Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Merry Christmas All ASF Members
The show is getting better every year.
"Merry Christmas"

lol, bronte...
what next Charlie Brown ;)

further to my previous Xmas greetings post
maybe we should think of ASF as somewhere to keep our brains active ;)

and the devil threatened to come down amongst them ...
and the devil's name was Alzheimers.....
and they fought the devil and won .... etc etc ;)
You will need sound - can you imagine the traffic jam as every car waits for 5 minutes to see the whole show from start to finish....

Kym Illman from Messages on Hold has gone over the top with Christmas lighting on his Bishop Riley Way, Churclands, Perth home.

It is draped in 26,500 light bulbs, run by 128 lighting channels, connected to 5km of electrical cable that all up took 220 hours to install.

But the clincher is that it's choreographed to music. As you approach the street switch your car radio to 92.5fm and the Trans Siberian Orchestra starts belting out Wizards of Winter. It took 45 hours to produce the soundtrack synched up to the lights for the one song because every light has to be done individually.

If you can't make it check out a video of the choreographed display at:

The show is getting better every year.

"Merry Christmas" :)
Time for me to up the ante a bit then. I've only got 13,500 lights on 75 channels. No radio narrowcast either, though it's been featured on several stations over the years with one putting some of the electronic "animals" to air and featuring it on their website. Also it's the only one clearly visible from the top of Mt Wellington.

I do have a few traffic problems, mostly with locals finding they can't get in or out (self included). Also sometimes can't get out the door as it's a walk up display that needs you to get out of the car. A few hundred people in the driveway all at once can get a bit crowded.

For those wondering, peak power 18.7kW, average load about 15kW. Plus about 1.2 litres of water per minute. Cable length not sure but would be a few km. Takes 2 weeks full time work to set up plus about an hour per day to maintain.

I'd better stop typing and go and fix the train otherwise I won't be too popular with the visitors tomorrow night. Derailed twice in 10 minutes tonight - needs 2nd axle on carriage 1 fixing.

Only downside, apart from the power bill, is theft and having to have the garden rigged up with alarms, sensors, sprinklers etc. The cat has worked out not to go on the lawn at night though - it turns the sprinklers on full blast automatically if anyone goes on there (something I've learnt to not tell children - they always want to try it). :D
A big thank you to all of you who have contributed to my enjoyment of ASF in 2007.

There are some really great people here and so many discussions, even arguments, provide thoughtful reading.

Could I suggest we look around us at this time of the year to see if anyone we know is perhaps on their own at Christmas? Invite them to join you just briefly on Christmas Day. It will make little difference to us and a huge difference to them.

Merry Christmas and my wish for all of you to have the kind of year in 2008 that you would wish for yourself, whatever that may be.

Couldn't have put it better Julia,

Happy and safe Christmas to all at ASF and a prosperous New Year.

Garpal Gumnut
I'll echo the sentiments here and...


Have a good one folks!

Could I suggest we look around us at this time of the year to see if anyone we know is perhaps on their own at Christmas? Invite them to join you just briefly on Christmas Day. It will make little difference to us and a huge difference to them.
We're going down to wife's aunties (twins) who live in Somerset for Christmas. This is is something they've done nearly all their lives, invite people less fortunate for Christmas Dinner. They are now quite elderly and one has Parkinson's disease, yet still do this every year.

It will be nice to be a small part of that this year.

...and a Merry Christmas to all at ASF. :)
We're going down to wife's aunties (twins) who live in Somerset for Christmas. This is is something they've done nearly all their lives, invite people less fortunate for Christmas Dinner. They are now quite elderly and one has Parkinson's disease, yet still do this every year.

It will be nice to be a small part of that this year.

...and a Merry Christmas to all at ASF. :)

You Wayne, Like many here at ASF (too many to mention singularly, but I suspect they know who they are) are a "class act" ....................... (PS I hope the back is hanging in??) ......... and it has been a pleasure this last few months to learn from all of you (and I'm not just talking trading!!)

I have decided, I am the worlds worst trader!!! (I've lost a fortune in a Bull Market ......... DOH !!!!) .... But, ..... What (does it really matter in the overall scheme of things ............... It is a pleasure to read the views and opinions of people with "real values" on this forum, and I genuinely wish all of you the very best of health for the coming year/years ...............

PS. Imagine your life without your close family/friends in it, and treat them as though your were about to lose them ........... everything else will fall into place .................. All the best .............. Barney.
A Merry and Safe Christmas to all ASFers !!

Just Collected some Crownies for the visitors/Family this year, just putting a few through the taste test tonight, wouldnt want to poison anyone ! :D
Merry Xmas to Joe and all his little helpers.

Best wishes to all the great contributors - thanks for sharing.


As things start to wind down before Christmas, I would just like to wish all ASF members a Merry Christmas.

I hope all members have had an enjoyable year trading and that Santa brings you everything you want.

I have really enjoyed getting to know alot of you guys over the last 12 months, and appreciate all the informative posts that have helped contribute to my most successful trading year ever.

Cheers and Merry Christmas


And to you mick2006, may 2008 bring all the joy you desire.

Also to all ASF members a sincere Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year to you all and your families.

I look forward to sharing with you all in 2008.

Best wishes
Finally worked out what to get the boys for xmas ...
since they speak such fluent profane...

and electric toothbrush..

and some liquid soap. :D
Have a happy Xmas and holiday season everyone, and may we make the best of next year whatever it brings.

For everyone doing a bit of travelling, take it easy and be sure to stop for your regular driver reviver stops.

If you are having a few to drink... please don't drive.

Cheers. :)
Thank you to all the ASF'ers who have made my trading experiences much more enjoyable throughout the year.

Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year to all.


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Well I'm out for at least the next couple of days so merry Christmas all and remember to stop, revive, survive on our roads.;):)

Be safe people!

Well I'm out for at least the next couple of days so merry Christmas all and remember to stop, revive, survive on our roads.;):)

Be safe people!


Stop , Revive, Survive

Too right .

Take care out there this season , the roads are going to be packed again , so stay safe people .

Best wishes to you all ,

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and you are enjoying your own crapulence at the moment.

I'd just like to give people a thought, especially those scrooge types with property, to please think before you raise rents on tennants in the new year. Especially on the young, who are hurting in a lot of areas around Australia.

Christmas cheers,
Merry Christmas

With such a hectic lead up to Christmas I had every intention of wishing everyone the best for the season but never got around to it. So I hope that everyone had a good Christmas and I sincerely hope that the new year brings us all good health and much prosperity.
Re: Merry Christmas

With such a hectic lead up to Christmas I had every intention of wishing everyone the best for the season but never got around to it. So I hope that everyone had a good Christmas and I sincerely hope that the new year brings us all good health and much prosperity.

someone started another thread on this in the last week or so. Should be best to go to that and add I think.

Not knocking your wish, merry Christmas to you too