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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Has he actually died yet? I thought he was taken off life support but kept on ticking?
Nefarious editing at play there. He was pronounced dead when I posted the link.

Meanwhile the laws of life and death in that part of the world remain in a state of flux.

Even Wikipedia had to change his bio from "is" to "was" and back again.
Nefarious editing at play there. He was pronounced dead when I posted the link.

Meanwhile the laws of life and death in that part of the world remain in a state of flux.

Even Wikipedia had to change his bio from "is" to "was" and back again.

Being awkward in his old age.
I should play "Stop draggin' my heart around" but the PC crew will kill me.

So I'll just upload a parrot instead

This one is tugging at my heart strings lately....

Conservative political parties usually benefit from self induced fallout.

More people now know who Cory Bernardi is.

Pass the dutchie will you ?
Neil Young, with The Band, at The Band's final concert in 1976, singing Helpless. Looks like Joni Mitchell doing back-up vocals too.


I'll give Neil the benefit of the doubt on the reason why his jaw is grinding away.

The clip is from the movie, by Scorcese, "The Last Waltz". If you ever get a chance to see it, do!
The Dutch are good for some things, including winning Hollands Got Talent in 2010:

Queen at Live Aid is always a great watch.
Probably one of the best live performance music sets ever made with Freddie Mercury just owning the stage and the crowd.
I don't get tired of it
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