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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Walked into JB HiFi in Melbourne 2 days before Xmas,and my jaw dropped when Miles Davis Cellar Door and Seven Steps to Heaven (Box sets)were on special- half price!!!!!.....Got all the boxes now just need to hear them........errr bought Aladdin Sane by Bowie.......
Chris Cornell - you know my name
it's the James Bond Casino Royale theme song... very cool
Bouncing souls, Dropkick murphys ( oi oi oi !!) H20, Rancid, D.R.I., Agnostic front, The Vandals, Slayer ( touring april, how cool is that!!), Metallica, Fear factory, Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Cypress hill, Tiesto, Paul Van Dyke, Pendulum, ...........................
wayneL said:
Angela Gheorghiu - 'O mio babbino caro'

here you go wayne
O mio babbino care,
Mi piace, e bello bello,
Vo andare in Porta Rossa
A comperar l anello!
Si,si ci voglio andare
e se l amassi indarno
andrei sui Ponte Vecchio
ma per buttaarmi in Arno!
Mi struggo e mi tormento!
O Dio, vorrei morir!
Babbo, pieta, pieta!
Babbo, pieta, pieta!

Oh my dear daddy
I love him, he is so handsome
I want to go to Porta Rossa
to buy the ring!
Yes, yes, I mean it
And if my love were in vain
I would go to Ponte Vecchio
and throw myself in the Arno!
I fret and suffer torments!
Oh God, I would rather die!
Daddy, have pity, have pity!
Daddy, have pity, have pity! woman in love

Slayer \m/ \m/ Your my kind of investor.. I just spent the last hour learning masters apprentice by Opeth while the wife and kids aren't home and I can turn the dial up to 11
2020hindsight said:
Oh my dear daddy, etc ]
sorry, Aussie translation:-

Hey dad!!
I REALLY like this bloke!!, he's sooo sexy,
I want to go to Port Pirie with him
for a dirty weekend! ok?
Yep - I'm dinkum dad
And we might make love in the van
and push on ta Port Augusta
and throw ourselves in the Torrens!
Cmon dad - I got this real bad hangover!
Cripes, I would rather die!
Dad!!, stop yelling, have pity!
Dad!!, stop yelling, have pity!

The "Aussiefied" Italian version

Hey papa!!
REALMENTE gradisco questo bloke!! , è sooo sexy,
Desidero andare Port Pirie con
per una fine settimana sporca! approvazione?
Si - sono dad di dinkum
E potremmo fare l'amore nel furgone
e spinta sull'AT Augusta Port
e getti nel Torrens!
Papa di Cmon - ho ottenuto questi postumi di una sbornia difettosi reali!
Mama mia, piuttosto morrei!
Papa!! , l'arresto che urla, ha pity!
Papa!! , l'arresto che urla, ha pity!

wayneL said:
The "Aussiefied" Italian version
Hey papa!! REALMENTE gradisco questo bloke!!

lol - thanks m8 - somehow I think the passion for opera is destined to be concentrated north of the equator maybe Phantom is closest we come in english? (not that I'm an expert) - but as for central WA lol - makes a change from watching the footy yes?
As I might have mentioned b4, I have a mate married to a fantastic Italian lady - lives in Melb - she does the housework with opera blasting out - cries and laughs the whole day through lol.- when you chivvy her about it she laughs loud - magic stuff, emotional highs and lows (of this sort) are good for the soul imho
C. W. Stoneking apparently grew up in Sydney which is very surprising considering his music. He performed at Madeliene Peyroux's concert in Sydney last week. His CD is quite amazing. Madeliene was very good, although she took a while to get going.

King Hokum is a great album - let's hope that there are more to come.

To hear his music

From his website;
nothing wrong with a bit o metal. to some people, as my old man use to say its all bash, bash, thump, thump shaw sum of the vocals mit sound primevil, primitive and the vocalist needs throat lozenges but if u were to eva see these band live or on DVD the way they play there instruments and the complexity of fret work, time changes, drumming etc, well lets just say these guys wood put a lot of so called "musicians" to shame. One of the best "metal" guitarists in the world, Yngywie malmsteen, well if u eva heard his rising force album, enuff said!!!!
stevo said:
C. W. Stoneking apparently grew up in Sydney which is very surprising considering his music. .... His CD is quite amazing.
wowo - top stuff m8 - musta picked a few bales of cotton in a previous life you'd reckon ?
pch said:
Slayer \m/ \m/ Your my kind of investor.. I just spent the last hour learning masters apprentice by Opeth while the wife and kids aren't home and I can turn the dial up to 11

thought only Spinal tap had amps that went to 11!!
Tool, Rage against the machine, Helmet, Deftones, Beastie Boys,

And some good heavy stuff also but not so much these days: Sepultura, Pantera, old Metallica stuff.
is this the sort of thing you like? Rage Against The Machine - People Of The Sun
Lemme say I fully understand why it's free on youtube - because personally I find it ... incomprehensible that anyone would buy that stuff.
- must have more money than me if you do
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