Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

America is being deliberately destroyed from within and communists are salivating. Or maybe I'm crazy .. nah. They're behind the gibbering soulless idiot.

As far as the 2020 election went the courts simply didn't find any fraud, that's really the end of the story always has been and given Trumps conniving in the courts recently the courts certainly are not biased against him.
I can't be bothered rehashing old arguments. But there were multiple changes made. If Trump did win I'd expect jail sentences.

Cheney’s Endorsement Was No Accident

—William Kristol

Liz Cheney spoke yesterday at Duke University, a very fine school known for being a five-time NCAA national men’s basketball champion. Like so many of those teams shaped by the great Coach K, Cheney came to play.

Honored by Duke as this year’s Sanford Distinguished Lecturer, Cheney engaged in a conversation with political scientist Peter Feaver on the subject of “Defending Democracy.”

As a former Republican leader in the House of Representatives and Vice Chair of the House’s January 6th Committee in 2022, Cheney had many important things to say on that broad topic. But what was notable is that she decided not simply to look back and reflect but to confront the challenge we face in defending our democracy now.

Speaking extemporaneously, Cheney said this to an auditorium full of students:

Donald Trump, no matter what your policy views are—no matter if you are a conservative Republican or not—Donald Trump cannot be trusted with power. The power of the presidency is the most awesome power of any office anywhere in the world, and the character of the people we elect really matters. And, so what I say is, I understand the desire to think that you’re casting a vote for conservative policies, but—first of all, he is not a conservative, and he’s dangerous, and this is not a policy election, and we can talk about getting this country back on track once we get through this election cycle—but Donald Trump, if he is reelected, will be far more dangerous than we have ever seen before.
He has told us he believes you can terminate the Constitution. He’s gone to war with the rule of law. He repeatedly suggests that the people who assaulted and attacked the Capitol should be celebrated. He has said he will ignore the rulings of the courts. He won’t leave office. He is a risk that we simply can’t take, and he has to be defeated.
I say that, not as a liberal Democrat. Not as someone who agrees with policies on the left most of the time, but he is simply a risk that, as a nation, we must never take again.
Because we are here in North Carolina, I think it is crucially important for people to recognize not only is what I’ve just said about the danger that Trump poses, something that should prevent people from voting for him, but I don’t believe that we have the luxury of writing in candidates’ names, particularly in swing states. And, as a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.
And let me say that I think it is crucially important—and I would say especially to my fellow conservatives—that we think about the stakes and we think about the extent to which we have a duty, a duty, to put our country and our Constitution above partisanship. We all have that duty and responsibility.

The word 'Bulwark' is a chic word that cultural or actual Marxists use, like 'ramparts'.
From the first line of wikipedia:
The Bulwark is an American center-right and anti-Trump conservative news and opinion website.
Whereas they state of themselves, "The Bulwark was founded to provide analysis and reporting in defense of America’s liberal democracy.
That’s it. That’s the mission."
Andrew Egger has been a White House correspondent, almost none of them treated Trump with fairness and respect and they basically served as tamed assets of the Democrat Party and the establishment
Liz Chaney is a well recognized pseudo republican, a RINO, intent on power for herself and her family. She can't claim many "fellow conservatives" and most would consider her a rat and shill for the Democrats. Nothing new at all for her to undermine Trump.
According to the poll bludger: "Harris’ probability of winning the Electoral College in Silver’s model has dropped from 47% last Friday to 42%, with Trump now the favourite at a 58% chance to win"

Could be another Hillary Killary ?

According to the poll bludger: "Harris’ probability of winning the Electoral College in Silver’s model has dropped from 47% last Friday to 42%, with Trump now the favourite at a 58% chance to win"

Could be another Hillary Killary ?

For the US it's probably a good thing. Might lessen the current authoritarian moves being made throughout the west.
Most likely not great for stability for many zones. Tesla will moon if Trump gets in.

Cheney’s Endorsement Was No Accident

—William Kristol

Liz Cheney spoke yesterday at Duke University, a very fine school known for being a five-time NCAA national men’s basketball champion. Like so many of those teams shaped by the great Coach K, Cheney came to play.

Honored by Duke as this year’s Sanford Distinguished Lecturer, Cheney engaged in a conversation with political scientist Peter Feaver on the subject of “Defending Democracy.”

As a former Republican leader in the House of Representatives and Vice Chair of the House’s January 6th Committee in 2022, Cheney had many important things to say on that broad topic. But what was notable is that she decided not simply to look back and reflect but to confront the challenge we face in defending our democracy now.

