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LYC - Lynas Rare Earths

There are several elements all impacting the REE field. In no particular order:

1) Pricing. From now until MCP, LYC, ARU and ALK produce REE prices, as a function of supply and demand, will increase. The wildcard here is China. I believe they are coming to the realization that "controlling" the market beyond the medium term is lost. China is now implementing policy -- environmental, elimination of dozens of small producers, tightening export "leak" -- which coincidentally(?!) coincides with some of the aforementioned miners becoming producers. I, then, believe China will a) focus on supplying the world with REEs already fully value added, eg. in something big like a wind turbine, or finished like a magnet, and; b) hunt down HREE supplies.

2) HREEs. Explorecos with a predominant proportion of their TREOs in HREEs will now/soon begin to go up with a vengeance.

3) First past the post. No one, Chinese excluded (see above) beats the Aussies here for choice. Yes, MCP, but they've got to re-build their facilities almost from scratch. So line 'em up boys! LYC, ARU, ALK! The Cannucks have REAL prospects. AVL will take years, end of decade time-line, needs hundreds of millions of dollars, its IRR is poor, and its reserve is being questioned (might be a part of a short attack), but it's heavy on the HREEs. A little further down the pecking order even the great the LREEs may go broke, flounder, be range bound, but no great gains.

4) Mania. All boats, including "penny dreadfuls," will rise. ALL. Take profit, DO NOT BE A PIG. To sober up have a look at 5 year Ux charts.

5) For real profit, real risk have a look at Rob McEwen's model/graphic on the evolution of a succesful mine from IPO to production. (If someone can find it and post it here it provides a great context with road signs as to buy, hold, sell.)

Well, sorry to bore, but those are a few, far from all, things which help me put this REE thing in perspective.


I understand that Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (GGG, formerly The Gold Company Limited) is a mineral exploration and development company focused on unlocking the mineral riches of southern Greenland.
REE being their main interest.
Can anyone advise?

Try the GGG Greenlands Minerals and energy threads on ASF... Plenty of information there.....
Regarding GGG I think very, very little of them. On a fundamental level I do not think management is worthy. Through most of August GGG was suspended from trading by, (incredibly!!) their waiting for a news release by ministry officials of the Greenland government. (Actually I did not think such a rubbish reason was legal, but hey, that's the ASX et al.)

Further, GGG has legal battle with Westrip(?).

Though they are cashed up, have a purportedly huge REE deposit including Ux,and have an AIM listing I just find them MISMANAGED.

I would write further, but it would certainly be censored, so I'll leave with two things. One, the cockroach theory. Two, disgust.

I have taken a beating on these over the last couple of weeks. I'm wondering how much lower they will go. I cant find anything that has changed, all the announcements and info surrounding Rare Earth's seem to be positive for shares but they are going down faster than my ex girlfriend.
RE: Angry Dwarf, why did you buy into LYC, if it was for fundamental reasons, e.g. it's fundamentally worth more than it's trading for, you should hold. Price action between now and when you sell with intrinsic value investing doesn't matter. All that matters is you've come to the right conclusion of your intrinsic valuation, and as you've stated nothing has changed. The "noise" from the market shouldn't spook you, only a change in the fundamentals which you state haven't changed, so don't stress.

If you're technical investing go for it, I have very limited knowledge of how technical investing works.

TBQH I sold out at 1.54ish because it looked a little overbought and I'm back in at around these levels, intrinsic value is going to keep rising as we approach production, each day is another day closer to the time we get to make bucketloads of cash from selling REE.

China is now shipping ree again.. i think this may be a reason in why all ree stocks have taken a beating..

there was a news article from the ny times floating around somewhere to confirm this..

China should

Invest now.. and cut exports again.. sell when high. re ship ree and watch it drop.. and repeat... $$$

china has the ree world by the balls..

Couple of fund managers taking profits (JPM and Morgan Stanley) and also was tipped as a sell in ASCI newsletter, which has a rather large subscriber base. Also, the SP had tripled since Mid July so was always going to be due for a pull-back...

