Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Language Annoyances

hopefully the use by date is imminent.

This one is interesting to me because I learned that "hopefully", being an adverb (he asserts hopefully), is not to be used when one intends to convey "I hope that" (a verb) or perhaps "I am hopefull that" (an adjective used properly). But checking for modern usage / evolution I came upon this article and discussion ( which claims that "The Associated Press has announced that their writers can now start a sentence with the word “hopefully” to mean “I am hopeful that something will happen,” or “I am hopeful that the next part of the sentence is true.” As in “Hopefully, you understand what a big deal this change is.”
This one is interesting to me because I learned that "hopefully", being an adverb (he asserts hopefully), is not to be used when one intends to convey "I hope that" (a verb) or perhaps "I am hopefull that" (an adjective used properly). But checking for modern usage / evolution I came upon this article and discussion (”
An interesting article that, I had no idea that the use of hopefully as a sentence adverb only dates back to the 1960s, and only recently becoming grammatically acceptable.
When retailers first started using the term "in store" it annoyed me for some reason and still does a bit.
Another annoying checkout sign is;

"Sorry This Checkout Closed"

If they are so sorry, why don't they bloody open it.:rolleyes:

Haha, even worse, check out the photo I took in Tokyo.


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Dislike business phrases..

Today saw 3 postings of new appointments at work, and in each case the writer had put "... reporting to myself." NO NO NO! "Bill will report to me" or "Bill will be reporting to me", though the first is surely better. Myself is a reflexive pronoun and shouldn't be used like this...

This is becoming more & more common where I work (global org) & most of the offenders are very well paid. Money doesn't buy happiness, nor good grammar or spelling schools.
Dislike business phrases..

Today saw 3 postings of new appointments at work, and in each case the writer had put "... reporting to myself." NO NO NO!
I will be reporting to myself!

"Bill will report to me" or "Bill will be reporting to me", though the first is surely better. Myself is a reflexive pronoun and shouldn't be used like this...

This is becoming more & more common where I work (global org) & most of the offenders are very well paid. Money doesn't buy happiness, nor good grammar or spelling schools.
Dislike business phrases..

Today saw 3 postings of new appointments at work, and in each case the writer had put "... reporting to myself." NO NO NO! "Bill will report to me" or "Bill will be reporting to me", though the first is surely better. Myself is a reflexive pronoun and shouldn't be used like this...

This is becoming more & more common where I work (global org) & most of the offenders are very well paid. Money doesn't buy happiness, nor good grammar or spelling schools.
Agree, johenmo. I suppose, though, it's marginally better than
"Me and John went to the movies".
I HATE when people use an apostrophe with a plural. For example... "We had hot dog's for lunch."

An obvious one, but people that can't correctly use their, there and they're as well as your and you're.

I also think I could write a book of footy clichés that players and coaches use in pre/post match interviews.
I HATE when people use an apostrophe with a plural. For example... "We had hot dog's for lunch."

An obvious one, but people that can't correctly use their, there and they're as well as your and you're.
I agree. Despite both the above having been remarked on many times in other threads, they both persist with irritating tenacity.
Do the people who get it wrong all the time just decline to read threads such as this?:banghead::banghead:
I HATE when people use an apostrophe with a plural. For example... "We had hot dog's for lunch."

Probably the one that makes me grind my teeth more than any other!! It's even worse when they say something like "I will send you some photo's of my holidays." They aren't even consistent.

An obvious one, but people that can't correctly use their, there and they're as well as your and you're.

With you here too!!!
Another annoying checkout sign is;

"Sorry This Checkout Closed"

If they are so sorry, why don't they bloody open it.:rolleyes:
Yes, especially on weekends. Businesses apologising for poor service particularly then is beyond me. They are too stingy to pay the appropriate penalty rates, so they actually expect customers to shop during the week 9-5.

A good tactic is to ask the attendant at the self-serve checkouts, if he/she asks you to come through, to open a register instead. It has worked for me.

Bloody customers. Can't they understand that we're trying to run a business? :rolleyes:
How awful. Tyler, what were you thinking when you started that thread?
Is it so immensely difficult to type "Greek Exit"?
Why do these ghastly contractions happen?
Could you be more pacific?

I brought 100 shares in XYZ.

I bought it down from the cupboard.

Oh, and that Estuary-speak from England annoys me i.e. where 'v' and 'f' replace the 'th' sounds in 'the' and 'thing' respectively, innit?
Found this on the funny YouTube videos thread - I'm pretty sure the language breakdown started here - Bogan city

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