Must get wearisome for bands like that... many in the audience turn up hoping to hear that ONE big song. OTOH some performer songwriters or groups just have IT, natural hookmasters who can keep churning out top 10 hits. Thinking here for example about the three core Beatles, especially Lennon and McCartney, but Harrison was no slouch. Otherworldly sense of the pop hit.
What's more VERY often a one or two hit wonder type of artist actually owes their big song's catchiness to the writing collaboration of a real master who who isn't much associated with the song.
What's more VERY often a one or two hit wonder type of artist actually owes their big song's catchiness to the writing collaboration of a real master who who isn't much associated with the song
Personally it doesn't bother me who writes the songs, I just wish the artists were allowed to sing them without auto tune which has become ubiquitous on modern recordings.
Miss Sarajevo (Concert Version) is obliquely apropos. The song is pretty barren and dull until the big emotional payoff at 3:24 mark when big Pav starts his thing and shortly after the beauty contestants are shown holding up the sign, "DON'T LET THEM KILL US". The slow mediocrity of the first bit makes the payoff / reward that much more intense when it hits.