Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

New Flag for New Zealand

If you genuinely want to be provocative, the French flag would have been a better suggestion.

Our British heritage has been a direct major contributor to what this nation is today and I for one have no objection to that heritage being part of our flag.

Lots of things were major contributors, I'm not sure why the British flag should be singled out. How about the Irish flag? The Union flag was incorporated into the Australian flag for no other reason than to show Australia was still a loyal part of the British Empire. There is no other independent country of similar size to Australia that incorporates the flag of another country. Let's call a spade a spade, the flag has sweet FA to do with "heritage" and everything to do with a bygone empire that hasn't existed for 60 years. It's incorporation does not represent some sort of kinship toward the Britain of today but a cap doffing exercise to the imperial Britain of 100 years ago.
It's incorporation does not represent some sort of kinship toward the Britain of today but a cap doffing exercise to the imperial Britain of 100 years ago.

Which just supports my argument that it is a form of inferiority complex, doffing the cap to the gaffer, sad really.

Do you really think the younger generation, would firstly understand the reference, and secondly give a $hit.

It's a bit like the gay marriage thread, maybe morph them into the same thread.

Australia will find its own place and equilibrium, it will be better off finding it on its own path, not being railroaded by pressure groups.IMO
Good to hear.

You keep forgetting they WON the election by the MAJORITY, and in that was a NO change - so good on them for standing by their principles and their electorates - not like your mob, that swing like the wind.

They have done what they said they would do at the election.

I must admit that is seems odd that the LNP coalition won govt on slender Hail Caesar %, but when it comes to party room votes, the media is quick to point out that 2/3s majority is a questionable majority and the Titanic is about to go under for a second time.
Lets remember WHY Britain started up this colony, to get rid of it's dregs that they didn't want their gentry to be tripping over on the streets. It was to disguise the social failure of their own policies at the time.

Is that worth a spot on our flag ?

Well that is true for some of you lot, but my ancestors were amongst first born in South Australia, so there.

I don't want to see our flag replaced with a conciliation motif, which it will invariably be. Boomerangs, emus, ayres rock, kangaroos, holden cars, qantas, hill hoist, ...... it will be a standard reflecting the cliche Oz opening of the Sydney Olympics, probably with a rainbow background.

Ten to one New Zealand's flag incorporates a stylised Steeden ball recognising the English roots of it's national sport, a set of bails and stumps also recognising the English, a kiwi and the two islands dwarfing Australia in size. :rolleyes:
Ten to one New Zealand's flag incorporates a stylised Steeden ball recognising the English roots of it's national sport, a set of bails and stumps also recognising the English, a kiwi and the two islands dwarfing Australia in size. :rolleyes:

A sheep and a rugby ball on their flag would fit the bill.

The Rugby ball for their British heritage and the sheep representing the majority of their population.
