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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Funny... I joked to someone a few years back that if they got Peter Combe to gig again, they could probably make a pretty penny, because he has single handedly shaped a whole generation of Australian Indie and Twee kids.

And it seems someone may have acted on my thoughts... Lol! I remember adding his myspace when he had like 10 friends on it. Crazy.

Anyway, given that he is coming to Perth for a few shows that I'll go to, I better start listening again. Ahhhhhh the memories!!!

And a recent release!:

A plug for Modest Mouse's album - We were dead before the ship even sank.

Others that I'm listening to a lot at the moment
Eagles of Death Metal - Death By Sexy
Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris
The Grates - Gravity won't get you high
The White Stripes - Icky Thump
Places like this - Architecture in Helsinki
The Cat Empire - So many nights
Death to the Pixies - The Pixies

If anyone can tell me how to get compilation albums appear as a single album on coverflow on the new iPods, I'll be forever indebted to them.
A plug for Modest Mouse's album - We were dead before the ship even sank.

Others that I'm listening to a lot at the moment
Eagles of Death Metal - Death By Sexy
Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris
Death to the Pixies - The Pixies
I find the new Modest Mouse album to be a bit repetitive unfortunately.

But if you like these sort of bands, check out Mclusky and Death From Above 1979 for starters:

Mclusky (perhaps my favourite song released in the last 5 years):

Death From Above:

And yeah, if you like this sort of music, come to Amplifier in November when I will be djing
Cheers for those Chops - I'll have to listen to more of these bands.
Foo Fighters new album - same old fooies but still good on first impressions. deeper listening needed.

Radiohead: Amnesiac & Kid A - 2 classic albums that i always pull out now and again.

Grinspoon: Alibis and other lies - again just another grinners album. NEw detention was their pinnacle IMO, and i regulary listen to that and Easy and Guide to Better Living. Not as much of a fan of their newer stuff, sounds too forced.

Birds of Tokyo - side project of Karnivool. Not as good as Karnivool IMO but still well worth a listen.

Chemical Bros: We are the night - great djs/producers with a wide range. Awesome live set too!
Well, this is of David McComb and The Triffids. Arguably one of the most important musical exports from Australia, and from WA in particular.

This song, 'Wide Open Road', is perhaps the spiritual anthem for WA. Perpetual emptiness portrayed in this music, has continually been found in the "Perth Sound" and in particular the Perth art-rock community, in which it is always a driving undercurrent. The footage of the film is largely taken from the Rockingham district, with aerial shots of the Mandurah/ Peel region. Both would be totally unrecognisable today.

David died at 36 in 1999, from heart complications after a life of drugs and alcohol. He was only 23 in this video (my age), but you can already see the effects on him here.

Anyway, enjoy the anthem of WA, and all it represents. RIP David.

Just got Ray Lamontagne on my radar.

Young /but old (if you get my drift) U.S. guy.Has plenty of life experience for a 20 something.Spent his formative years traveling with his family in a quasi Gypsy lifestyle.

Collection I have is titled "Trouble" A quote from the cover of the CD.

" And you ,liar,teller of tall tales.
You trample all the Lords commandments underfoot,you murder ,steal ,committ adultery.
And afterward break into tears ,beat your breast,take down your guitar and turn the sin into a song.
Shrewd devil,you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do,
Because he can simply die for a song"

After listening to him many times I have come to the conclusion this is rather autobiographical!!.No Utube links...although there are quite a few ..check him out

Cheers Ya'll
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