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Latest tweets by The Donald

Hey, I'll let you in on a little-known secret...

People are often bitter about their exes and it's not at all unusual for them to exaggerate and lie and speak about them in an overly negative way. This is true right through from school kids who break up after a two week kiddy relationship right through to old people going through divorces.

I know, I know, it's a radical concept, but if you really, really do your homework you'll find it to be true! Genuinely amazing stuff, I know.

And if someone had a political motive, you can imagine they may even go further with it.

But hey, critical thinking is way overrated, right?

Also, if I was a woman considering marrying Donald Trump, or he was a personal friend of mine or a personal friend was considering dating/marrying him, his romantic history may be of some sort of relevance to me, but even with my personal friends I often prefer to stay out of that side of their lives. You seem to think it is somehow important to us all. In doing so, you reveal that your primary focus is not on things relevant to someone as a president. He is currently married, his wife is proud to stand by his side, she could leave if she wanted to, I'm happy for private lives to be private lives and yes, this is one area where I am happy to remain ignorant. I don't care for celebrity gossip, and that's all this topic is.
When you have people cherry picking small things to prove a narrative which contradicts the big picture, you know you have irrational people with ill-founded opinions.

Wasn't it you who said he has given up on the Western world ?

Or are you coming back because of Trump ?

Really do your homework you say? Yet you won't listen to actual accounts of people with dealings with Trump. You cherry pick what you'll listen to.
You, by your own admission don't listen to a lot of what is out there, so you're hardly an informed view. My opinion is you're not really a person anyone should waste time on when it comes to this topic.
Wasn't it you who said he has given up on the Western world ?

Or are you coming back because of Trump ?

Seems like once again we see the tactic of irrelevant distraction...

Anyway, I wouldn't phrase it like that, at least in that context, but yes, I see big problems for the west's future (currently on a short holiday in Australia though). I was born in Australia, spent over 30 years here and will always take an interest in Australia and the west. Where Sdaji personally chooses to live or spend his time for personal reasons is irrelevant to this discussion (though it's an interesting topic I'll gladly indulge in another thread if you wish).

What a bizarre post. I've already heard everything in that video. I don't need to spend over an hour listening to every word of old news again. I can give you a couple hours of far more balanced and worthwhile videos to watch. Will you watch it?
What a bizarre post. I've already heard everything in that video. I don't need to spend over an hour listening to every word of old news again. I can give you a couple hours of far more balanced and worthwhile videos to watch. Will you watch it?

You've already heard everything in the video yet by your own admission didn't watch the video. You're just trolling this thread.
Where Sdaji personally chooses to live or spend his time for personal reasons is irrelevant to this discussion (though it's an interesting topic I'll gladly indulge in another thread if you wish).

I would find that interesting.

People's impressions of the way other countries work would be a good topic.
You've already heard everything in the video yet by your own admission didn't watch the video. You're just trolling this thread.

Please read my posts before commenting on them. I skimmed the video, it's all stuff I'd seen before, and didn't feel the need to go through it again. This stuff has all literally been doing the rounds for years. It's not rocket surgery to understand this concept.
President Trump has meant more jobs and many of those for non-citizens and some illegals.
He has managed to stop cheap steel and aluminium and has done deals that are more profitable for Americans.
Negotiated well in the near impossible situation with North Korea.
Acted defiantly in defence of America and its allies against a resurgent Russia.
Not giving way to taking in immigrants and not letting them pile over the border unchallenged.
Not letting Europe and China get away with big tariffs on American goods whilst getting away with low tariffs into America.
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Many countries have seen their population rise quickly over the past year. DRC by over 4.5%.
Not to say they need a "one child policy" as in China up to 2016 errrr maybe they do.
A policy of allowing a population to rise rapidly in a country and then let their citizens go to America, Europe or Australasia is completely wrong.
China is a world hero country keeping their population numbers constrained. On the other hand countries like India have failed.
Sadly, very sadly, it is a numbers game: For many, whilst pretending it isn't or attacking those who dare to mention it.
Maybe some attack Donald Trump on many fronts for their own ideals, whatever they may be. So many know and appreciate his attitude not to cave into popularism.

Anyway, growth in America is 3.4%pa during The Donald's watch. More people are employed than ever before.
What is there not to like on the American BUSINESS front and President Donald Trump.
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Yes @noirua ...

DTs' performance has improved since Facebook deleted my fake Donald Trump account
He has managed to stop cheap steel and aluminium and has done deals that are more profitable for Americans.

Yep good on him. Americans will now be paying more for cars, canned drinks, buildings, aircraft...
Yep good on him. Americans will now be paying more for cars, canned drinks, buildings, aircraft...

But rather than sending a slightly smaller amount of money and sending much of it abroad, more of the money will be staying in the country, funding local employment and economy.

Do you think Australia would benefit if it simply cut all foreign tariffs and allowed people to buy cheaper goods from abroad? If you're not stupid enough to think that is a good idea (which I assume is the case), the only reason you're against Trump on this issue is TDS. Trump's changes have increased employment, his country's GDP and reduced the deficit, yet people will still try to find a way to twist one out of context aspect of it and say it's bad. Or, they'll say his ex wife doesn't like him (seriously, take some time to think about how many ways that's a stupid thing to talk about) or that he is 'an orange orangutan' or has a disgruntled ex employee or something.
When you have a leader that laughs when a journalist doing his job is crash tackled by one of his supporters thereby encouraging such acts then you know that you have a country that is a few steps away from facism.

What's worst, the journalist was asking the guy about universal healthcare.

Mr Politician, why are you against healthcare that is cheaper overall for everyone, and covers every one of your citizen?

Bam! Take that you hippy scum!

Trump: "my kind of guy".

Trump's fanboy: Hell yea! No healthcare for all of us! U.S.A! U.S.A!

You seriously can't make these stuff up.

No, Trump's fight for America hasn't created net job growth.

His deal making prowess are so bigly awesome GM just laid off 3,000 auto workers. Ford and other US automakers are moving back into Mexico after the great new NAFTA he and his boy-wonder in law (and hidden genius) just negotiated.

And dude, those corporations being stiffed by his tariffs are, if they're big enough, getting subsidies and exemptions. i.e. They're getting taxpayers dollars to make up for the losses, still get to pass on the increase tariffs to American consumers.

And those that aren't getting as much freebies are diversifying into neighbouring Asian manufacturing centres.

The jobs aren't coming back. Not those that's been offshored decades ago.

The only way jobs can be created in the US is through new industries. Such as... installing solar panels; moving the economy towards clean, new renewable higher-tech manufacturing.

To do that, they'd need to make investment in things like education, not bankrupting their students for life to get a degree and coming out seeing gigs but no real job.

That and I don't know about you but buying things I find useful for cheap is not being cheated by the seller. For all we know, it might help balance the family budget.

Reduce the deficits.

Two Trillions in tax cuts to the rich; some $200B additional military spending; natural disasters from "the normal weather" just being big, wet, hot, watery enough to wipe out, literally, a town or two or ten...

But sure, it's those damn hungry kids and sick people and their need for food and stuff that's screwing with the budget.
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