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Labor's carbon tax lie

Abbotts policy just sucks bit like him but just keep looking the other way...and keep saying Great Big Tax.

Abbott's policy is a pretend policy. A pretend policy for a pretend problem. If elected he will let it wither on the vine. He wouldn't be able to get it through the Senate anyway.

Agree likely out come for Abbott to take a similar line as Canada have just done don't act until the US acts which boils down to the condition of the economy.

Assuming Abbott wins the next election and acts accordingly then I guess that strengthens the greens position.

As for the pretend problem you had better hope so, I notice a wide ranging politicization of the issue on both sides but very little in the peer review area refuting the science of GW.
Abbott's policy is a pretend policy. A pretend policy for a pretend problem. If elected he will let it wither on the vine. He wouldn't be able to get it through the Senate anyway.
Agree. It seems to have met with no approval from anyone and is, at best, a gesture.
I'd have more respect for him if he'd been true to his genuine beliefs and said the Coalition simply would not be introducing any price on carbon or taking direct action on CO2 until and unless the rest of the world acted.
But in the meantime, he should have come up with sensible policies for the general reduction of pollution.
I'd be surprised if such a combination of policies didn't receive more support from the electorate than his current untruthful posturing of 'half believing/half not believing'.
...Just keep looking the other way folks....

Yep, that's what's happening - and very sensibly, imo.

From the Telegraph by Simon Benson: Angry voters want election before carbon tax


For some reason there are some people that want to smash everything that is good
so they can be seen to fix it.
The problem is that they do not understand that if "its not broken, don't try to fix it".
I have seen this in a company that I once worked for.
They are now $23 million in debt. But they keep coming with these new ideas to make money, as long the governmemt is paying.
It's like a virus. Must be in the drinking water.!!!

Joe, I would say the water they ARE drinking is GREEN..
Is this the simplified version of the Carbon Tax

Juliar before election - there will be no carbon tax

Juliar after election - there will be a carbon tax (with a little help from others)
especially if I can call it something else.

Tax big polluters.

Big polluters - if we are going to be taxed we will raise our prices
- if we raise our prices we will get same profit so there is no need to reduce pollution or change our ways.

general public - gee prices have gone up but no worries the government is giving us a hand out to cover that - so there is no need for us to change our ways.

does this tax change the amount of carbon pollution????

Bring in the tax and Australia will reduce its carbon output ( will it???)

This will hurt our economy - that's all right we will just sell more coal overseas!
Gillard excuses all her policies, including the carbon tax, by saying that it is in the "national interest," whereas the opposite is the truth. Banning the live cattle trade and engaging in in a live people trade with Malaysia are not in the national interest.

Bob Brown on the other hand makes no pretense of doing anything in the national interest. He is intent on working with Gillard on the carbon tax to put Australian industry at a disadvantage to our competitors, and to destroy the coal industry, which is the basis of our economy.

Gillard is a confirmed liar, but to claim she does anything in the national interest is an ongoing whopper.
It's all gone now with the zinc works, Comalco (Rio Tinto), Temco, Boyer and the two breweries being about all that really remains in terms of large scale manufacturing.
And now management of the zinc works have announced likely closure directly due to the carbon tax.

In terms of local impact in Tas, that's like saying we're going to shut down the iron ore industry in WA, the financial services industry in Sydney or coal in Qld. The zinc works directly contributes 15 - 20% of exports from Tas and injects a huge amount into the lcoal economy via wages, contractors, purchases of goods and services, taxes and so on. It is the third largest zinc production plant in the world.

I would say "last person out, turn off the lights" but at this rate nobody will be able to afford to have them on in the first place.

Yet another nail in the coffin as the Greens wreck this state and, increasingly, the rest of the country as well.
And now, it's not called a tax. Naughty Mr Rabbit for calling it a tax...
Yes I noticed today the P.M. used the term carbon "pricing". The term "tax" was the sledgehammer to crack the nut and now they will move to placate the majority(?) that think this approach is a bad idea. The first one being that there will be no effect at the fuel depot for trades people, small business and norms. The myriad of other "effects" are still under discussion but we should have the master plan by this week.

Is that Nyrstar Zinc your talking about? Were did you hear about the likely closure very interested to hear more I happen to work at the only other zinc refinery here in Townsville.
No suprise here.

Meanwhile, in the real world,

Greens Deputy Christine Milne and Independent Tony Windsor say it is impossible for the Government to promise a carbon price will never be imposed on fuel.

Senator Milne said the 17 per cent of Australia's greenhouse emissions that come from transport must be "dealt with".

Read more:

Bob Brown on his way to paliament.
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