See ANN for full details.... Aargh
Metals X – Tin Strategy Update
• World Tin prices hit all time highs on LME, reaching a high of US$17,870/
• Renison re-start underway and on track with tin concentrate production
anticipated to commence this June.
• Open Pit Mining has commenced at Mt Bischoff.
• Renison expected to produce approximately 8500tpa tin metal and 1500tpa
of copper co-product at an operating cost of approximately A$8000/t.
• Rentails pilot fuming tests underway and feasibility targeted to be
completed late in 2008.
• Rentails expected to produce 5,500 tpa of Sn and 1500 tpa of copper in
matte for 9 years at an estimated operating cost of A$7000/t.
• Metals X advises planned closure of Collingwood tin mine with tin
production focus moving to its Tasmanian Tin Strategy.
• Metals X has sold its Gillian exploration project in Far North Queensland for
A$250,000 in cash and a 1.5% NSR royalty.
• Metals X carries no corporate debt and has available working capital in
excess of A$60m for its project developments.
World Tin Market Dynamics and Pricing
World tin prices have revived strongly in recent years, as a result of improved demand and supply
Price reaction has been strongly positive and it is considered that the strong consumption demand driven
mainly by Chinese industrial growth and, environmental pressure to substitute toxic metals in order to improve
recycling rates. Consumption demand for tin is expected to be strong for many years into the future.
Supply-side reaction to higher prices has been typically elastic with initial oversupply and more recently a
waning in production as is typical of a market where almost a half of world production comes from nonconventional
production and cottage industry. This sector is struggling to expand at rates required to meet
consumption demand and the longer-term picture is supply shortage unless significant production increases
can be achieved.
The latest spot tin price close on the LME was US$17,870/tonne (~A$19,280/t) having reached its highest
level since the heady days of the International Tin Cartel in the late 1970s.
Tin has achieved an annual growth rate of 4% pa over the past decade and maintains a strongly positive
'intensity of use curve' suggesting continued consumption demand and higher prices.
Metals X dominates the Australian tin sector with the largest tin inventory and the only serious production of
the metal. Metals X has implemented a strategy that will see significant growth in its tin production in the
ensuing years.
Metals X owns the dominant mines in Australia's most prolific tin fields and the only significant infrastructure in
Australia's tin industry at its wholly owned Renison Bell Mine and Tin concentrator.
Tasmanian Tin Strategy
Metals X, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Bluestone Mines (Tasmania) Pty Ltd owns the Renison, Mt
Bischoff and Rentails tin projects on the West coast of Tasmania. The Renison and Mt Bischoff mines have
been two of the largest tin producers in Australias tin industry of the past century. In particular, the Renison
Bell mine has a production history spanning almost half a century at annualised production rates ranking it as
one of the largest single tin mines in the world.
The foundation of the Renison Project and the key defining feature of this project in this time of higher
commodity prices is the substantial infrastructure already in place at Renison and the related short-fuse to
commercialisation at a world-ranking scale. Metals X believes this infrastructure has a replacement costs
today of in excess of A$200million and a 2-year time benefit to production.
Renison Project
Metals X has previously announced to ASX on 17 October 2007 its intent to re-open the Renison Project as a
Tin and Copper producer
Metals X (formerly Bluestone Tin Ltd) invested over A$50m in capital to revive the Renison Project only to
place it on care & maintenance in October 2005 as tin prices collapsed to under US$6000/t in response to an
explosion in small scale and illegal production in Indonesia. Metals X believes that the threat of supply from
illegal mining has now passed and stronger tin prices are sustainable into the future and this is integral in the
decision to re-start.
Renison is a large old underground mine having produced over 200,000 tonnes of tin metal in its history.
Remaining total Identified Mineral Resource estimates for Renison stand at 4.37 million tonnes at 2.01% Sn
containing 88,075 tonnes of tin metal. The mineralised ore systems at Renison remain open at depth and in
places along strike.
The Renison tin concentrator has a nominal capacity of 700,000tpa. Having operated for over 40 years
continuously, there have been several phases of new technology integrated into the plant, usually as add-ons
and process revisions modified on the run. In the two years that Metals X has held the project on care &
maintenance there has been for the first time, a significant review of the entire metallurgical process and an
opportunity to redefine the flowsheet and improve efficiency and ore recoveries without operational pressures.
Metals X will re-start the project with a flowsheet that maximises the efficiency of the plant and incorporates
additional new technology and advances in process control and ultra-fine gravity concentration technology. In
addition, in recent years, coincident with increasing depth, particularly in the southern part of the mine,
significant copper mineralisation occurs on its own and co-incident with the tin lodes. In response to this, and
with cognisance of significantly higher copper prices which are at an all time high, Metals X will operate a
copper concentrator sub-circuit within the plant to recover a copper concentrate as a co-product.
Metals X intends to re-build the Renison underground mine to its former glory over the next 3 years, the time
period it believes will be required to undertake a level of capital development to develop sufficent ore to
enable the plant to be fed from the underground mine in its own right. In the meantime, the underground ore
will be supplemented with open-pit mining from Mt Bischoff at a rate of approximately 250,000 tonnes per
Metals X has commenced open-pit mining at Mt Bischoff and will stockpile ores at both Mt Bischoff and
Renison, prior to the re-commissioning of the plant. Underground mining will recommence in early May 2008.
A new fleet of specialist underground equipment, predominantly Atlas Copco has been on order for some time
with the first arrivals having landed in Tasmania over the past few weeks.
Metals X expects to begin re-commissioning of the tin concentrator in mid June 2008.
Metals X has devised a detailed 3 year production plan for its Renison Operation as summarised below: (see ann, couldn't fig how to attach image)
Rentails Project
The Rentails Project is built around the re-processing to a concentrate of the historic tailings (18.2Mt @ 0.42%
Sn) that are stored at the Renison site. The re-processing will generate a low-grade tin and copper
concentrate (10-15% tin and 10-15% copper) which will be fumed using Ausmelt top lance furnance
technology to produce a high grade tin fume product and a copper matte. The technology is proven and in
wide use in the minerals processing industry.
Expected production is 5,500 tpa of tin metal and 1500 tpa of copper in matte at an estimated cash operating
cost of approximately A$7000/t tin metal (after copper credits). The project has undergone several iterations
over the past few years and the process route and methodologies are now selected and the project has
commenced feasibility with an intent to construct in 2009.
Pilot scale tin fuming works have commenced with Ausmelt Ltd and will culminate in final design of fumer, gas
train and bag house units.
Far North Queensland Tin Strategy
Metals X has decided to wind down its Far North Queensland Tin Strategy in favour of a greater commitment
and focus on its Tasmanian operations.
Collingwood Project
Metals X commenced the small Collingwood Tin project in late 2005 with a planned 3 year mine life and a
desire to expand project life with extensions to known mineralisation and additional regional tin resource
The Collingwood mine has encountered many challenges in its production since inception with the tin lodes
showing far greater variability than predicted by pre-development drilling. The greisen lodes although well
developed are erratic in shape and anastimose in dip and strike which makes them difficult to drive and stope.
As a consequence, Metals X has not been able to achieve its predicted grades from the mine. This has been
further exacerbated by issues with overbreak during stoping and productivity issues due to skilled labour
shortages and equipment availability.
Metals X intends to mine out the remainder of its fully developed lodes and expects to cease operations at the
end of the current economic mine life, late in the first half of this year. Metals X will close the operation with
significant remaining tin resources and is yet undecided on whether it will hold the project on care &
maintenance for a future restart or permanently close the operation.