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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Neutral Milk Hotel - Well over a decade old now. Killer track lifted from one immensely powerful and significant album. Of course, it is sacrilege to not listen to the album in its entirety, but this might at least inspire some to go off and have a fuller listen...

Just took the family to see ACDC. Extremely good show. Hope it is not their last tour.

Glad I didn't see Whitney Houston
I post guitar youtubes.

here is Martin Taylors beautiful instrumental interpretation of "Georgia on my mind"

he does not make the slightest mistake of any kind in this live performance, his version is regarded as a guitar classic
Just took the family to see ACDC. Extremely good show. Hope it is not their last tour.

Glad I didn't see Whitney Houston
Same here, went to AC/DC in Sydney. I haven't heard anything official, but most people I've heard comment on it do seem to be assuming it's their last ever tour.

Also went to Soundwave. Brilliant bands, pity about the truly **** location and the heat. I'll go again for sure, but to another state with a better location for it.
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