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Labor's carbon tax lie

The real issue is atmospheric pollution in all forms. Beats me why they play these stupid games though. Might be some sort of wake up call before things do get worse.

You mean the propaganda?
No surprise here, maybe if Julia gets into US politics she can back flip and reintroduce a carbon tax

Ross Garnaut's comments about other nations carbon efforts are behind the times as well imo

This sums up my thoughts the tax is labors honey pot and little to do with the environment. All those green jobs they keep talking about won't end up here it will end up in China. I heard this morning that Australia manufacturing costs is 30% more than NZ. Why the hell would you make something in the most expensive place on earth? I worry more a little each day on the direction this green labor government is taking us economically.

I'm completely amazed how Labor detractors seem to have no idea that the actual system of government we use in Australia is a representative/parliamentary democracy instead of a direct democracy. They seem to think it's just all about the will of the people - which does not always reflect the best interests of the country.

Represent - to stand or act in the place of, as a substitute, proxy, or agent.

A representative should reflect the broad wishes of the community they represent. That may be difficult and one can't represent everyone precisely, but a genuine attempt must be made, otherwise the person is NOT a true representative.

That is why we vote, to select someone that best represents our wishes in parliament, as expressed in their election campaign.

IOW shifty, how would you react if your community elected a purportedly socialist/social democratic representative and (s)he thought it in the the community's best interests to promulgate Austrian economic theory, the dismantling of the welfare state and the deportation of all non anglo-saxon/celtic stock?
This sums up my thoughts the tax is labors honey pot and little to do with the environment. All those green jobs they keep talking about won't end up here it will end up in China.

"Economic disarmament" describes Gillard's tax exactly. There is little doubt that America has given carbon pricing the flick. The Republicans won't have a bar of it, and in the same article;

A senior strategist for the Democratic Party in Washington has confirmed that neither Mr Obama nor congressional Democrats would campaign for a carbon price in next year's presidential and congressional elections.

This has pulled the rug out from under Gillard. However it won't faze the greens. All their efforts are geared toward Australia committing "economic disarmament.'"

Calliope, I fully agree with you and have been saying it for a while now, this Green/Labor Government are out ruin free enterprise.

Don't be surprised if you get the criticizim I received from certain ASF members that your statement of "economic disarmament" will be branded as rediculous.
A thought occurred to me today, don't we, by the way of a GST, already have a carbon tax? GST is a consumption tax. Consumption comes at the end of a manufacturing process, manufacturing causes pollution (ie. carbon production). Pollution causes climate change. rolleyes

Couldn't Labor, in it's infinite wisdom, add 5% to the GST, set that 5% aside from revenue and put it into eco-friendly matters such that they have been promoting? You consume, you pay.
Is that really too complicated?

Some might say that is taxing the people not those nasty polluters, but make no mistake, as with GST manufacturers WILL pass costs on, whether it's a GST or a carbon tax.
Sounds so sensible, doesn't it, springhill! And it's my bet that if the government had proposed this, simply explaining that the budget had taken a hit with the floods etc, on top of the stimulus payments, and that therefore, very sadly, an increase in the GST was necessary in order to maintain a high quality of education, medical, infrastructure services, the population would have grizzled for a week or two, and then just accepted it, much as we did with the original GST.

Instead they have gone off on this 'great moral challenge' of climate change which much of the population has fallen out of love with, and they are reaping the obvious repercussions of trying to sell something to the electorate which makes no sense to the average voter.
An interesting article, and the comments following it are well worth a read also.

The sentiments expressed are very similar to those I read or heard on the radio over the weekend by the person who, I think, was the head of whatever the organisation is that comprises all central banks.
Apologies for being so vague. I can't now find the article, but it essentially echoed what was said in Noco's link above, and came from someone with the experience and authority, you'd imagine, to know.

If anyone else has read/heard what I'm trying to think of, I'd be grateful for the link or reference.
Is Labor slamming the Greens at the negotiating table ?

Julia Gillard is certainly slamming the public,

Yesterday she insisted the carbon tax was the right thing to do. "It's the equivalent of saying 'eat your vegetables', I suppose," she told Sydney radio.

So now we are being lectured like children.

The polls speak for themselves.
Irrespective of what we desire or what the polls say we will be getting a carbon tax on July 1st when the Greens have the balance of power in the senate come July 1st.

No ifs or buts about it. We are deeply in the manure and it aint growing roses.
Irrespective of what we desire or what the polls say we will be getting a carbon tax on July 1st when the Greens have the balance of power in the senate come July 1st.
Not necessarily.

The carbon tax is killing Labor and the Greens know it.

Once the detalis are realesed, this will be the next bomb to fall on Labor, again driven by the Greens.

The Greens have got Labor into a very akward posture. We can only hope that at some point, panic sets in within Labor and they see an exit strategy as the lesser or two political evils.
Australian carbon taxed business competing against non carbon tax business in other countries? Bit tough I envisage.
Australian carbon taxed business competing against non carbon tax business in other countries? Bit tough I envisage.

Yes it's called economic disarmament. We must be an international joke. It's difficult to believe that Brown and Gillard are not economic vandals. Their carbon policies are deliberately sabotaging our industries, and we still don't know why.
How can anybody trust this Prime Minister JU-LIAR.What she says and what she does is two different things. No wonder she is behind in the polls and there she will stay.
She says "there will be no carbon dioxide tax under the government I lead" and then to appease the Greens, she brings one in.
How can anyone trust her to give compensation to tax payers and pensioners
And why does she keep avoiding stating she will give 10% of the carbon dioxide tax to the UN?
This is economic vandalism at it's best
From the comments section following noco's above link:

This seems a reasonable point, given the mess in Europe. Anything I've read about the European ETS/carbon tax has suggested it has largely been a failure, rife with rorting.

And from the USA, also held up as a shining example by the Australian government:

Above quotes are from an article by Seamus French in The Australian 4 April 2011.
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