wallet. I'd like to apologise on her behalf.

It's still on the cards apparently so don't panic Captain Mainwaring.
Winston (the *real PM) must've hid the piggy bank.

OK I will come clean.

I only wished to see how long it took me to get more views than a more important thread ...

China a Failed State and a Rogue State to the rest of the World

It took me just on 80 hours.

I was also disappointed with the quality of posts in both the China and the equally important thread ....

America a Failed State and a Rogue State to the rest of the World

For a rational and important debate we need to be more open to others opinions as we were on this thread.

Argue from facts on China and the USA and not on uninformed or inflexible opinion.

And maybe think, am I the one person on ASF who was wrong today?


ps. I intend to get more views than the USA thread as well, Mrs Ardern notwithstanding.

Miss Ardern seems more than capable of looking after herself and New New Zealand.

IMMMMMMM herself perhaps...... for us it is going to be an interesting election in September.
Just as background ... out of the top 8 Government Ministers one has a background in business...he managed...the hostel where he stayed for 6 months. Jacinda worked in a Fish and Chip shop after School and worked as a DJ at functions at one stage .... a few implications there, best we move right along. Grant Robinson our Finance Minister has a degree in Politics and worked a short time at the UN and for a short time in Helen Clarks office.
Health Minister (caught out Mountain biking far from home during the complete lock down when the rest of us where supposed to be home behind locked doors) ..........but at least he is a Doctor .................of Theology.....suppose at least he can lead us in prayer........we sure as hell need faith.

By the way, I am not Kiwi!!

Hey Porper .....You can only have married a Kiwi.........why else would you still be here

I have very much a soft spot for NZ and especially the South Island, the further south the better.

Yes, we have a similar problem here, an ex copper who has gone from a copper's wage to being a millionaire and a cabinet minister.

Let us hope things change post-Covid.

Hey Porper .....You can only have married a Kiwi.........why else would you still be here


No, didn't marry a kiwi.

I go to Noosa a fair bit...ok, not a patch on the Coromandel though (where we live).

Go to the Uk every year for 2 months (not this year I bet). Lets just say I wouldn't go back if family and friends weren't there!!

All in all NZ is far superior to anywhere I have been. Why anybody would want to leave here is beyond me.
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