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Military strike on Iran

Military strike on Iran?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 27.7%
  • No

    Votes: 94 72.3%

  • Total voters
And to add to the last post, who overthrew Pol Pot and installed Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?

Ahhh.... "Nightshift Juw177" think you should retire from posting and leave the replies and left wing Chinese ravings to "Dayshift Juw177"...

Vietnam overthrew the Khmer Rogue in 1979.... much to the dismay of China..

Pol Pot was the leader of the Khmer Rogue..
^^ got things mixed a bit. My point is that the CIA supported the Khmer Rouge (and Pol Pot).
And when people gather to protest, why not just run over them with tanks...
In China they do... if they have not shot you first..

The American people would never have supported going to Iraq after 9/11 without the manipulation of and by the media...

Well cast your mind back and remember how Saddam had been playing cat and mouse for 12 years with the UN, in total breach of many UN mandates... it's something that the left chooses to ingnore these days, but how was anyone to know the the WMD's where no longer... in a post 9/11 world were we in the west to take Saddam's word for it ??? The media had to play it up for what it was... which was Saddam's 12 years of standing in the way of UN weapon inspectors.. Saddam thumbing his nose at the UN... Saddam's documented use of WMD'S....even the left wing media couldn't rule out Saddam...
^^ got things mixed a bit. My point is that the CIA supported the Khmer Rouge (and Pol Pot).


China supported POL POT... read up. Pol Pot suffered from cancer and was treated in China while in power... China back the far left Khmer Rogue regime.

The US were backing the government that the Khmer Rogue overthrew in 1975.

Once Vietnam had ousted the K Rogue in 1979, Pol and his men retreated to areas on the Thai border and controlled much of these area's for years and may have been aided by the Thai's,because the Thai's were not comfortable with the battle harded experienced large Vietnamese forces being on the border, the Khumer Rogue were used as a buffer.
Madelene Albright attempted an covert opertaion to snatch POL POT from his jungle camps to face trail for his crimes, but it is rumoured that once began the Thai's shut it down by refusing to allow any of that operation to be conducted in Thai territory
No Superfly, YOU read up.
Khmer Rogue came to power as a direct result of the US. And the CIA had continue to support them.
um, google?

Superfly, what on earth can motivate you to be so utterly brainwashed that you do not see any moral issues with dropping bombs on countries that pose no threat to blood thirsty USA?
FYI Juw177...

The Cambodian Genocide was a time period in the early 1970’s where Cambodians were slaughtered and placed under a “pure” communist society. The Cambodian genocide involved bombing, rebellion, a civil war, propaganda and an estimated two million deaths. When looking at the relationship between the Khmer Rogue, the Cambodian Government and the International World, perhaps the genocide was never the Khmer Rogues fault to begin with. Although they were the cause of the genocide, if certain actions were not taken, the Khmer Rogue would have never had the opportunity to take control of Cambodia (Peace Pledge Unition).
Cambodia is a country in Southern Asia, neighboring Vietnam. Originally a neutral country during the Vietnam War, certain area’s of Cambodia were used as trade routes to import food and military supplies to Northern Vietnam. The United States bombed parts of Cambodia because of the trade routes going through Cambodia which provided supplies to North Vietnam as well as the sanctuaries provided in Cambodia that helped wounded soldiers (Peace Pledge Unition).
During this time frame, President Nixon was the Commanding Chief for the United States, He originally tried to stop the Vietnam War but ended up expanding it to Cambodia. The first attempt to bomb Cambodia was called, Operation Breakfast, this bombardment targeted both trade routes and sanctuaries, but failed miserably. Following Operation Breakfast came Operation Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Desert and Supper. The bombing lasted a total of fourteen months, hurting both Vietnam and Cambodia
(The Cambodian Genocide).
Events soon followed after the bombardment including the use of Napalm, a flame substance used to incinerate buildings and help spread the fire. United States infantry were deployed into Cambodia on April 1970. It was now that a rebel group known as the Khmer Rogue had the chance to strike at the Cambodian government. The Khmer Rogue were a group of teenagers that were tired of the Cambodian government, under the control of Pol Pot, they rose together to try to end the Cambodian government and start communism in Cambodia. Given the opportunity, they aligned themselves with North Vietnam and waged war against the Cambodian government leading into a five year Civil War in Cambodia. The United States sided with the Buddhist Cambodians (the government of Cambodia) while the Vietnamese forces lead by Lon Nol joined the Khmer Rogue (The Cambodian Genocide). Prince Silhanouk; the current ruler of Cambodia, agreed to join the Americans as siding with the Khmer Rogue was considered a act of rebellion. The Buddhist Cambodians were considered puppets of the Americans by the Cambodian people while the Khmer Rogue were considered loyal and honest.The Americans were issued to lead air raids to rend the Khmer Rogue infantry useless, the bombing was intense and killed tens of thousands Khmer Rogue members and Cambodian Civilians. Not only did the air raid decimate homes, it caused the exact opposite of the effect it was purposely intended to cause. Initially used to wipe out the Khmer Rogue, the air raids caused the Cambodian people to fear the government and the Americans, causing them to join the Khmer Rogue. By 1969, an estimated 540,000 tons of bombs were dropped in Cambodia, destroying the countries economy. By 1973, inflation in Cambodia topped 275%, almost half of the roads and bridges in Cambodia were considered un usable (Peace Pledge Unition).
Because of the affects of the United States bombardment, the government of Cambodia asked the United States to withdraw. The Khmer Rogue took this as an advantage and over threw the Cambodians, allowing the leader Pol Pot to take control of Cambodia starting the Cambodian Genocide (The Cambodian Genocide).

