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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

The Heavy ,and MMW
Anbody who deos not know THE HEAVY should Utube them up...and see them perform live versions of "How you like to feel"
What do you think the teacher is gonna look like this year.

Nay, the best Van Halen in m.o. is a two song combo .... "Sunday Afternoon in the Park" leading into "One Foot out the Door". LOUD.
What do you think the teacher is gonna look like this year.

Nay, the best Van Halen in m.o. is a two song combo .... "Sunday Afternoon in the Park" leading into "One Foot out the Door". LOUD.

Van Halen are something unique that's for sure.

The lead break in Hot for Teacher is just great.
Go the US Democrats, you and youre Republican friends make investing so easy.

What a great song for ASFers this year

The problem with bands like Foo Fighters and EverClear
is they are so America centric and they appear too sensible too people who
live south of the equator as most of them know it alas!

That's why they don't sell records! HAHAHAHAHA

That's it guys! You don't make a mark! BUT the SUN does~!
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