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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Mate the Nazi Swastika.

No offence taken to me but not cool as far as I am concerned.
Ah I see - I was looking at the lyrics not the video......

Personally I don't take offense, I see it as a band that shocked people for the sake of shocking them and the video's publicly available on YouTube, but if Joe deems it inappropriate then I won't be offended if the post is removed.
Peace be with you. Will you go a chicken dinner for my brother Bobby Sands?
every so often it is nice to hear an extended lead guitar break, flawed and idiosyncratic that this one is, and played loud.

And for the artist, it is a vindication of all those years in the bedroom, practicing and messing around with sound and technique.

Posting a few random songs in memory of my mother who sadly passed away today. Her main career was in radio so she heard rather a lot of music over the years and liked these among others.

Incidentally she never owned shares in anything but did work for a stockbroker for a period during the 1960's in Melbourne. All manual then, no such concept as electronic trading back then.


I'm very sorry to hear that you have lost your Mother. My condolences.
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