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New Flag for New Zealand

I certainly agree that changing the flag to something more relevant and appropriate doesnt of itself change the other synchophantic ties, but it might get the ball rolling.

Wouldn't changing the symble, with out changing any of the underlying laws make the new symble irrelevant?
Wouldn't changing the symble, with out changing any of the underlying laws make the new symble irrelevant?

No doubt a lot of people overseas are wondering why we have the flag of a foreign country on our flag. It's a bit like walking around with the word "Britain" stamped on your forehead. Would you do that ?
Even the Union Jack is just a mixture of flags.

As I said if you don't like the image of subservience, maybe to fix that we should stop being subservient.

Abbott might be convinced since it'll mean another member of the Royal family can be a Knight of Australia and not feel such honour being a demotion.

Does being a colony of Britain obligate Britain to come to Australia's defense in case of WW3? Or it's a one way street, case by case basis? Was WW2 an understandable exception of neglect?

But yea, we're going to have a hard time convincing Australians to remove 3 of the 4 crosses from the flag.
A consolation of New Zealand getting a new flag is, there will be one less nation with a flag that looks exactly like Australia's flag. Now we will only be confused with the mighty Cook Islands.

Just put a kangaroo as the symbol on the Australian flag, job done.
No doubt a lot of people overseas are wondering why we have the flag of a foreign country on our flag. It's a bit like walking around with the word "Britain" stamped on your forehead. Would you do that ?

Is that a reason to change your flag? To spare ignorant foreigners a moment of confusion? I think 3 minutes on Google will answer any questions they have.

Again, why change the flag without changing anything else, I mean as long as a Brit is our head of state, what's wrong with having the British flag represented?
Given that our moronic government cant even agree to remove the marriage discrimination introduced by the Howard Government and return our marraige laws to their traditional form, I doubt they are going to get rid of our obsequious relationship with england with its absurd pledges to queen and god, and therefore change our flag to something more relevant and appropriate.

I am afraid the race to conservative, fundamental, religious extremism is taking us to a dark and scary place.

I dont forsee any changes, to the flag or anything else in the forseeable future.
Good to hear.

You keep forgetting they WON the election by the MAJORITY, and in that was a NO change - so good on them for standing by their principles and their electorates - not like your mob, that swing like the wind.

They have done what they said they would do at the election.
You keep forgetting they WON the election by the MAJORITY, and in that was a NO change

Well thats in the past now isnt it? Completely misread the wishes and views of the electorate on nearly every single issue. They obvioulsy didnt WIN the election as much as the ALP lost it. They also didnt actually win a majority, they had to form a coalition with the loony nationals to be able to form government.

On present polls they will lose the next election in a landslide the likes of which have rarely been seen in this country.

Anyway, the forces of change are irrepressible in the long run, we will eventually grow a set and become a republic with a properly representative flag, a real national anthem and an end to marriage discrimination.

Nothing the mad monk does will stop it.
On present polls they will lose the next election in a landslide the likes of which have rarely been seen in this country.

You are right, the coalition will lose the election. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Anyway, the forces of change are irrepressible in the long run

Change for change's sake is a hallmark of the worst excesses of leftist idiopathy. Change, while often productive, is more often a move sideways or for the worse.

we will eventually grow a set and become a republic with a properly representative flag

So your contention is that we become a republic to prove we have grown a set? This is axiomatic of the change for change sake lunacy that leftists love so much. Australia could be a republic already, if only the republicans had presented a model that was an improvement on the current system. Fortunately Australians were able to discern that we were being sold a pup and rejected it.

A republic certainly, but a model is unlikely to be presented that places power where it should be.

A flag is just a piece of cloth with pretty colours painted on it. I see nothing wrong with the current one.

a real national anthem

Yeah! One like all the grown up countries have, full of nationalism, glorification of war, blood lust and slaughter of enemies.

and an end to marriage discrimination.

A bizarre inclusion to this paricular list of concerns, but yeah whatever.
Good for you.

