Darc Knight
Investor not Trader
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@dutchie - what are these Trump failings you speak of ?
"You are not supposed to see this video"Sorta destroys the credibility of the post doesn't it. Clickbait 101.
Not really. They are simply saying that there was an attempt at suppressing the video by the original people who made it and put it out, but a copy is available here for people to view, and the content reveals the hypocrisy and lack of credibility of those who made it then tried to remove its existence.
It's funny, when people attack Trump they usually just use evidence like 'he's a disgusting, fat, orange troll who body shames women' or 'He's so obviously a racist' (who has black and Latino employment at all time highs etc!) or they use fictional satire or a pointless photoshopped meme like the redneck above.
This lack of substance is indicative of a lack of actual substance, because if it was there they'd actually be using it.
Wow, you take the Sargent Schultz approach I see - "I know nothing!". We'll start with a host Trump's former Employees, business associates and customers who detail his almost sociopathic way of doing business; not paying contractors, breaching a wide range of employment, environmental and building laws, move onto his pathological lying, the raping of his ex Wife. Geez, I can't list them all. Perhaps listen to actual people, on the record, who have had the misfortune to deal with Trump
And here we see you playing games with anecdotal evidence (worthless in this context), and cherry picking then exaggerating a few examples from an extremely large lifetime of complex business moves, either hoping I will somehow not notice your incredible bias or perhaps being so deluded that you can not even see it.
If we were to take the same approach to literally anyone we could make them look bad. If you were to use the same amount of bias in the opposite direction you would make Trump look like the best guy who ever lived.
As a boss who has employed countless people over the years, you have to look really hard to find people wanting to complain. The majority speak very highly of him. Look at literally anyone who has been a boss to more than a handful of people and you'll get plenty of examples who hated them, whether warranted or not. With Trump you not only have thousands of them to choose from, but there's a political motive for them to exaggerate/lie.
Once again, this is the sort of nonsense that people resort to when attacking Trump, and the lack of substance is clearly because the substance isn't there. Indeed, with all this desperation to attack him, if there actually was a large amount of genuine issue, it would be used to destroy him. Even if you're deluded enough to believe the narrative, you'd have to think that he is some kind of supergenius to somehow continue on like he is despite it all.
It's not like Trump is some unknown identity or one who deals with small, naive businesses. If he is so terrible to deal with, why do people continually want to deal with him? It's a little similar to everyone talking about how terrible the USA is, yet they are so desperate to go live there!
Wow, you watched that whole video, did an unbiased analysis and wrote that wall of text tripe all within a few minutes - incredible.
I don't think I've ever struck a Trump fan boy who I can say is a person I respect enough to listen to. The ones with a sense of right and wrong eventually admit Trump is poor excuse for a Human being, the rest usually aren't great Humans beings themselves.
Ah, and now you resort to the predictable phase of mudslinging/personal attacks and hypocritically finding an excuse to write a person off as a human being, despite trying to take high moral ground.
I'm not a 'Trump fan boy', but whether or not I like a person or thing, I don't like baseless or irrelevant attacks on them.
And no, I didn't watch the entire video. It was well over an hour of the same manufactured, biased nonsense we've constantly been bombarded with for years now.
So you didn't watch the video with actual evidence including statements under oath, yet you make a conclusion about it
When you have a leader that laughs when a journalist doing his job is crash tackled by one of his supporters thereby encouraging such acts then you know that you have a country that is a few steps away from facism.
So you give me a 1 hour 20 minute video of the same nonsense we've all been exposed to constantly for years and use me not watching every minute of it as an excuse to hold your unfounded beliefs. Well done, that's some pretty impressive mental gymnastics.
When you have people cherry picking small things to prove a narrative which contradicts the big picture, you know you have irrational people with ill-founded opinions.
Didn't you say a post back that you didn't even watch the video, a video with a host of ex associates of Trump etc including statements under oath yet you conclude it's nonsense. Your Trump Fan boy derangement is strong.
I skimmed through enough of it to see it's much the same as many videos we've all seen over the last few years. Even by your own description "a video with a host of ex associates of Trump..." we can see it is pointless to watch. In a world with literal international attempts at character assassination, literally it is the #1 topic discussed on mainstream and social media today and possibly the most common topic among interpersonal conversations other than personal topics, it's hardly like I need to waste another hour and 20 minutes on the exact same thing, and in a world where it is literally the most heavily pushed narratives, anecdotal evidence in the most biased context ever to grace the world, is irrelevant. Anecdotal evidence is generally irrelavant even in regular contexts.
So you choose to not look at anything negative about Trump. You're very informed then I guess
We all get swamped with negative material about Trump every day. Have you not noticed? You can't go anywhere at all without it. An evening with friends, turn on the TV, read a newspaper, log online, check a stock discussion forum... you honestly think there is anyone not living under a rock who isn't constantly exposed to anti Trump propaganda?
Maybe theres a reason why there's so many people with negative encounters and dealings with Trump.
When you've got people including his ex wife testifying under oath about his sociopathic ways perhaps theres reason to listen.
Listening to only the good stuff isn't getting the full story.
Who is only listening to the good stuff? Your powers of believing in fiction are showing again. Even if someone wanted to only listen to 'the good stuff' it would be effectively impossible.
I personally try to watch a reasonable spread of everything being put out there, which means most of what I see is heavily anti Trump. I imagine that if I actually wanted to expose myself to pro Trump material it would be a challenge, and if I wanted exclusively pro Trump, I would fail.
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