Basing his communism after the Chinese, Pol Pot successfully rounded up all the civilians of Cambodia to the capital, he then demanded that they marched to the rice fields picking food for their country. The harvest lasted from 4 A.M to 10 P.M giving the Cambodians little time to rest and only half a bowl of rice to eat per day. Any form of resistance ended in quick death, but this was just the beginning of the “pure” communist country (Peace Pledge Unition).
Pol Pot soon made rules that all Cambodians must abide by, These were clear indications of the early stages of the genocide. Pol Pot had the civilians wear scarfs, and along with this, he separated Cambodian family members and disallowed communication. Communication was illegal and must be moderated by an officer. Least to say, Pol Pot was a very paranoid man, making unnecessary rules that only caused his people harm (Peace Pledge Unition).
A few months after Pol Pots rule, he began to become even more paranoid than he already was, he wanted all Cambodians with intelligence to be executed. All forms of education were considered illegal and anyone that showed a sign of education was sent to S-21, originally a High School but turned into a prison when Pol Pot became ruler of Cambodia. Out of the 17,000 prisoners inside S-21, only 7 managed to survive because of their exceptional skills in certain area’s such as painting or weaving. Although the majority of the prisoners of S-21 were falsely accused, they were tortured until they confessed what they did that could have possibly sent to prison, resulting in execution. Although the prisoners confessed, many of the confessions were lies, either to end their pain or for an attempt to escape the prison (Peace Pledge Unition).
Outside S-21, The farm workers were over worked and died from starvation and lack of sleep. Pol Pot felt no remorse and continued his “pure” communist country by executing any other ethnic group other than Cambodian. He had a hatred for the Vietnamese and ended up executing 50% of the Vietnamese living in Cambodia, a total of 450,000. This was considered his way of “ethnically cleansing” Cambodia.
Fearful that the Vietnamese might attack Cambodia, he launched an attack towards Vietnam but was thwarted by the Vietnamese Forces. The Vietnamese counter attacked Cambodia resulting in many more deaths and of course, the over throwing of the Cambodian capital city, Phnom Penh. When the Vietnamese raided Cambodia, they located S-21 and raided the prison, looting the documents and revealing that Pol Pot lead a genocide towards his own people. Pol Pot was sentenced to court but was never tried due to heart failure at the age of eighty three (The Cambodian Genocide).
The Cambodian Genocide caused 2.3 million deaths but was this Pol Pots fault. If the Americans never joined the civil war, would Pol Pot had the opportunity to attack Cambodia with such a large force? What if the Americans stayed. Would Cambodia be faced with this horrible genocide. Perhaps it was Vietnams fault for allowing Pol Pot to conquer Phnom Penh. If Vietnam never waged a Civil War, would Cambodia be the same as it is today? Although the Khmer Rouge caused the genocide, if actions were taken and the Cambodian Government didn’t allow the Khmer Rogue to strike, the Cambodian Genocide would have never began.
Gents, I'm all for passionate discussion, but could we maintain some decorum please.
and surprise surprise .... from some years ago...

BEIJING, Feb. 9 Kyodo... China indicated Tuesday it would not join international efforts to bring former Khmer Rogue leaders to trial
If USA government is such a peace loving and humanitarian government, why haven't they done anything about the countless African countries that are being run by dictators? Why was Iraq such a priority?

Oh and isn't Iraq a lovely place now. Living standards have obviously improved... Especially for all the US companies that have monopoly contracts on 'construction' and utilities.

All the crippling embargoes and sanctions before the Blood4Oil war weren't enough. Lets go in and blow everything up. We'll make THEM pay for reconstruction with money they make from us selling their oil to ourselves at peanut prices.

Superfly, repeating something over and over to drown out opposing views may get you a job with the US administration, but here you are just spamming (with bad punctuation).

edit: decorum

Another Chinese post... :headshake

You want to talk about Africa... read some earlier posts on this thread.. Sudan.. !!!

