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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Prawn will know why this is here.

Lead track from Sugar Army's debut EP Where Do You Hide Your Toys, released nationally February 23 2008 on Good Cop Bad Cop through Inertia.

Sugar Army - Now You're Old Enough

Aren't really my thing, but they get good crowds for reasons unknown to me. Very funny and nice kids though.
thanks chops,

i'll have a listen when im not at work

Well done on the label etc
Thanks Ray. :

The following is a band that has become a bit of an addiction for me of late. An "Art-Rock" band from Austin, and another that have had their leg up from Merge Records (my favourite label).

Anyway, they are called, '...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead'. Which apparently is a reference to a Mayan chant. Both you and Doctorj might be interested in them I think.

They are a bit of an acquired taste, because of the complexity of their music, sometimes odd time signatures, and very technical and complicated drumming. Which is interesting as to how they manage the consistency because they change instruments in recordings and live. The also have a million different hooks, and some seriously stunning kick downs.

So enjoy, you probably wont ever hear too much like them.

P.S. - I think a big part of the reason I like them is due to a penchant for military style snare work.

The Rest Will Follow (really awesome film clip) Probably the best song and a dead link... so here:

Relative Ways (speaking of hooks and kick downs! The one in the last 20 seconds says it all.)

Another Morning Stoner

Mistakes and Regrets

I have heard them before but cant remember exactly what they sound like though. Will listen after work

If you want odd drum timings (i kno ur a drummer) check out Meshugah... Swedish heavy/death metal
If you want odd drum timings (i kno ur a drummer) check out Meshugah... Swedish heavy/death metal

Thanks for spelling it out in my language so I could read it. :

Meshuggah are a little too heavy for my liking. Jon Theodore and his acts are what I listen to when I want to appreciate top notch drumming. It will be interesting to hear what his drumming is like on Zack de la Rocha's new album.

I was going to post this up a while ago. So you can listen to more stuff when you get home. This band have influenced Gyroscope quite a lot, Gyroscope always having been influenced by At The Drive In and such.

But any new effects from Gyroscope I hear, I've generally already heard them done by this band, Sparta. So, I will be very surprised if you don't like at least some of this. Their brand of hardcore crossover is just about as emo as I get. I would dearly love to see these guys live.

Breaking the Broken

Cut Your Ribbon


Taking Back Control


Cheers Chops, great stuff.

Here is another complex band ... from the 80s .. RUSH.

Not for everyone but I`m sure your familar with the drummer.
Great solo in this clip from about 3 mins.

Not for everyone but I`m sure your familar with the drummer.
Great solo in this clip from about 3 mins.

Yes... I'm familiar with Neal Pert.

Anyway, I'm seeing these guys tonight, 'Future of the Left'.

With one of my favourite contemporary drummers - half the band from Mclusky, who I've posted about previously here.

One of the best live bands going around apparently, and it's not hard to see why.

The Lord Hates A Coward (another wicked kick down):

And adeadenemyalwayssmellsgood:

Gotta love Welsh music...

Geez... that was one of the best gigs I've been to ever. Right up there with Eric Bachmann, even up there with Johnny Cash and The Highwaymen.

Got to meet the drummer man as well, Jack Egglestone, which was a big thrill.

Someone put half of the gig up on youtube as well, which is pretty sweet. You can see why I enjoyed it so much. Bludy awesome.

adeadenemyalwayssmellsgood live at the Amplifier bar:

And they also did a cover of a favourite Mclusky song of mine. Made my week.

The gun's in my hand and I know it looks bad
But believe me I'm innocent
I'm fearful I'm fearful I'm fearful of flying
And flying is fearful of me!!!!@##!!
Nicotine stained on account of her crutch
And I'm aching from ****ing too much

Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues:

Another classical ripper from "Britain's Got Talent"... only bloomin' 12 years old too.

The next installment from Faryl Smith

It's hard to believe she is so young with a voice like that.

Only twelve years old.

T W E L V E !!!!
On uni break so have been getting through a heaps of new music:

(all albums)

Energy 52 - Cafe del mare

Vicious Cuts - Summer 08 Dirty South mix

Booka Shade - The Sun and the Neon Light

One Love - Neon Nights

Grinspoon - Thrills, Kills and Sunday Pills (old classic summer album for me, reminds me of high school)

Rise Against - The Sufferer and the Witness

Weezer -

and a bit of Tool thrown in for good measure

Waiting for Butterfly Effect new album and Ben Folds new one...
Death Magnetic - by Metallica. Got the album the day it was released and can't stop listening to it. They have returned to their best style after St. Anger which was a bit ordinary.

Other recent buys include:
White noise - The Living End - Good album
Viva La Vida - Coldplay - Wouldn't be depressed if I never heard any of it again
Breed Obsession - Gyroscope - Another good album
Stop Making Sense - Talking Heads - One from the archives and a classic album
Neil Young has some real thought provoking songs ...

Comes a time
when you're driftin'
Comes a time
when you settle down
Comes a light
feelin's liftin'
Lift that baby
right up off the ground.

Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.

comes a time - gr8 stuff

what am I listening to? today? To suit the mood?
"Hang down your head Tom Dooley!" lol
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