Looking at the chart, it may find some support around $1.40, but if global markets turn ugly, might take more of a hit.
Thanks guys, I have had LYC shares for over a year and have been VERY happy with them up until now.
I jumped in because there were murmurs that China would wind back their rare earth exports and LYC had a vision of becoming the biggest rare earth provider outside of China and predicted the share price could only go up if there is less competition.
I just couldn't see any reason for the sharp drop and was worried I had missed some news. I will hold them and see what happens I guess. I doubt they will drop below $0.50 (what I picked them up for).

Thanks again.
LYC got hammered (again)..
What's going on, is that only because JPMorgan cut their recommendation last week??
LYC got hammered (again)..
What's going on, is that only because JPMorgan cut their recommendation last week??

Morgan Stanley are playing ducks and drakes with the stock. At this stage only they know the reason. This is not the first time this has happened to LYC and it is not the first time Morgan Stanley have been involved in this type of suspect trading. Maybe they need cash in a hurry, who knows?. The lack of new significant holder notices could mean that they or someone else is both buying and selling and causing a lemming rush.

When this sort of thing happens to a stock there is a need to check the fundamentals. I have and to me they appear sound. If LYC had a lot of debt then I would worry that a repeat of their previous problem could occur. They do not have debt and management assurances are that they are on budget and on track. I'm happy enough to take the opportunity to buy more at these prices. DYOR.

Plus the newspapers are calling the RE a bubble and panic some folks. Also Arafu's (ARU) placement had been rejected by the Chinese. As far as LYC is concern I don't see any change in the fundamentals. I think this is only a correction and the sp will recover.

1) I believe it started PRIOR to JP cutting its call. From the LYC nr,4.10.10, JP ceased to be a substantial holder. This was a yellow flag.

2) Just before LYC's conference call 28.10.10, (that very week?) JP downgraded LYC. It was almost exactly at LYC's all time high. This was also a yellow flag.

3) LYC began its ascendancy the first half of July, becoming parabolic (along with many in the sector, eg. ARU. This is a red flag.

4) With JP no longer being a substantial/reporting holder; JP retained a road-trainful of stock; I surmised from points the above points that they could SHORT the $hit out of LYC. Combine their "possible" shorting with everyone from Goldman to your neighbour seeing a shorting opportunity in LYC, ARU, etc. slaughter ensued.

I sold just after the conference call.

Nothing has changed fundamentally with this space. The more advanced companies had unreasonable valuations, eg. LYC's bigger market cap than the entire world REE sales/year.

I still favour this space, hence this post, and am in HREEs, NTU and ORM. This is because China has VERY litte amounts of HREEs, and where the explorecos are along the company development/evolution stage. On the TSX-V I think I may very well re-enter during tax-loss season selling.

Just my thoughts. Hope that gives perspective bddoz.

Lynas going along in leaps and bounds today following news of a large japanese interest, backed with cash by the way, in securing a long term reliable supply of rare earths. Looking good for the future with rising product prices, company on track and on budget and production presold.
A big day for LYC today. In commsec more buyers and less sellers . . . coming weeks will tell how far LYC gets up
A big day for LYC today. In commsec more buyers and less sellers . . . coming weeks will tell how far LYC gets up

LYC is still suffering from price manipulation, the bots were firmly in control for most of the day. Morgans appear to be still playing games and are probably milking this stock for all its worth on its way up to a realistic value based on its fundamentals. I'm holding until at least the start of production. It is too hard to trade it the way it is being played.

Now that it has made the ASX100 there should be some funds buying and holding LYC. This should be a stabilising factor.
Whilst waiting for production to start, why not check out Navigator Resources (NAV) which expects to issue an ASX announcement early next week relative to the proposed spin-off of its rare earths asset - expect some free shares to be allotted to existing NAV holders.
I'm not sure how appropriate that cross-promotion of Navigator resources is. I mean that was basically an advertisement for NAV on the LYC board...

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