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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

More Living End

Thanks living dudes and we will roll on too! Cheers!

"5 weeks had passed when the Union made it clear..see your all expendable when all is said and done go back tomorrow and meet your new replacemant son"

Roll On
You Am I - Trike

What a wonderful HONEST straight-forward group
That is rhythm that kicks ****

The Prodigy - Omen

From the new album Invaders Must Die.

Any Prodigy fans out there should get the album as it's really good and much more like their old stuff.

The Prodigy - Omen

From the new album Invaders Must Die.

Any Prodigy fans out there should get the album as it's really good and much more like their old stuff.

Cool Real1ty

I bet Garpal Gumnut would love this one too!

Any oldie but a goodie.


Midnight Oil - SHORT MEMORY

The designated Hilton style with
running water specially bought - SHORT MEMORY

Midnight Oil - Tin Legs and Tin Mines

Machine Gun Fellatio : Mutha Fukka on a Motorcycle (Live)


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