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Labor's carbon tax lie

Looks like no-one wants to hear any more fibs about the climate - this is so funny:

GetUp will be circling like vultures today as the convoys arrive, cameras at the ready.

When GetUp and the trade union executives directly lobby government, that's alright, but should ordinary Australians dare to intrude into this convenient closed shop of influence - much consternation, they're extremists and unrepresentative, or anything else to discredit ordinary Australians.

I noticed Bluescope are only laying off 1000 and it has nothing to do with the upcomming carbon tax. Lets see how long they keep running after the compensation stops.
Also lets see what steel making aquisitions they make between now and then, especially overseas.
As soon as the carbon tax compensation payments finish, so will the blast furnaces.
That's what the Greens want.

Labor does not care one way or the other, as long as they can maintain office a moment longer.

Actually, I think i have worked out what the carbon tax compensation package is, it's the redundancy package. Thats why it was brought forward for bluescope, it covers the redundancy payments for closing down.
Ah yes the clever country.
I really must stop posting on this topic, I am becomming too sucked in.
But when you read the cr@p that this guy writes, it just makes my blood boil.

It has been a while since I worked in the steel industry, but how you can compare the upstream requirement of Germany's furnaces with ours is pulling a long bow.
Germany is a massive manufacturing economy(actually supporting the EU). It produces Generators,Turbines,Vehicles and a multitude of industrial equipment. They are also geographicaly located where the major markets are.
To sugest that bluescope has to generate a demand for its product like Germany is just bl@@dy stupid and to think I used to think this guy was pretty clever.
Just goes to show the older you get the easier it is to see $#!t from clay, without having to taste it.

I hope they can hang if for a couple of weeks, Julia and Wayne are comming to the rescue with a plan.LOL

Never worked around steel making but have worked around Germans and their technology a number of times starting in the 80's.

What struck me in the 80's is their thinking and work ethic.

I was working with guys the same age and younger and they were better trained, had much higher standards / expectations and they completed tasks far faster than any equivalent Australian.

I suspect we didn't develop our steel making to the same standards as the Germans.

I always nearly throw up when I hear about our technology in breaking rocks.
I suspect we didn't develop our steel making to the same standards as the Germans.

I always nearly throw up when I hear about our technology in breaking rocks.
I'm no expert on steel but I suspect it at least partly comes down to scale.

There are a few industries in Australia that do operate at an internationally significant scale but there aren't too many. The ones that come to mind as being globally significant are:

The alumina refineries, the aluminium smelters in Qld, NSW and Vic plus TEMCO and the zinc works (both in Tas) are the heavy manufacturing industries that come to mind as being at or close to a global scale of operation. Practically everything else just isn't large enough to be competitive.

Perhaps there are some others, but those are the ones that come immediately to mind. Of note is that all of those are huge energy users, that being one of the very few areas in which Australia is actually competitive.
Perhaps there are some others, but those are the ones that come immediately to mind. Of note is that all of those are huge energy users, that being one of the very few areas in which Australia is actually competitive.

For now.
There is a difference between criticizing people's logic and direct personal insult. I play the ball, you play the man.

Ammmhmm whats that phase cognitive forgetfullness behavioral bias I am perfect and its everyone else?

A bold claim indeed............
By Dennis Shanahan no less

Point being its the wrong debate in the national interest.......oh that's right its all about Abbotts obsession to gain power.

"Mr Abbott, please play us something other than that toxic tax tune"
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