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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

The Europeans need waking up with their Song Contest.

Too many snoozers through to the final but these two no go. Must've been too energetic for the judges or something.....

Ukraine was London to a brick... and it coulda been a toothless hog farmer bashing two saucepans together, mouthing unintelligible gibberish (personal opinion).
Ukraine was London to a brick... and it coulda been a toothless hog farmer bashing two saucepans together, mouthing unintelligible gibberish (personal opinion).
Yep, Eurovision is what it is. Some questionable music, stage presence and a bit of politics thrown in determines the winner.

Personally I'd have picked this one musically:

Years ago (and lost touch with these people unfortunately), we had some friends who ran a horse magazine, but who were also music producers. Through them we met this bloke:

Anyway @macca , one night he pulled out his guitar and started singing ballads his grandfather wrote in Ireland. Wish I could have recorded it because it remains one of the most memorable moments of my life.

Did the Monitors use keyboards? (I'll show myself out...)

On the topic of celtic-y nostalgia-y stuff:
Some nice easy listening music to start your day.....

LOL .... Just happened across your post @Smurf1976

I have not listened to Nita Strauss apart from via the odd Alice Cooper tune where I didnt know it was her.

Off the back of your above tune (Which sounds very "System of a Down" , who I find very interesting)

I had a quick listen to Nita play The Star Spangled Banner. I'm an old rocker from way back, and I can assure everyone,

This little lady knows how to play!

On a quieter note, the best thing to come out of France IMO Paul Mauriat master of easy listening orchestral background music, great for something in the background. It can't always be rock and roll, well some may want a change, while sitting on the balcony with the nearest and dearest and a nice wine, just before the begging begins. ?

When the kids are away and you have prepared that candle lit dinner, for your special lady, there is nothing like pan flutes playing their dulcet tones in the background George Zamfir is the master.

I wish I had known all this $hit in the mining towns as a kid, I would have nailed it, or been beaten the crap out of.
Jeez I wish I had known it in the first 20 years of my marriage, my success rate would have been much higher IMO, but four kids was too many anyway. ?
When the kids are away and you have prepared that candle lit dinner, for your special lady, there is nothing like pan flutes playing their dulcet tones in the background
Oh.... Is that what I've been doing wrong.....

Might depend on the individuals involved since I have distinct memories of Ms Smurf crowd surfing, topless, at a concert once.

Not this actual performance but same band and song. Definitely no pan flutes here....

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