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LYC - Lynas Rare Earths

But..but..but how do one corrects more to add..just read what ever you like.
I would be very scared: the economic power in Malaysia is in the hands of "overseas Chineses".
These are considered Chinese by BJ, with obligations vs the motherland.
O/S chinese plus native malaus often placed by corruption in key posts...
A recipe for disasters for western, especially Australian companies whose CEOs would end up in jail for corruption if they allow bribes....
Let the market law play?
Hitting significant support again. On balance should bounce.

I've too frequently dismissed Lynas because of a few missteps, Malaysia being one and the focus on a light RE mix while the 'forward facing' stuff is meant to be where the growth is. But there's no denying their clout, size and ability to pivot.
Good evening Dona Ferentes,
Having Amanda Lacaze at the helm, IMO helped allot.

Kind regards
I've oft thought of wading in to LYC.

What has always held me back is Sovereign Risk.

I find the governance practised by the cousins in Malaysia just a bit too lacking.

I've oft thought of wading in to LYC.

What has always held me back is Sovereign Risk.

I find the governance practised by the cousins in Malaysia just a bit too lacking.

Good evening Garpal Gumnut,
REE has great demand, likely to continue Medium Long term (a rcw1 opinion). Truthfully, had the same concerns once upon a time re 'sovereign risk'. Not anymore though, far from it Holding at present.
Kind regards

Thanks ... As they say, rare earths aren't that rare.

BTW, the northern amphibian who contributes for some perverse reason has me and others on block. No loss, if fact the average quality of input is higher than if I had to read his stuff
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Seems to be respecting the support line at the moment. Just. Looking for longer term fundamental bargains during this correction/recession/depression. Not sure why they have $1b in the bank. Are their development-construction costs that much?

Good afternoon Sean K

Great question.
rcw1 comments:
  • Lynas says it faced major water supply disruptions, which led to lower production volumes, but has since implemented strategies to reduce water supply issues moving forward - not sure of costings to fix this;
  • Building two more rare earths facilities, - Kalgoorlie to process material from the Mt Weld mine and a separation plant in the US - not quite sure of the costings ... ;
  • Their loan back to Japan; and
  • (Brace yourself ha ha ha ha) - to pay for a dividend!!

Kind regards
Lynas raised to Outperform on 19 July 22: CLSA. (News Corp media)

Kind regards

I can't find their debt in their quarterly. Looks like they're just flush with cash and it's just going to keep growing. I'm a little confused. I'm less confused about the chart and around $8 looks like a bottom at the moment. I'm in.
Good evening,
theenterpreter. An article by Divyanshu Jindal. 25/07/22

US cybersecurity firm Mandiant has issued a warning about China's ability to influence social media outlets which support China's political and strategic interests. There has been previous media attention which has identified inauthentic social media accounts used to target LYC. Jindal has reported that this strategy was also adopted to target, American company USA Rare Earth and Canadian miner Appia Rare Earths and Uranium Corp, for sinister proposes. The dissemination of disinformation to adversely mould public opinion against companies mining/refining rare earth elements. It is argued that China targets adversaries and competitors by controlling all aspects of the rare earth elements trade.

According to Jindal, since 2020, India and Australia have moved towards strengthening their partnerships in the rare earth industry, India to obtain extraction and refining knowledge and Australia to establish another market with demand and economies of scale.

LYC has positioned itself in a very good position to prosper well into the future. Time will surely tell.
rcw1 trades LYC regularly. Currently holding. Kindly conduct your own due diligence and have a very nice night.

Kind regards
Good evening,
Demand for Rare Earth Elements (REE) in robotics has been flagged within the following article, Rare Earth Permanent Magnets Carry Development Potentials Comparable to NEV Sector [Institutional Comment], dated 28 July 2022.
It has been revealed within the article, humanoid robot Optimus, which is scheduled to be launched 30 September this year, will contain 4kg/unit of high-performance NdFeB (neodymium magnet). There is speculation that annual output will reach 5 million units by 2025 with demand for high-performance NdFeB materials totaling 20,000 mt. It is anticipated globally that the robot industry would trigger increased demand.

Have a very nice weekend.

Kind regards
Plenty written today about LYC, generating further articles, discussion, abundance real good marketing value, assumptions, SP gain with a frenzy of depth, buyers out numbering the sellers by a long shot. Buyers coming out of the woodwork, speculation and hopes abound.

Smart move this one, this announcement, this spend, for mine. Timed absolutely perfectly. A puppeteer, funnily enough, not much take with financials but plenty of take with spend. ha ha ha ha... Very mindful of how one must be careful and how things can go terribly wrong. Just cannot figure out right now, exactly what though.

Kindly perform your own due diligence.

Kind regards
Good evening,
Always enjoyed Lacaze commenting about the future direction of LYC. Gives shareholders some confidence about the companies overall capacity to succeed. This publication, Digger and Dealers article by Josh Chiat, Stockhead 4 August 2022 provides some excellent incite into the stratgic nature of LYC and governance.[…]0-lynas-says/news-story/98f1e3974130aeceb51bda8f08f4a67d

“When my board just recently asked me for a detailed Capital Management Plan, I think that (growth v dividends) was their intention in asking for it,” Lacaze said. “Every time there is a challenge and we talked to our large investors about should we be investing for growth or should we be returning capital to investors? “And the direction from our investors has been exclusively, ‘you’re in a growth market, reinvest for growth.’

“They see the benefit of that in the capital growth of the stock and those sorts of things but there will be become a time when that equation changes. But today, every large investor that we have says put your money into growing the business.”

Agreed whilst depth and volume maintained.

Nice, to hear though, maybe there is that semblance of appetite for a dividend for LYC shareholders, but not quite yet

Kind regards
Good evening
An article written by Mel Sanderson, 10 August 2022 for InvestorIntel.
Comments about the wise business choices/options taken by LYC. "Nonetheless, kudos to Lynas for a bold move, going for market share in a booming market with positive political signals and economic momentum."

Kind regards
Good day to you, Row. Well Done for holding on. I, traded it for a while. My $10 target was a bit too long for me to hold for result at that time so did walked out. Still watching.
Good day to you, Row. Well Done for holding on. I, traded it for a while. My $10 target was a bit too long for me to hold for result at that time so did walked out. Still watching.
Hey Rabbithop, thanks mate. Offloaded at the $10.23 mark, free carry shares kept in the bottom draw plus normal run of the mill day trading effort. Excellent gain on this occasion. She's a beast of a stock ... Anyways, see what it does today, a new day new challenges ha ha h ha. I touch base with farmerge pretty much daily, I'll say hello from you, he will like that.
kind regards
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