Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Merry Christmas All ASF Members

11 September 2006
As things start to wind down before Christmas, I would just like to wish all ASF members a Merry Christmas.

I hope all members have had an enjoyable year trading and that Santa brings you everything you want.

I have really enjoyed getting to know alot of you guys over the last 12 months, and appreciate all the informative posts that have helped contribute to my most successful trading year ever.

Cheers and Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of ASF's members and visitors!

Thank you most sincerely for your continued visits and contributions to the various threads on ASF.

May you all have a safe and Merry Christmas and a very prosperous new year! :)

I trust I will see you all back in 2008!

:chimney :xmastree
Merry Christmas to all, and a happy New Year!! :)

A very sincere thank you to those who are part of the ASF community who make life as a Mod rewarding and enjoyable. :)

And a special thank you to those on the PM circuit giving me tips and thanks. You know who you are. Cheers!! :D

Merry Christmas to you all , hope its happy, safe and very enjoyable...

2007's been a great year, with many great topics of discussions covered and a few good (and some not so good) shares traded. I thank you all for sharing your thoughts, i have learnt a lot from each and every one of you.


PS: Special thanks to Joe and the mods.... keep up the good work....
Merry Christmas! :chimney

Anyone else snubbing conformity this year, & hum-bugging it up in another city?
Merry Xmas(Christmas ,sorry Minty) everyone .Thanks for another informative year especially ,The Mods-The Rampers & The Bleeding Hearts(do- gooders):xmastree:xmaswave:wreath:frosty:and most inportant of all MR.MARKET:p:


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Merry Christmas you lot.

It's been an absolute pleasure being a part of this place over the last year, you guys are a great help and a good laugh.

cheers :alcohol: :drink:
Me too !!!! :xmastree

Have a great time with your families :alcohol:and kids :santa: everyone!!!

Stay safe and see you'se all next year!!

(well - I'll see your typing at least)....:p:
Keep this short and sweet....

Merry Christmas to one and all. Safe traveling. And see you (figuratively speaking) all in '08.

Just to echo everyone else.Hope everyone has a safe and peaceful Christmas.ASF has been a great discovery for me personally,I have used forums in the UK and found them to be a bit bitchy so ASF was like a breath of fresh air.Didnt know what to get everyone but was doing a search on the net and found this Hope you like it as its a bit too big to take back to the shops:)Whilst i am whittering on would be nice to encourage a bit of giving from those of us that are a lot more fortunate.Hers a few more links(hope Joe doesnt hunt me down).This year instead of getting meaningless Christmas presents I decide to give up mine and put a few(more than usual)things under the Kmart wishing tree,hope some of you have done the same even if it is just a stocking full of chocolates(as opposed to a shapely thigh in a pair of get the idea).The first link is taken from someone else on the site(apologies for forgetting who but its the thought that counts)
You will need sound - can you imagine the traffic jam as every car waits for 5 minutes to see the whole show from start to finish....

Kym Illman from Messages on Hold has gone over the top with Christmas lighting on his Bishop Riley Way, Churclands, Perth home.

It is draped in 26,500 light bulbs, run by 128 lighting channels, connected to 5km of electrical cable that all up took 220 hours to install.

But the clincher is that it's choreographed to music. As you approach the street switch your car radio to 92.5fm and the Trans Siberian Orchestra starts belting out Wizards of Winter. It took 45 hours to produce the soundtrack synched up to the lights for the one song because every light has to be done individually.

If you can't make it check out a video of the choreographed display at:

The show is getting better every year.

"Merry Christmas" :)
Amazing show ,Bronte!

A friend in Ireland has sent a christmas greeting in Gaelic which I will pass on to all the great people here. I am glad to be a part of this community.Thankyou Mods and Joe for doing the behind the scenes stuff.

NOLLAIG SHONA DUIT (merry christmas)

Cheers and Beers
Hi everyone,

Hope you all stay safe over the break and looking forward to seeing you all back next year, especially the Mod's, t/a's, chartists...and of course, what stock forum would be complete withou the up-rampers, down-rampers and side-rampers! Seasons greetings to you all!

A big thank you to all of you who have contributed to my enjoyment of ASF in 2007.

There are some really great people here and so many discussions, even arguments, provide thoughtful reading.

Could I suggest we look around us at this time of the year to see if anyone we know is perhaps on their own at Christmas? Invite them to join you just briefly on Christmas Day. It will make little difference to us and a huge difference to them.

Merry Christmas and my wish for all of you to have the kind of year in 2008 that you would wish for yourself, whatever that may be.
A big thank you to all of you who have contributed to my enjoyment of ASF in 2007.

There are some really great people here and so many discussions, even arguments, provide thoughtful reading.

Could I suggest we look around us at this time of the year to see if anyone we know is perhaps on their own at Christmas? Invite them to join you just briefly on Christmas Day. It will make little difference to us and a huge difference to them.

Merry Christmas and my wish for all of you to have the kind of year in 2008 that you would wish for yourself, whatever that may be.

Yeah good call Julia,

Xmass can be a time of great joy for a lot of poeple, but also a very sad and depressing time for those without families etc. It would mean a lot to those less fortunate than you or me.
