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Mueller and Russiagate

I don't have Fox news on my news feed Bas.

Fair comment Ann. I rechecked the source of your articles and none were from Fox.
Having said that Zerohedge and Mishtalk are generally more extreme in their political outlook.
And the headline you used which I said was a straight out lie was way out there.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

“Donald Trump was being framed, he fought back. That is not Obstruction.” @JesseBWatters I had the right to end the whole Witch Hunt if I wanted. I could have fired everyone, including Mueller, if I wanted. I chose not to. I had the RIGHT to use Executive Privilege. I didn’t!

So this is how Donald Trump views NOT actually sacking Mueller and closing down the the investigation. He needs to be made accountable before Congress.

I wasn't taking much notice of it Bas, those two sites are fringe but can sometimes have some obscure stuff of interest. As I said before, I am just chucking the stuff up as I see it. On a 1 to 10 scale of caring.... -1!
More fallout from Muellers report.
What a surprise Trump Press secretary Sarah Saunders lies in her press conferences...

Mueller report: press secretary Sarah Sanders admitted to lying to reporters
Sanders said her claim that countless members of the FBI opposed former director James Comey was ‘not founded on anything’

Lois Beckett

Fri 19 Apr 2019 01.51 BST Last modified on Fri 19 Apr 2019 01.52 BST

After Trump fired James Comey, the White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders repeatedly claimed in live press briefings that the rank and file of the FBI had lost confidence in the FBI director, and that “we’ve heard from countless members of the FBI” who did not support him.

Those statements had no basis in fact, Sanders later admitted in interviews with special counsel Robert Mueller’s office.

The redacted version of the special counsel’s report released on Thursday included multiple examples of Trump’s current and former press secretaries making false claims to journalists, particularly in the days after Comey’s firing.

Sanders, the current White House press secretary, told the special counsel’s office that a statement she had made to journalists about the Comey’s lack of support within the FBI “was not founded on anything”.

Sanders’ claim on 10 May 2017, the day after Comey was fired, that “countless members of the FBI” opposed Comey was “a slip of the tongue”, Sanders told the special counsel’s office in an interview last year.

Sanders repeated that “slip of the tongue” during a press briefing the following day, when skeptical White House reporters questioned her on her claim that Comey did not have support within the FBI’s rank and file. One reporter asked what basis the White House had for that conclusion, given that the FBI’s acting director had publicly said that Comey still had the support among the FBI’s agents.

“I can speak to my own personal experience,” Sanders told the White House press. “I’ve heard from countless members of the FBI that are grateful and thankful for the president’s decision.” She went on: “I’ve certainly heard from a large number of individuals. And that’s just myself. And I don’t know that many people in the FBI.”

“You personally have talked to countless officials, employees, since this happened?” another reporter asked later.

“Correct,” Sanders said.

“I mean, really?” the second reporter asked.

“Between like, email, text messages – absolutely,” Sanders said.

“Fifty? Sixty? Seventy?” the reporter asked.

“Look, we’re not going to get into a numbers game. I have heard from a large number of individuals that work at the FBI that said they’re very happy with the president’s decision. I don’t know what else I can say.”
You should take another Xanax, bas.

You should take another Xanax, bas.


Nah it isn't Bas that needs to take the Xanax, it is the Guardian Newspaper. It needs to be SENSATIONAL! at all times. It is 'reader' funded comment.
Nah it isn't Bas that needs to take the Xanax, it is the Guardian Newspaper. It needs to be SENSATIONAL! at all times. It is 'reader' funded comment.

Well Ann perhaps you and Wayne need to understand what real news is before you find your
The fact is, having the Presidents Press secretary caught out, by her own admission, on a detailed libelous public lie is news. If you think The Guardian was being too sensational in it's reporting your welcome to check out all the other media that noticed the number of lies told on behalf of the lying, thieving xhit who is currently President of the US. You'll find they are even more colourful than the relatively reserved Guardian.
You were just so quiet about Obama's, and particularly Hilary's dubious activities, bas.

