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Military strike on Iran

Military strike on Iran?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 27.7%
  • No

    Votes: 94 72.3%

  • Total voters

Yes yes, USA is well known for its under the table 'charity'.

I'll leave it at that. I don't want you to choke on your words too badly.

So... so what .. and if you want to post crap, then make sure you post who wrote it... Iran-Contra was what it was. The left played it up a usual and still are by your post.

What about the Chinese selling high tech arms to Sudan ? the UN has said thatit isone of the most irresponsible arms sales in recent history.

I can tell you that western companies in Africa give their local workers much better conditions and treat enviromental issues with much higher regard than the plundering Chinese....

This thread is about IRAN... start another thread if you wish to continue pushing your Chinese tribble.

Before you and Juw177 choke on your rice and fishheads, just one last post on selling weapons that you bought up... ahhh China..

China, Africa, and Oil
Author: Stephanie Hanson, News Editor Council on Foreign Relations

June 6, 2008

In the period from 2003 to 2006, China's arms sales to Africa made up 15.4 percent ($500 million) of all conventional arms transfers to the continent. Notable weapons sales include those to Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Burundi, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Beijing has also sent Chinese military trainers to help their African counterparts.

Arms sales and military relationships help China gain important African allies in the United Nations—including —for its Sudan, Zimbabwe, and Nigeriaolitical goals, including preventing Taiwanese independence and diverting attention from its own human rights record.

Concerns about China's role in Africa have been voiced by a range of actors—from human rights groups to international observers to Africans themselves. Many Africans are concerned over how China operates in Africa, accusing Chinese companies of underbidding local firms and not hiring Africans. Chinese infrastructure deals often stipulate that up to 70 percent of the labor must be Chinese, according to CFR's Economy.

International observers say the way China does business—particularly its willingness to pay bribes, as documented by Transparency International, and attach no conditions to aid money—undermines local efforts to increase good governance and international efforts at macroeconomic reform by institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Sudan !!! Zimbabwe !!! ahhh China ...
^^ I will bet that USA makes up most of the other 85% of arm sales, so prove me wrong.

Why don't you ever post who your sources if you are going to disregard any source that isn't from a blind Bush nationalist like yourself?

Why are you telling people to post about US-Iran when you are derailing this thread with every post? We are trying to discuss what the US is doing and when you cannot defend your empire, you talk about China and Cambodia.

Prove you wrong....never said that the us doesn't sell arms. I have been and am still waiting for you to back up the TET offensive, the CIA backing K Rogue...

Yes but with arm sales it not only the cost % its what it is and what type of government the arms are sold to.

On China's list is Sudan, Zimbabwe, nothing more needs to said there, a river patrol boat or cargo aircraft may cost the same 1000's of small arms...
I don't know if Iran is pursuing a weapons program, and if so, whether or not we have the moral authority to allow them or not.

But I do know that those photographs do zip to support your contention. Particularly the nuclear weapon detonation... which was in all probability, was carried out by the US.

Here is an equally irrelevant photo of US police beating up a harmless, overweight, middle aged lady.


that photo doesnt show what happened leading up to that. who knows, she may have even deserved it...
that photo doesnt show what happened leading up to that. who knows, she may have even deserved it...

That's why I said it was irrelevant. I did that to demonstrate why the Fly's photos were also irrelevant.

Do try to keep up.
Wired Magazine

Iran - US Preventive Strikes (PDF below)
U.S. Attack on Iran Would Take Hundreds of Planes, Ships, and Missiles


  • Iran_US_Preventive_Strikes.pdf
    3.7 MB · Views: 523
The Persians I have met are not a bad bunch of people.

It seems that the religious extreme Islamist knuckle draggers, have hijacked that nation.

I would hope that Iran would not be attacked, but it looks increasingly likely.

The Persians I have met are not a bad bunch of people.

It seems that the religious extreme Islamist knuckle draggers, have hijacked that nation.

I would hope that Iran would not be attacked, but it looks increasingly likely.


I worked with an Iranian, top bloke. Smart as a whip too

He was not Muslim...can't recall exactly his religion but he left for greener pastures in Australia.

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