All I would like to do is place a scroll bar on the right hand side of the chart so I can scroll down the prices like you can with the time. I managed to turn off the auto-scaling but now I can't scroll up or down the chart.
You can adjust the scale of the y-axis by setting the upper and lower limits in the axis properties window, but that is about as close as you can do in this regard.
Why do you need to scroll prices? If you have indicators that are plotted at different values, plot them in an inner window of their own or plot them overlayed without a scale.
If you could explain exactly wht you need to scroll the price axis, we might be able to suggest other alternatives.
I was hoping no one would say that and that there was just some secret way of doing it that I didn't know about. I can't believe a program that is supposed to be the best there is doesn't even have a function to scroll on the y axis.
I have worked with hand drawn charts for many many years and through a "disaster" (that I will post about later) I am now forced to use a computer and I just don't get the same feel with it because of the way it scales. Bit hard to explain.
Using Drag and Drop to Change Scaling
Both the x- and y-axis can be adjusted using your mouse and basic drag and drop techniques. By clicking directly on a chart's x- or y-axis and dragging either up/down (for y-axis) or left/right (for x-axis), the range of the scale will be adjusted.
For example, if a chart's y-axis scale ranges between 50 and 70, you can adjust the scale to go from 40 to 70 by clicking directly on the y-axis at the "50" label, and dragging the mouse upwards. The same type of adjustment can be done with the x-axis using the same technique.
The Rescale Y-Axis button is used to manually force the y-axis to rescale. This tool is primarily used when you are using the chart's scroll bar to scroll through the data. You choose this command from the View menu or from the Chart toolbar.
When scrolling forward or backward through a chart, the y-axis scale remains fixed (unless the Scroll Rescales Y-Axis checkbox in the Application Properties dialog is checked, see Chart Options Page). However, the data being scrolled may oscillate up and down. Very often, the data moves outside the fixed range of the y-axis scale. When this occurs, use the Rescale Y-axis command to rescale the chart so that the data comes into complete view.
Does this get you closer to where you need to be in MS?
Yes I want the scaling to stay exactly the same regardless of what date section I am looking at. I can get it to do that but the problem is that when you scroll back in time to a price that is not on the scale you don't see it.
For example - I have the daily spi open and looking at the last year from about 4500 to 6500 but when I scroll to the left anything under 4500 cannot be seen because there is no scroll on the y axis. It seems like they have relied on auto scaling which is exactly what I don't want.
Plot this indicator in the same window as the price data. Format the indicator as you like, except do NOT use line type invisible. If you want to hide the indicator make the colour the same as the chart background colour; invisible messes up the scaling even more!
Now the upper and lower scale limits of the chart will be "static" and the entire price movement of the chart can be seen.
Thanks for the effort mate but it still doesn't do what I want it to do. I have been messing around with this software for a few days now and I realize now that it's not what I want. I "had" hand drawn charts that ran continues daily for more than 10 metres for the spi but now I don't so and that is what I am used to. Back to drawing charts by hand. can move the scaling on the price axis, by
simply using "left click, hold and drag" up or down,
as required ... that's probably the quickest way ... can move the scaling on the price axis, by
simply using "left click, hold and drag" up or down,
as required ... that's probably the quickest way ...