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Kevin Rudd

Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Rudds still new on the scene, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, for now.

I doubt if you'll see much benefit in him if he keeps bumbling along with ill-considered policies like he's been doing so far!
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Don't kid yourself that we have 'free speech' in Oz. Free speech is a myth! This country, especially our internet forums, is infested with 'speech police' who will come down on you like a ton of bricks if you accidentally say the wrong thing.

As one small example-one of the many-Kyle Sandilands found out how much free speech there is in Australia.A little more than sfa.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

As I said, I dont like Howard. He lost me completely with the Hicks case.

Every other country got their people but ours was left there for 5yrs.

It was a great victory for the bleeding hearts and the Taliban. Many of those released returned to Afghanistan to continue their fight against the dreaded Coalition invaders and those misguided people who believe in democracy and the rights of women.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

No sorry, you dont hold someone for 5yrs with no trial.

I dont agree

and now we are off topic..
Herr Rudd

I have been privileged to receive some unedited proclamations from the PM's office in Canberra.

Ze Australian people vill decide vvo komes into our kountry undt vvo does neint. Achtung!!

Neinnezzeless ve assert a kompassionate attitude to all r-r-refugees. Achtung!!

Zis iss ze vort uff Herr R-r-rudd. Naturlich!

Listen up you shtupid ninkempooks. Achtung!!

Herr Rudd.

Re: Herr Rudd

Herr Hockey undt I are ze best uff kamaraden from our Sunrise days. Achtung!!

Re: Herr Rudd

Ahh Vot about thiz suckessfil Fin Planna frem Ze Nurth Shoree.

He knews nuzing.

Com fli withz him in hiz Heinkel


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Re: Herr Rudd

Vudd dis be zee Manny in der Heinkl vot der bastarden vanted fur Strum Finanz?

Re: Herr Rudd

Zee heed of zee associzatn as deerected ze nut to communt.


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Re: Herr Rudd

Herr R-r-rudd today adfised India zat uUanium iss out fur India undt zat ze asylum seekers vould nefer efer iss qveue chum efen in a zousent years. Achtung!! Herr R-r-rudd met mitt some young people at a Youzz meetingkt undt patiently listened to zeir bleatingkts. Achtung!! Zis followed on a glorious fisit to ze troops on ze Vestern Front. Achtung!!

Re: Herr Rudd

I have been privileged to receive some unedited proclamations from the PM's office in Canberra.

"Ze Australian people vill decide vvo komes into our kountry undt vvo does neint. Achtung!!"
hey gg, I could have sworn I've heard those words before - cept they were signed "Herr (Kleine John) Howard".

Canberra ist full of dumkoffs anscheinend. Shame they don't put you in charge lol.
Re: Herr Rudd

hey gg, I could have sworn I've heard those words before - cept they were signed "Herr (Kleine John) Howard".

Canberra ist full of dumkoffs anscheinend. Shame they don't put you in charge lol.

Herr R-r-rudd has spent many long hours in his bunker learningkt from ze great lieders uff ze past such as Kleine John.

Re: Herr Rudd

Ve in Australia are here fur ze long haul,” R-r-rudd told forces, accortingkt to Australian Broadcastingkt Korp. Achtung!! footage. Naturlich! He also held talks mitt ze U.S. khief uff NATO operations in Afghanistan, General Shtanley McChrystal, vvo vants more manpower fur ze mission, ze ABC said. Naturlich!

Ze ofernight trip follows komments by Australian Defense Minister ChJohann Faulkner last monzz, vvo said he vas examiningkt how to speed up kompletingkt ze trainingkt uff local forces in Afghanistan. Naturlich! U.S. President Barack Obama jatertay met mitt security adfisers undt military kommenters as he determines vvezzer to kommit more troops to ze var. Achtung!!

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