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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Call me soft, but i just added these to my collection:

Leonard Cohen - ten new songs
Norah Jones - moon songs
Sade - greatest hits Sade - Cherish The Day
she's using her hips - but ... it's 80% song and 20% hips
whereas shakira's "hips don't lie" is 80% hips and ... i forget the rest

i guess it depends on what the purpose of the song is .
but dont expect me to get up at karioki and sing this one
hula dancing was bad enough.

like the one about the oldies (generation X) around the piano at retirement home singing "F*** you I wont do what you tell me!, F*** you I won't etc etc "
CanOz said:
Call me soft, but i just added these to my collection:
Leonard Cohen - Norah Jones - Sade

Ive already posted a few leonard cohen on lyrics thread, take this waltz leonard cohen

no doubt about him - great for a quiet mediation with REAL lyrics lol

If you'll excuse a comment from the peanut gallery but.. Can I encourage people to use youtube , maybe post a link to what they're referring to - for instance you get a heap of extra info.. eg re "take this waltz", you find comments:-

"Yes, the lyrics are from a poem by Lorca "Pequeño vals vienés" from Poeta en Nueva York. Beatiful lyrics, beatiful music.
Yeah, the ending would be appreciated. I didn't know Garcia Lorca had anything to do with this song. It's my favorite "Leonard" song except for my other favorites
There's something about this song that makes me think of death, but I absolutely love it.
It was from a concert in Denmark. Brilliant clip, pity it was cut short.
Cohen is unique. His lyrics carry tremendous meaning and his music is melodic and deep. Cheers to you, Mr. Cohen. "
I couldn't agree more. dance me to the end of love
the other thing these videos do is give you extra tips about what the author (in cohen's case at least) was thinking about
- although maybe you need a bit of petrol handy to sniff to make sense of many of his songs

(compare that single shot of the girl's naked waist at end of "dance me to end of love" to all of shakira's gyrations - one so classy, one arguably pretty cheap imo - depends how many beers Ive had - and not that i'd argue in reality )

I would love to refer to youtube etc. but 1.)its full of virus's...and 2.) i just got the internet back after a month of only being able to view some webpages....its not that great and too slow to even view youtube. Maybe when they fix the other five undersea cables!

- cheers canaus
I'll post em if I see em - assuming youre not offended.
I thought I had a virus the other day - but did a scan with new virus checker - n probs - and no probs since. Maybe too many firewalls (suspect I had 2 of hub, microsoft, and/or pccillin )
No worries 20/20, keep them coming, once i get my home PC i'll check them out more.

just a note - all pretty obvious - but when you play a song on youtube, you can pause the playback (hockey stix turn to triangle) and let the red "download" line get a bit ahead , even to the end if you wish - and only then play the thing (without the constant pauses).

by the way - you'll find my sense of music has a pretty high "2CH factor" - if you can understand that reference. i.e. oldies radio channel in Sydney
jasoni said:
Tool, Rage against the machine, Helmet, Deftones, Beastie Boys,

And some good heavy stuff also but not so much these days: Sepultura, Pantera, old Metallica stuff.

Its not just metal/alternate.. love some good trance.. Tiesto

And this is one from Deftones. (nice!!!)
For anyone who is interested they are playing around the country soon.. Playing in Adelaide on 1st March at Thebby...
Anything by Texas / Sharleen Spiteri

Especially White on Blonde, Hush and Redbook albums

Kill teen Angst


Was a great mix of Perth and Melbourne art-rock tonight.
gr8 stuff wayne ..
what happened to the old saying ... "its not over till the fat lady nails on the horny helmet" - half of em use real nails I'm told - but you seem to be able to find some real beauties. (beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder - especially happy hour on Friday nights)

speaking of "song to the moon", my dog has a beaut version as well.

here's one with a point to it ..
tusk, fleetwood mac
2020hindsight said:
speaking of "song to the moon", my dog has a beaut version as well.
I think I do something similar watching Netrebko
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