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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

They have released a remix of this song, and the magnificent guitar solo by Ian Bairnson, at the end, is a bit higher in the mix. Great bass playing too.

They keep ripping the dang thing down off youtube, but if you ever get to see the 1976 (original) version of The Eagles, Hotel California, I just cant believe how good these 5 guys played and sang together on this track ( live)

I downloaded it after I bought my Gibson EDS1275D, to check out Don Felder playing his, I noticed Glen Frey playing a Martin D12-20 which I also own. Now all I got to do is play and sing like an angel
Here's a free plug for a mates band:

Lander Configurations - just released their debut album. Check out a couple free songs on Triple J Unearthed website.
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Listening to this (a lot):

Morgan Page, Sultan + Ned Shepard, and BT | In the Air feat. Angela McCluskey
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Boz Scaggs and band live, from the Greatest Hits Live album, Breakdown Dead Ahead...they dont make music ilike this anymore.
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