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Labor's carbon tax lie

Exactly. It just exports (in a very blinkered way) the prosperity to be derived from the dwindling fuel resources.
Gillard will be having a lockdown of journalists on Carbon Sunday so that apparently market sensitive information can't be leaked early when she announces the nasty bits of her new tax.

For the same reason she hasn't told her caucus the details in advance. This is democracy in action.

IMO it is more akin to autocracy ( than a purist 'democracy'. Mao Zedong was an autocrat.

Perhaps we need to coin a new polliterm - Duocrazy (since BB seems to now wield at least equal power to JG in the Gang Of Two)

I believe that old dinosaur 'democracy', or what passed for it, died out in Oz some time ago?

It seems that all is not happy in the labor camp as Gillard's own MPs are being kept in the dark over carbon tax details, despite independent MPs and Greens already being in the loop.

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard will hold an unprecedented national telephone conference with her entire backbench on Sunday to soothe anger among MPs left in the dark about the carbon tax.
"It is getting to the point where a lot of MPs are very annoyed that she holds weekly meetings with the Greens and MPs, especially around the carbon tax, and doesn't tell us a thing," said one MP.

Full article from the Telegraph by Simon Benson: Just pick up the carbon phone, MPs tell Julia Gillard

I think this only confirms the belief that our country is being run by Gillard, Brown and two independents who don't seem to be representing the views of the majority in their own electorates.

I think this only confirms the belief that our country is being run by Gillard, Brown and two independents who don't seem to be representing the views of the majority in their own electorates.

We are getting well and truly screwed and there is nothing we can do about it. All we can do is shut our eyes, lie back and hope Abbott can come up with a morning-after pill. A great big new pill.:bowdown:
News flash for the global microwave believers!

Perth is now in it's longest cold snap since June 2005, according to the Bureau of Meteorology. Conditions are set to continue over the weekend.

Perth's mean minimum temperature in June was 7.5 degrees, which was the equal fourth lowest mean minimum temperature on record

The minimum temperature of 1.2 degrees on the 19th was the lowest daily minimum temperature on record for June at an official Perth Metro observation site in the 107 years of record

Perth Metro recorded 171.4 mm of rainfall on 14 days during June 2011, which is the wettest June for 6 years since 251.0 mm was recorded on 19 rain days in 2005

Wonder if that will be in Gilliard's report on Sunday

Yes, it's exceptionally cold here in SE Qld. We don't usually need any heaters in winter due to warmth on sunny days, but have needed a bit of extra warmth this year despite the sun.

But then the alarmists have kidnapped the word "climate" for their own connotations, so now anything we say about the weather has nothing to do with climate - according to them and the excuse for carbon tax. Oh dear, when will they realise just how silly they are...

And there are some who believe the globe is actually going through a cooling stage - and that is more believable, imo. I think it's time the warmist scientists got their head out of their theories and stick them outside for a breath of fresh air.

LOL'd at the way you spelt Gillard - I have sometimes accidentally typed Glliard - it seems to happen so naturally. I doubt that anything will be very truthful about her speech - her track record isn't inspiring, imo. I would think there will be a good chance of a screen behind her depicting grey skies and black smoke and maybe an Aussie flag to make her look patriotic. She will likely be dressed in white to look like purity...arrgh.

But, I won't be watching and hopefully neither will most of Australia. The TV channels that have given into her demands should be rewarded with very low ratings, imo. It will be easy enough to read the dubious details online soon enough.

Perth is cold at the moment because the air over Perth has originated from the continent which is colder than the ocean at this time of year. It is, ironically, related to reduced rainfall in that both are a reflection of a trend towards a more continental climate.

That being said, the questions remain about the extent of global warming due to CO2, what imapct Australia would have adopting a carbon tax without the major economies, other hidden objectives such as wealth redistribution and budget mending and the fact that Labor lied about this at the last election.

Please excuse me while I throw another tree in the wood heater. Brrrrrrr.
Yes, keep those wood fires burning...

Perhaps we would freeze to death without the protective barrier of co2...
Even Wayne Swan was saying 1000 a couple of days ago in the house! On the last week before they announce the tax. Goes to show how well thought out this policy is.

It will resemble a house made from different sized bricks.
.... what imapct Australia would have adopting a carbon tax without the major economies.....

One aspect of the carbon tax I have never heard mentioned and I am surprised no one has ever brought it up.

When ever anyone tries to discuss the cost of the carbon tax on the economy, the response is usually "but the cost of doing nothing will be much worse".

However, what many forget is that if the carbon tax does not reduce CO2 emissions, then the cost to Australia will be the sum of the cost of the carbon tax and the cost of doing nothing. It is apparent that the carbon tax as proposed will have no impact on CO2 emissions, so we will be hit with the double whammy.
My question is - They are willing to compensate 'Orstralian Families' for a $23/t carbon tax. Will they double the compensation if the tax rises to $46/t? Or will the excess disappear into Govt Revenue under the claim of 'rising Govt costs associated with distributing the tax' or some other lame excuse.

What if, under an ETS, it goes to $69/t, will they triple the compensation?

As the carbon tax increases, will the hand outs keep pace?

Is there going to be a never ending stream of compo?

Beware of this people, these are questions that have not been answered! I would advise an opposition member to ask them.

Suggest you send your question to JU-LIAR when she is on QandA on Monday 9.30 pm ABC TV.
You may also ask her about the 10% of all carbon dioxide tax that will go to the UN Climate Change Committee.

They still haven't told us why they are introducing the tax. Gillard told us before the election there would be no carbon tax. We can assume she saw no need for it. Only one thing has happened to change her mind, post election,and that is the Greens gained the balance of power.

This tax can do nothing to reduce CO2 emissions but it will achieve the Green's aims to damage industry and redistribute the wealth.
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