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Latest tweets by The Donald

Covid deaths in the USA 289,000. Go Chump for gold, should just disappear soon.

350,000,000 people, 50 states in a federation, all of which have a different policy regarding COVID, none of which seem to display any sort of correlation between policy and death rate. (Pretty much how it is internationally as well)

... And the TDS sufferers all seem to want to make it one man's fault. do you people understand how stupid you look when you come up with this crap?
Yes Chump, as your leader said, it will just disappear. No syndrome here. Just reiterating what your great leader has said, try a bleach with your next beer.

Keep believing. 300,000 dead people are still dead people, leadership is still leadership. Chump man has shown none of it.

That's rubbish, there is a catalogue of actions and inactions that The Donald took, which are easy to judge in retrospect. For instance here was very proactive in shutting down travel from China, to the chorus of criticisms from the dominionocrats, most notably from Pelosi who was advising people to go down to Chinatown in San Francisco and hug people.

That, and similar advice alone just may have been the kernel of the great explosion of cases in the United States.

But of course that doesn't fit the orange man bad narrative now does it?

Just listen to yourself man!
Trumps pollicising the wearing of masks would have to be a low point by any measure I would think.

2nd I guess would be the failure of leadership during this current wave, but then 70 million Americans think that's OK, end of a empire!
Trumps pollicising the wearing of masks would have to be a low point by any measure I would think.

2nd I guess would be the failure of leadership during this current wave, but then 70 million Americans think that's OK, end of a empire!

Biden's pollicising (sic) the wearing of masks would have to be a low point by any measure I would think.

2nd I guess would be the failure of leadership during this current wave, but then 70 million Americans think that's OK, end of a empire!


*Masks don't work for COVID
*They are also an environmental catastrophe
*In spite of TDS the USA is still a federation of 50 States, each with different approaches.
*Lockdown, mask-wearing states are doing worse.
*Yes this is the end of empire. Simple question there... Which side is pro USA, and which side is anti USA? Might be some answers for you in that.
Please Wayne, stop believing what you have read. He did not shut down people travelling from China, just Chinese, there is a technical difference.

Let us make it simple, did Chump say this Virus was just going to disappear? YES/NO

Did he ignore his chief and expert advisors as he knew better? YES/NO

You are starting to sound like the man that fell on a carrot.

3000 Deaths a day, hard to defend.
They still can't disagree without using the TDS label can they ?

Looks like the ignore list will just get bigger
*Masks don't work for COVID

Hmmm I afraid they do not for the wearer but for others around you empirical evidence.

Next time you have surgery...................
Hmmm I afraid they do not for the wearer but for others around you empirical evidence.

Next time you have surgery...................
Bacteria Vs Virus

There are situational reasons outside of theatre which also make them ineffective.
Bacteria Vs Virus

There are situational reasons outside of theatre which also make them ineffective.

Plenty of argument as to what should be worn as a mask, there simply isn't an argument as to the wearing of masks effect on reducing the transmitting of the a virus.

Are they 100%, of course not, are they recommended by health experts around the world, absolutely they were an import tool for the Victorians to recover so fast as they did.

Trump and the GOP would have had the same advice but politicizing the issue for the sake of power speaks to their lack of leadership in guiding the general population through a pandemic in stark contrast with our own federal and state governments here in Australia .

Lets not even think of the moral implications.

The results speak for themselves.
Trumps last quasi, totally ridiculous, legal throw of the dice has been dashed 9-0 in the Supreme Court.

They threw out the Texas lawsuit which, somehow, wanted to persuade the Supreme Court to set aside the results from the 4 swing states and give them to Trump. 126 Republician Reps supported the suit - even when it meant saying they were personally voted in by a "corrupt" system.

So the question still remains. Will Trump acknowledge he lost the election or will he insist he was cheated with all the consequences that could entail ?

Who wooda thort, come sense might prevail or the rule of law, not some arse called Chump and his believers
3,000 Americans / day are dying. Trump plays 6 rounds of golf a week, and spends the remainder of his time tweeting about his losing lawsuits. Excellent leadership.

But he stopped flights from China in February! OK...and a) What did that achieve? b) What actions were taken from February onwards, to manage the crisis as it evolved?
I guess he should have personally tracked down each and every virus particle and hit it with a hammer.

Perhaps have Pelosi et al arrested for poohooing him and telling people to go out and hug each other?
Everything is in the detail.
" When he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S. "

I guess he should have personally tracked down each and every virus particle and hit it with a hammer.

Perhaps have Pelosi et al arrested for poohooing him and telling people to go out and hug each other?

A little bit extreme in your response.

So you are still supporting the Chief Chump, who said "this virus will just disappear" "We are turning the corner" "We will have a vaccine out in weeks" - many months ago.

He is going for gold, 300,000 deaths within days.

Chump can even turn that into a positive.

I guess we should also blame the Donald for all the deaths in Belgium, Peru, Italy, Spain, Macedonia, Bosnia, UK, Moldova, Slovenia and Argentina, most of which lockdown earlier and a lot harder than the USA, and all the witch have a higher death rate per capita than the USA.

Yep got to be Trump's fault.

In fact, all the other deaths in all the other countries surely must be Trump's fault as well, surely?

I mean, orange man bad, right?

The TDS is absolutely astonishing, you geniuses have no ability to examine or analyse data whatsoever, so long as you can pin something on the Donald, with absolutely asinine assertions with zero relevance to the actual political and medical reality of the situation.

WOW, you are being hysterical.

No one mentioned the other countries.

Keep diverting, working well, isn't it?

"The TDS is absolutely astonishing, you geniuses have no ability to examine or analyse data whatsoever, so long as you can pin something on the Donald, with absolutely asinine assertions with zero relevance to the actual political and medical reality of the situation."

LOL. Keep the love going.

You do acknowledge he is the president, buck stops with him.
It tells me everything about your intellect, that hyperbole goes straight over your head.

Carry on
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