If your parents were Italians who came here with nothing and worked hard building market gardens would you feel equally proud and want their flag on ours ?

They are welcome to join in, but the Brits started the nation, funded it, gave it law, its underlying culture and parliament. The old countries don't go around wiping away edifices and evidence of the Italians in Rome, France, North Africa, Britain. etc. (except radical Islamists)

if and when the UK splits Scotland off, we will be unique

The aborigines have adopted a European custom flag, the gays have a flag inspired by Sesame street, the cricket, the footy... the relevance of national flags might be patriotic, but I don't think people think of the POMs on Oz Day so much as our own national identity. The POMs themselves are a melting pot of every invader and mass migration that ever was.
My comment was more about you saying our current flag is a sign of submission to Britain, and I agree it is.


Everything gets reworked in meaning as time moves on. Just because some AB Pattersonesque (probably Irish) journo several generations ago had some caustic disposition to the Union Jack, doesn't mean we have to.

New Zealand is moving back to it's Maori roots ...and I guess symbolic flags are traditionally important to Maoris, just like they are to Australian aborigines (previously I would have wrongly guessed any piece of patterned rag foisted on a pole would be seen by the indigenous as a symbol of European suppression, but there you go.)
They are welcome to join in, but the Brits started the nation, funded it, gave it law, its underlying culture and parliament.

Lets remember WHY Britain started up this colony, to get rid of it's dregs that they didn't want their gentry to be tripping over on the streets. It was to disguise the social failure of their own policies at the time.

Is that worth a spot on our flag ?

Just because they won the election, does not mean the represent the views of all voters on all topics, I normally vote liberal, but hate their policy on gay marriage.

Let's not forget, we could have been colonised by, France, Spain or Portugal.

Have a look around, to see how that would have worked for you.

This discussion about the flag just shows how bored and out of touch we are with reality, same goes for all the garbage over same sex marriage.

Let's have a referendum, on both, then we will see what the majority think, not just the activists and the media.

Maybe then people can focus on the real issues, that support their lifestyle and allows them the free time to dribble on.
Let's not forget, we could have been colonised by, France, Spain or Portugal.

Have a look around, to see how that would have worked for you.

We'd have better coffee, bread and sexier accent. None of these "alright darl" and "moate" stuff
sptrawler said:
Have a look around, to see how that would have worked for you.

That's an inane argument akin to saying "how would it have worked out for you if you had never been born".

History is history and today is today. Things move on from what they were in the past.
That's an inane argument akin to saying "how would it have worked out for you if you had never been born".

History is history and today is today. Things move on from what they were in the past.

That's why we don't see eye to eye, we are poles apart, but that is what makes things interesting.
That's why we don't see eye to eye, we are poles apart, but that is what makes things interesting.

Indeed. I think Britain should have the flag of Rome on their flag, considering they were colonised by Rome and inherited the concept of democracy from the Romans.

What do you think ?
What do you think ?
If you genuinely want to be provocative, the French flag would have been a better suggestion.

Our British heritage has been a direct major contributor to what this nation is today and I for one have no objection to that heritage being part of our flag.
Indeed. I think Britain should have the flag of Rome on their flag, considering they were colonised by Rome and inherited the concept of democracy from the Romans.

What do you think ?

I think a flag is a piece of cloth that is allocated to your country.
You fight for the country you love, the family you love and the way of life you love.

The obsession with what the flag lloks like IMO, shows a lack of national maturity and an inferiority complex.

It is a bit like those calling for Freo to change their club song, because they don't like it.

Right or wrong it was part of their formation, it is part of their heritage, should it influence how passionate you are about the club?

If it does, are you really passionate about the club?

I suppose it boils back to the sort of person someone is, some feel a degree of pride in the fact history has played a part in where we are, others like and want change.
There isn't a right and wrong IMO.
I get annoyed with people who want change, without good cause, when they get the change they usually move onto the next project.
If change is required, change will come about, the problem we have, there are too many people with idle hands.
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