I wonder why?
You were just so quiet about Obama's, and particularly Hilary's dubious activities, bas.
I wonder why?
I think we know why! The US Democrats and their co-travellers have seriously lost the plot, and are becoming increasingly deranged. They've never gotten over Hillary losing, in the revenge of the Deplorables.

Mueller report: The winners and losers - NIALL STANAGE - 04/18/19

.."We're probably the first administration in modern history that hasn't had a major scandal in the White House," Obama himself said. A new book puts the lie to that statement...

No Russian collusion. Its been a collusion delusion since hillary lost. Things that did happen were Obama and hillary sent agents to spy on trump. And the "pee pee" dossier was obtained via a contracted ex British spy from the Russians via the dems. Even had suspect fbi involvement.
Might be keeping that powder dry closer to the election.

The report shows he was bordering on obstruction. But the charges were bs in the first place.

Is he a liar sht bag about most things- yes he is. However there have been a lot of delusions coming out of leftists the whole presidency with made up reasons on why they lost. Its bordering on fascism the amount of propaganda coming out.

He has been harder on the Russians then Obama was. Even the act of getting UN members to allocate more money to defence is pi$$ing the Russians off.

And the team member that was done were a separate incident. Go read up the facts on his case. That was primarily greed in that instance.

Bets should be on Trump or Trudeau who falls first. Trudeau the golden boy of the left fell hard and fast. His presidency had lies, corruption, bribes, the lot.
Not even a whimper from the left.

The US election is soon anyway. Let them sort it out. We don't vote in it so it doesn't really matter.
I think Trump is bad for the Australian economy through his tariffs on China. And the US if successful will screw us on trade with China. Thats a real issue to not like Trump or the US.
Nothing to see here move along please.............
Nothing to see here move along please.............
So says the Mueller report

From start to finish there was something to see. And it started with hillary and ended with Trump.
Podesta started the whole Russian interference rumours as a way to deflect his poor performance...
Well Ann perhaps you and Wayne need to understand what real news is before you find your

It is simply quoting the Guardian that makes me groan Bas. It is such a sensationalist mind-numbing tabloid.
Who are the the target audience for The Guardian?

Tanya Eti-Vaiotu, Auckland, New Zealand

  • If recent N&Q questions are to be believed, the Guardian is targeted at people who cannot be bothered to do their own research or think for themselves.
    Gareth Graham, Bristol, UK

  • Was this query submitted by The Guardian's marketing division?
    Sheila Kirby, Esbjerg, Denmark

  • It used to be adults, then along came computer games blogs.
    Pete Wigens, Stroud, Glos, UK

  • Who *is* the target audience for The Guardian, surely?
    Aidan Turner-BIshop, Preston, England

  • Aidan Turner is suffering from misplaced pedantry. 'Who are' may be questionable but 'what is' is a better alternative. 'Who is' would only be correct if the audience consisted of but one member.
    Pete Wigens, Stroud, Glos

  • The smug and self-satisfied, in my experience - bolstered by that vast army of people who are roughly 50% less intelligent than they think they are. People like me, basically.
    Daniel Owen, London, UK

There is more if you can be bothered.....
.....and let's not forget Obama, more opined comment today from the 'fringe' media...

CNN Op-Ed Admits "Mueller's Report Looks Bad For Obama"

With Congressional Democrats tantruming over redactions, presidential candidates out-virtue-signalling one another in denigration of Trump (for what it is unclear) calling for impeachment (again, for what is unclear) and the liberal media desperate for a distraction from the embarrassment of their two-year harassment in lieu of the main headline - "no collusion, no obstruction;" few if any among the mainstream have noticed (or mentioned) one tiny little detail in the Mueller Report... the 'confirmed' interference by Russia in the 2016 US Election took place - knowingly - under President Obama's watch.

