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Language Annoyances

azza a matta o' fact, as it goes, ya know, keep ya norf n souf shut, ya mince pies open when the trubble n strife is up the apple n pears, like, innit

i mean, gawd stroof, 'owz ya father gunna account fer that lot then, eh, bleedin' arf the tops if was i to ask our indoors like.......large one, sister, yeah, get that slice of sunshine up ya cappers......

no wo' i mean?

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azza a matta o' fact, as it goes, ya know, keep ya norf n souf shut, ya mince pies open when the trubble n strife is up the apple n pears, like, innit

i mean, gawd stroof, 'owz ya father gunna account fer that lot then, eh, bleedin' arf the tops if was i to ask our indoors like.......large one, sister, yeah, get that slice of sunshine up ya cappers......

no wo' i mean?


You do that pretty well Joules, you lived there?

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Poor language should not be confused with rhyming slang or vernacular or accent. I read Strine a long time ago. Is anyone familiar with it? It was written by Afferbeck Lauder (Alphabetical Order)...

Gunga Din! The door slokt and I Gunga Din!!! I car nope nit!!!!! :D:D:D

I'm actually a little bit proud that I know what that means!
Okay, I have to get this off my chest.

I can't stand it when people pronounce "vulnerable" as "vunnerable". :mad:

This is a dialectal difference: vonn'rable (or voln'rable) vs vunn'rable, much like "cuhlture" vs "colture".

You do that pretty well Joules, you lived there?


do as it goes.....
funny you should ask, coz, well, ya know, ears tha fing, get this right, i was bawn wif a silver broom handle in me mouf, woon i, didnt arf near choke to def it did, gawd stroof a complete load a toss-pot bollox ........

but now? yeah, now, i'm all like this, inn i, i mean, i'm all like "like the lining?, eh, like the jacket, ya do dont cha, like the lining, ya do, nice cut, eh"

can't say fairer than that, alright?

And starting every sentence with "yeah, no". Utterly without meaning.

Teenagers who feel obliged to insert the word "like" into every few words of their conversation.

"I done that".

I'm gonna (or going to) defend this one, too.

The linking consonant in "I'd done that" produces "I'd'one that", though in most contexts it's not really the case!
I lived in England for a while...

2. Greeting with 'you alright?'

Hah, never really got used to that one.

Asked with an intonation that makes you want to rush to the mirror to see if you have an eye hanging out or 'summat' (<-- another on that used to irritate me over there).
You know what i am saying or you don't know nufing... you know...ayy
Hah, never really got used to that one.

Asked with an intonation that makes you want to rush to the mirror to see if you have an eye hanging out or 'summat' (<-- another on that used to irritate me over there).

When I first went to England in the '80s everyone used to say 'cheers' all the time. As the word was only used here when drinking :alcohol: I was completely baffled at frst as to why people were saying 'cheers' to each other and there was no alcohol around :confused: . I gradually realised people used it as an equivalent to 'thanks'. It's more common here now with that usage and people also use it a lot when signing off emails too.
"a report says" there's always a report saying something, where do they come from ?

"experts agree" ahhh the elusive experts, anonymous but respected by millions.
"a report says" there's always a report saying something, where do they come from ?

"experts agree" ahhh the elusive experts, anonymous but respected by millions.

True. Plus "studies reveal......."
Accept that languages evolves. However, I do hate words being mispronounced. Like "preformance" (spoken by so many business people), the use of "sh" instead of "s" e.g. "Aushtralia", as stated earlier "vunerable" - which must be a vulnerable venerable... there are many more - Antartic, aks, "chomp" at the bit, fedral, excetera, jewlery (somethign to do with the jewish faith?). I'd better stop....

Spelling is going out the window (take that for a language annoyance!) :D. But Seriously... spelling mistakes on TV (ads and news), advertising signs. Having poor spelling can only reinforce mispronunciation (not mispronounciation). So why isn't spelling given more emphasis in primary school?

Aaarrgghhhh! :banghead:
I don't like nucular (as a former US President was wont to say), buddy, chief...
The football commentators are saying 'all over it'.
I remember in undergrad days a tv advert came on, 'university tests have shown', the room was convulsed with laughter.