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Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

Another Republican (from when they used to be Republicans) refusing to join the Group Think (dumbed down) Cult.

Former Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger endorses Kamala Harris​

Arnold Schwarzenegger has joined the list of Republicans crossing party lines to endorse Kamala Harris.

In a statement posted to X, the actor said he doesn't "really do endorsements" but understands people wanted to hear from him as a former California governor.

Cheating by democrats is next level this election. They have been closing polling booths early and using suppression tactics. They have been duplicating ballots. Have had a bunch of Democrats masquerading as officials. The harvesting program is in full swing. There's undocumented migrants getting ids and voting.

There's a lot of video rolling out and Republicans are on it with lawyers this time. I still don't think it's enough to stop it. It's enough to push Harris over the line

2020 was rigged 100%.
I'm mixed on this. Harris Biden leadership has been extremely weak worldwide.
Before I clearly thought we would be protected as an allied nation. But democrats seem to be driving us towards war.
There's multiple conflicts that could blow out to world wars under Bidens watch.
Poor people suffer by being on the front lines.

I also don't think Republicans would go willingly to fight a Democrat backed war. So it will split troop numbers to the point of not being able to continue a long campaign.

Trump at least kept the peace. Harris will concede more ground.
I am mixed also geopolitically.
Trump has said Ukraine will not get another cent. this will mean more wars in Europe as Estonia will be next.
Personally, if I was Harris I would escalate with Russia and force an agreement, obviously, she won't announce that before an election but we can't just let Europe fall like dominoes. I am scared though she will go the Obama route which as you say is weak.

I am worried Trump will pull back in our region, let's face it his is an isolationist. He would do a deal so he doesn't have to fund Taiwan anymore and then China will be the new dominant power.

But I don't know if the Democrats have an end game or whether it will just be never ending wars.
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Agree with a lot of this.

Ukraine is about the gas and wheat. US didn't do all that for free and Trump will likely try to stiff Putin on a deal.

I honestly think the US would leave us to rot. We are already on the nose to many of the yanks. Their media runs a lot if negative stories on us. I doubt they would come in for us. Even if they did we would be paying for it forever.
I honestly think the US would leave us to rot. We are already on the nose to many of the yanks. Their media runs a lot if negative stories on us. I doubt they would come in for us. Even if they did we would be paying for it forever.

The stationing of large numbers of US troops here could be a bulwark against US administrations with drawing support come the war.

In an all out war here suspect the UK would be the 1st to support us one of the reasons I don't discount the importance of our link to the English Monarchy.

As for paying for ever to support the US alliance we already are.
You forgot to say - that California is a longstanding, textbook blue (Democrat) State.
Unlike 'Sleepy Joe', I suppose,
who this week said that: half of American voters (i.e. Trump supporters) are 'garbage' 'deplorables'.

Hence this ironic photo op.
No, that's an official photo of him driving the garbage truck.

And no, I don't think Biden looks like an Oompa Loompa, closest i can think of is young Mr Grace from Are you being served

There has and always will be voting irregularities.
It happens in OZ as well.
The old saying, Vote early, Vote often is easy when you don't have to provide ID.
We don't require ID in OZ.
The real question is, do these voting irregularities really have that much of an impact on the outcome?
The second question is, do one side or the other feature prominently in these irregularities?
Although its fashionable tto highlight the fairly obvious suss things done by and on behalf of democrats, it would be naive at best to ptestend that similar tactics are not undertaken by republicans and others.
Unless a particular seat is very close, statistically you would need a large number of irregularities going mostly one way.
Makes good copy, but practically irrelevant.
Sounds like you have already decided the 2024 election will also be rigged.

The eyes of the world are watching on.

The USA is not a third world country, they can count votes fairly, FFS.

100% the 2020 Election was rigged and l bet if we look further back, there were others also rigged.

If you think elections in the USA are squeaky clean you are either missing chromosomes or a sheep
it would be naive at best to pretend that similar tactics are not undertaken by republicans and others.
No it wouldn't. That's the old argument that one politician is as bad as the other and piously washing one's hands of them. It's a false equivalence, they're not the same. Hilary Clinton said Trump was an illegitimate president, now democrat aligned commentators say she didn't say it. These democrat operatives are preparing the ground for denigrating anyone, especially Trump, for demanding audits or for bringing receipts of vote falsification. Last time most news outlets, including here in Australia, would not say, "Trump claims that the election was stolen", they would instead say, "Trump 'falsely' claims that the election was stolen". The Democrat party is riddled with hypocrites, narrative manipulators and grifters. The Bidens are literally treasonous. There is noone I can think of on the Republican side that is comparable, certainly not as a group. Its the Dems that nearly got Trump killed with their relentless demonisation. The Dems who have hijacked the DOJ, FBI and are populating the courts with activist D.As and judges. There'll be the videoed evidence again in this election of their activists going around ballot box stuffing, vote bribing and harvesting, accredited republican observers being driven out of ballot counting centres by goons, shifty behaviour from ballot counters, multiple voting, dead people voting, whole wards where the votes come in totally democrat in late night counting .. blah blah.
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