But amid all this sound and fury, something odd happened. The 'powers-that-be' at CNN - ground zero for the Trump's-a-traitorous-Putin-Puppet propaganda - have allowed the publication of an op-ed amid their hallowed pages that casts blame at the anointed one. CNN contributor Scott Jennings - soon to be exiled from every social media platform we suspect - dared to point out that the Mueller report looks bad for Obama. More....
"Hollow And Laughable": Russia Issues Own Scathing 120-page Reaction To Mueller Report

One day following last Thursday's bombshell Mueller report or rather we should say the report which ended three years of nonstop 'Russiagate' hysteria with a not-so-dramatic whimper the Russian embassy in the US issued its own scathing report, calling the collusion conspiracy which Mueller's team sought to uncover "hollow and laughable".

The Russian embassy also said it was "no surprise" that the investigation delivered "no tangible result" in its own massive 120-page study, released online Friday, even the title of which pulled no punches The Russiagate Hysteria: A Case of Severe Russiaphobia.

The publication blasted a list of "groundless accusations" repeated since Trump's 2016 election, including allegations of Russian election meddling, the Kremlin's supposedly being behind the DNC hack, as well as Trump's working with Russian intelligence. More...
Ann have you read the Mueller report ? In any depth rather than the three world headlines ponied out by Donald Trump?
You quoting and supporting the most one eyed misinformative information on this topic is making the epics look mild.

The Russian response is a bald faced lie. Some of the most detailed information in the report was on the extensive Russian interference in the election process.
Incisive analysis of where Congress should go in light of the Mueller report.

Hillary Clinton: Mueller documented a serious crime against all Americans. Here’s how to respond.

Hillary Clinton was the 2016 Democratic nominee for president.

Our election was corrupted, our democracy assaulted, our sovereignty and security violated. This is the definitive conclusion of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report. It documents a serious crime against the American people.

The debate about how to respond to Russia’s “sweeping and systematic” attack — and how to hold President Trump accountable for obstructing the investigation and possibly breaking the law — has been reduced to a false choice: immediate impeachment or nothing. History suggests there’s a better way to think about the choices ahead.

Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.

I am also someone who, by a strange twist of fate, was a young staff attorney on the House Judiciary Committee’s Watergate impeachment inquiry in 1974, as well as first lady during the impeachment process that began in 1998. And I was a senator for New York after 9/11, when Congress had to respond to an attack on our country. Each of these experiences offers important lessons for how we should proceed today.
Ann have you read the Mueller report ?
Heavens no Bas, as I said I have less than zero interest but no-one else bothered to put up a thread about it, so I took it upon myself just in order to air it. I don't analyze or critique the articles, occasionally I read them but I am putting them up for those who give-a-damn. (I am just not one of them).
I just thought there may be a bit more mileage in the report now it is released to kick around on the forum. If the stuff I post is opposite to your opinions then so much the better. If all I put up was all you felt was correct, it would be boring. Boring is no fun at all. I quite enjoy watching you get all huffed up with outrage! (I am not baiting you though, that would be nasty).

Will Julian Assange ‘Team up’ With Trump to Bury Russiagate – and Just Maybe the Deep State – Once and for All?

Don’t believe that Russiagate has concluded. Indeed, it may have only just begun, Robert Bridge writes.

Coming just days after the release of the anticlimactic Mueller Report, Julian Assange was deprived of asylum and arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he now faces extradition to the United States. Was the timing of this dramatic move a mere coincidence, or is something else going on?

The WikiLeaks founder and editor was dragged into the blinding light of London just 30 days after the IMF approved a $4.2-billion loan for cash-strapped Ecuador, and 18 days after the conclusion of the two-year Robert Mueller investigation, which failed to unearth any trace of Russian collusion. Hang on, that’s not all. One day before Assange lost his asylum, Attorney General William Barr told US lawmakers that he believed the Trump presidential campaign was spied on during the 2016 election.

“I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2016,” Barr told a House panel on April 10, one day before Assange’s apprehension. More...

Joe di Genova explains where the Russia Hoax is headed

Throughout the unfolding of the Russia hoax, nobody has topped the clarity provided by DC superlawyer and former US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joseph DiGenova. In his television and radio appearances, he has not minced words about the nature of the illegal coup underway, and has not hesitated to name names. More...
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