Speaking extemporaneously, Cheney said this to an auditorium full of students:

Ya gotta larf at the sanctimonious democrats and their acolytes enthusiastically revelling in Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris over Trump.
Indeed , Bernie Sanders came out and said that Cheney was supporting Harris because of his "courage in Defending Democracy".
Do they really think that people have conveniently forgotten that post the 2000 election, Sanders, Clinton, and a hot of other Democrats accused Cheney and Bush of "stealing the election" from their rightful winner , Al Gore?
They repeated the allegation when Bush Cheney won the 2004 election over their rightful winner John Kerry.
It came down to a court case in Florida.
This time it was dodgy electronic voting machines and rigged ballot papers (now where have I heard that before?).
Hypocrite thy name in is politician.
Ya gotta larf at the sanctimonious democrats and their acolytes enthusiastically revelling in Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris over Trump.
Indeed , Bernie Sanders came out and said that Cheney was supporting Harris because of his "courage in Defending Democracy".
Do they really think that people have conveniently forgotten that post the 2000 election, Sanders, Clinton, and a hot of other Democrats accused Cheney and Bush of "stealing the election" from their rightful winner , Al Gore?
They repeated the allegation when Bush Cheney won the 2004 election over their rightful winner John Kerry.
It came down to a court case in Florida.
This time it was dodgy electronic voting machines and rigged ballot papers (now where have I heard that before?).
Hypocrite thy name in is politician.
I would attack Dick Chaney on far more profound levels of policy and maladministration in his time in office than his behaviour in the 2000/2004 polls.

That doesn't however take one iota away from his denouncement of Donald Trump as a menace to US democracy who must be decisively beaten in the upcoming election.

There's room for two ideas at once here. Trying to trash him as a hypocrite in an attempt to avoid the denunciation of Donald Trump ? Nah. Just BS diversion.
I would attack Dick Chaney on far more profound levels of policy and maladministration in his time in office than his behaviour in the 2000/2004 polls.

That doesn't however take one iota away from his denouncement of Donald Trump as a menace to US democracy who must be decisively beaten in the upcoming election.

There's room for two ideas at once here. Trying to trash him as a hypocrite in an attempt to avoid the denunciation of Donald Trump ? Nah. Just BS diversion.
Just try reading what I wrote for once Bas.
I did not Trash him as a hypocrite, it was the Democrats and their accolytes I called hypocrites.
Talk about BS diversion.
Trump just plain gives it away, to the wealthy.
Black collages disagree.

How many billions have the democrats thrown at wars so far?

I actually think RFKs push of "make America healthy again" is good policy. There are things corporations should be really blasted for. Chemicals in food is one of them.

There seems to be a few democrats on board that want real change. I'd like to see how it would have panned out. But I think the cards are too stacked.
Black collages disagree.

How many billions have the democrats thrown at wars so far?

I actually think RFKs push of "make America healthy again" is good policy. There are things corporations should be really blasted for. Chemicals in food is one of them.

There seems to be a few democrats on board that want real change. I'd like to see how it would have panned out. But I think the cards are too stacked.

Its the US, money is god.
So the democrats plan is to steal John Howard's policies from 20+ years ago.
I've been busy on the WWW/b (World Wide Weegee/board) and have it first hand from Peter Rieth that the 'pet eaters' of Ohio a are the actual children who were thrown overboard... they Kon-Teki'd the Pacific navigated the canal then b-lined it to VooDoo central. And then found to be illeagals were 'offshored' to the US; So?..... barefaced GOP pilfer.
And if you carn't trust Peter Reith who can you trust ?
How did that 'Trust' election go for the Deputy Sheriff?

It's hard not imagine the childless hairball Peta Credlin down in the dungoen stirring the cauldron without at lest a few black cats.

mixed bag of, unwanted, cross fertilization. A problem always easily aborted for the rich.
Ryan Wesley Routh, who AP and some US media have identified as the shooter, was convicted in 2002 of possessing a weapon of mass destruction, according to North Carolina Department of Adult Correction online records.

The records do not provide details about the case.

But a News & Record story from 2002 says a man with the same name was arrested after a three-hour standoff with police. The story says he was first pulled over during a traffic stop, but put his hand on "a fully automatic machine gun" and then drove to a business, where he barricaded himself inside.

The man was later charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possessing a weapon of mass destruction, referring to machine gun, according to the News & Record.

Weapons of mass destruction have a broad meaning in US firearms law. Homeland Security describes them as "a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or other device that is intended to harm a large number of people".

(source ABC (Australia))