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Latest tweets by The Donald

Just so you know, even Trump himself didn't believe he could win. Luutzu

Sjajii, Donald Trump was so sure he wouldn't be Prez he refused/dragged his feet on all the mandated prepartions Presidential candidates had to have if they are in the race. Michael Lewis who wrote The Big Short (the story behind the 2008 housing crash in the US) has written a book on this issue.

This guy doesn’t know anything’: the inside story of Trump’s shambolic transition team
Illustration: Nathalie Lees
Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball and The Big Short, reveals how Trump’s bungled presidential transition set the template for his time in the White House

That was scary Bas. I didn't imagine it'd be that bad.

More insight into why Trump has so many vacancies in key posts.

The admin has announced it'll pull out of yet another treaty. This time with Russia and that short-range nuclear weapons ban. Is the world a bit closer to midnight or what?

Trump is quite a terrible salesman. I mean, as president of a global hegemon, he's supposed to be that nice, kind, democratic, liberal king. He's supposed to leave the warmongering, ruthless imperial stormtrooping stuff to his underlings.

That way, those yet to be affected by American exceptionalism wouldn't question or laugh at its claim to spread democracy, bringing peace and justice to the world whenever it needs to liberate a couple places.

Here, geezus man, even the IMF, the kings of Wall St. and our own government know when to pretend that money isn't as important as freedom of the press and murdering of a journalist.

This one's quite funny too.

With a bit of horror when you find out that Jared "the hidden genius" Kushner hired Trump's "Trade Guy" by searching on Amazon for authors with bad-azz "economic" titled books. Like "Death by China"...

The guy couldn't find any economist to agree with him on economics and trade is advising the president on trade wars and how China is screwing America by selling it cheap affordable goods.

Though John Oliver is a bit naive here in that he reckon Trump actually meant to do this to MAGA and save the average Americans. It could very well be that he's just siphoning wealth from the poor and the working class, giving it to himself and people like him who obviously deserve it more.


Jobs not Mobs, that should be an Aussie slogan. Whether in the US or Australia Liberalism should be dumped:
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender and race equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

It's remarkable that you would post something in which Oliver posts an amazing amount of ridiculous misinformation, deliberately misrepresented information, and childish mudslinging, in an apparent attempt to make some sort of point.

China was already screwing the USA, Trump is now fighting back. This isn't exactly the start of a trade war, it's just one side finally having a leader sitting there being attacked and is finally responding.

At least you acknowledge Oliver is naive.

You'll probably love this clip of Oliver In hindsight, a few years from now, the video you just posted will look just as ridiculous even to you! Well, then again, you may still not even think Oliver got it wrong in this one; your mental gymnastics are quite impressive!


Did Trump gave away $1.5Trillion (over 10 years) to corporations and the rich or not?

Did he and his GOP elders also redefine what it is to mean "capital gain" and so gave away another $500M?

Are they also planning "tax reform 2.0"?

Have they also gave tax cuts or more subsidies to the starving young, the sick and the old?

That'd be crazy right? Where's the money to do that.

You don't give more to those who have nothing and on the verge of starvation, you take it from them. Just like how Jesus taught all his tiny-hand kings. Poor people don't need money, they need freedom and work.

Work doing what Donald? Serving the interest of the rich, of course.

btw, did you know, and I could be wrong about this as I only heard it on Democracy Now! and it's so outrageous it cannot possibly be true.... but... the Trump Cabinet, his able ministers, are so rich the own, literally, 30% of the country's wealth between them.

Draining the swamps alright.


Trump is fighting back against China is he?

First, his own daughter rub herself against daddy at those China/US trade meeting to get herself about a dozen or two trademarks and deals in China.

More important, raising tariffs on Chinese imports will just raise the price American consumers will have to pay. i.e. that's a consumption tax on average Americans and businesses.

So unless American manufacturers will all now hire Americans.... Wait, there's no other country with cheaper labour and less environmental, safety, workers protection standard they could move their entrepreurialism to? They must now move back home?

That's like a parent standing up for their beloved by bashing the crap out of them.
and it's so outrageous it cannot possibly be true.... but... the Trump Cabinet, his able ministers, are so rich the own, literally, 30% of the country's wealth between them.

Your right Luu. It is too outrageous to be true. They don't own 30% of the countries wealth. If you considered for a second the actual top wealthiest people (see Wiki. that would be clear.

I believe the point they were making was that the Trump Cabonet owned more than the bottom 30% of the US population.
However since this bottom 30% in fact own 3/5th of FA it seems ANY 17 people in the US who have a house and no debt would own more than the bottom 30%

Check it out.

Do 17 picks for Donald Trump's Cabinet have a higher net worth than one-third of Americans?
Your resilience and steadfast will to defend being so wrong and ignore all evidence to the contrary, and to bleat along to the tune of the media while apparently honestly believe you're thinking independently, make you a thoroughly... well, common and unremarkable individual, lutzy.

To back up your believe in one piece of blatant nonsense (eg Trump didn't believe he could win! Haha!) you use a page of complete nonsense which as usual is almost as fully false as it is irrelevant. All your heros like Oliver consistently get everything wrong, but as long as you only laugh along with their smug mockery today and forget how wrong they were yesterday and ignore how wrong today's words will be tomorrow, you can somehow maintain the delusion of being smart and even twist yourself into thinking you're a free, independent thinker who thinks 99% the same as what you're told to, but hey, that 1% where you disagreed on something show you're an entirely free thinker! Good job!

You know how to differentiate between facts and commentaries right?

And no dude, I don't have heroes. There are people I admire but John Oliver isn't one of them. I simply link a show of his that illustrate Trump's "understanding" of trade and tariffs.

Heck, I even comment that Oliver is too naive to think that maybe Trump is simply an idiot... I mean Trump is an idiot, but in this "war with China", Trump and those behind him pulling strings know all too well that raising tariffs on, not just China, but Canada, the EU... that's just a consumption tax the poor will be paying for.

i.e. They're transferring wealth from the bottom to the tippy top.

So Trump is either a total moron [or in the word of former Sec. of State Tillerson: "a f*cking moron"], or he's a genius who gather his poor struggling supporters and telling lies to their faces as he takes their hope and dream of a better future and pizz on it.

Wait 'til they wake up to that trickling down.

The liberals got played by Obama... and being hippies they either go order an extra large soy latte to ease the pain or vote for HRC with their noses pinched. Most of Trump's supporters have guns and know how to use don't they?
A little too much agro in this thread folks. If everyone could please take a deep breath, exhale and relax that would be great. Remember, civility not hostility.
Joe says to behave, everyone rushes in to check out who's not behaving on a thread so heavingly boring I haven't bothered to look until now! Yay, nothing like a good barney (no not you Barney! ) to get the punters reading.
Beats me why people have a crack at Luu. He's intelligent with a good Heart.

Would be a whole lot harder if you guys weren't so bought off by the gun lobby you'd rather armed school teachers than freakin ban assault rifles.

Seriously, in some states the gov't is now arming, and training, about 1/3 of school teachers.

Talk about crocodile tears.

Here's more guns, just don't kill anyone when you got nuts alright? 'cause that's bad.
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