Bob Geldof, recently defended President Bush's record on aid to Africa.

Fact: The United States donates more than any other country in Official Development Assistance, to the tune of $16 billion. That is up from $10 billion in 2000. For fiscal 2006, Mr. Bush has requested an additional $3 billion. American increases in official development assistance over the period of Mr. Bush's presidency have far outpaced those of the European Union.

Fact: The United States is the largest single donor to international organizations, paying $362 million (or 22 percent) of the U.N. budget. We contribute more than $1 billion to the World Food Program. We contributed $194 (or 19 percent) to the U.N. Development Program and $288 million to the U.N. Children's Fund.

Fact: The U.S. government counts less than half of its foreign assistance as development aid. Excluded is aid to Israel, to the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries, peacekeeping and military aid, educational and cultural exchanges, the National Endowment of Democracy, educational and cultural exchanges, funding to the Export-Import Bank, the Inter-American-Foundation, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. All of this amounted to $12.7 billion in 2002.

Fact: The United States has a great tradition of private giving, unequalled in most of the other countries with whom we are regularly compared. In 2004, private assistance flowing from the United States totaled $48 billion. This includes charity from private foundations, corporations, colleges and universities, religious organizations and NGOs, as well as individuals. It also includes personal remittances, about $28 billion. The U.S. government, of course, has no role in directing remittances, but facilitates these transactions through immigration and commerce legislation.

Fact: Americans donated nearly $700 million in tsunami relief to the stricken people of the Indian Ocean.
In total flows of international aid, the United States far and away leads the world. It is only in terms of an arbitrary percentage of GNP that our numbers look inadequate. Americans have nothing to apologize for when it comes to giving. Mr. Bush ought to hammer that message home when he speaks to the world leaders today in Scotland. In fact, his administration has set a standard for others to emulate.

These figures are a few years old now...
Superfly, repeating something over and over to drown out opposing views may get you a job with the US administration, but here you are just spamming (with bad punctuation).

edit: decorum

Still waiting for your answer on the TET offensive and on the Khmer Rogue..

This is not a party meeting in Beijing... you can not just mouth off and all will just blindly agree for fear of being shot.
No Superfly, YOU read up.
Khmer Rogue came to power as a direct result of the US. And the CIA had continue to support them.

Have you finished reading yet Juw177

Just incase you missed this... this proves you totally and as usual incorrect..

The Khmer Rogue were a group of teenagers that were tired of the Cambodian government, under the control of Pol Pot, they rose together to try to end the Cambodian government and start communism in Cambodia. Given the opportunity, they aligned themselves with North Vietnam and waged war against the Cambodian government leading into a five year Civil War in Cambodia. The United States sided with the Buddhist Cambodians (the government of Cambodia) while the Vietnamese forces lead by Lon Nol joined the Khmer Rogue (The Cambodian Genocide).

The Buddhist Cambodians were considered puppets of the Americans by the Cambodian people while the Khmer Rogue were considered loyal and honest.

Because of the affects of the United States bombardment, the government of Cambodia asked the United States to withdraw. The Khmer Rogue took this as an advantage and over threw the Cambodians, allowing the leader Pol Pot to take control of Cambodia starting the Cambodian Genocide (The Cambodian Genocide).
Great, more propaganda. Why do I bother.

Those billions that US spends on "aid" goes towards military aid for the corrupt warlords in resource rich areas, as well as US companies that exploit those areas. Oh, and all those US military bases too. (Read: AFRICOM)

And Superfly, I was waiting for your answer. I said that the CIA supported the Khmer Rogue and you responded by saying China backed Pol Pot (which I don't argue with).

Here is wiki.
For more, google "cia pol pot".

Stop spamming the thread please.
Superfly, repeating something over and over to drown out opposing views may get you a job with the US administration, but here you are just spamming (with bad punctuation).

edit: decorum

LOL ... and you getting everything wrong all the time will draw attention to you from your embassy boss and you will get you sent back to China to clean toilets at the Olympics...

LOL ....

You have shown NOTHING to out your arguement forward... NOTHING ...

Are you going to post anything other than your Chinese must be a CIA plot type posts ?

Ok Juw177.... you have to read who writes such Bull*hit.. here we have a "socialist" US foreign policy critic making claims... not worth 2 cents..

Not even close Juw177... no cigar..

According to socialist U.S. foreign policy critic William Blum, the CIA supplied arms directly to Khmer Rouge forces and also funneled more than $20 million/year of "non-lethal" aid to a coalition which included the Khmer Rouge, without Congressional approval.[7]
This thread is on Iran...

Start a thread on Cambodia if you want to carry this on Juw177...
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