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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Kill Bill Soundtrack - The Lonely Shepherd

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Duck Sauce - Big Bad Wolf

Definitely NSFW
May (will) offend some viewers.

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This video may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as determined by the video uploader.

To view this video please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up.

Also available at Nova, where they said this:
Duck Sauce's grotesque, provocative, outrageous "Big Bad Wolf" music video

Enough warnings (don't say you haven't been warned).

It is a lot of fun and creative. Not a bad dance tune either.

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Another 27 year old taken. Seems that's the allotted space for some musicians. In esteemed company, Morrison, Hendrix, Johnson, Joplin.
The 27-year-old Winehouse had fought a very public battle with drug and alcohol abuse for years, and there had been much speculation that she died from a drug overdose. But a pathologist said the small amount of a drug prescribed to help her cope with the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal had nothing to do with her death.
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