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Kevin Rudd

Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Yep Krusty, I agree

Its these one eyed supporters that make me laugh.

How can you not see that BOTH parties have contributed in one way or another over the years.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

No, Howard is criticising Rudd for doing bugger all in the two years that he's been in government.
And also for making a complete stuff up of the issue of illegal immigration by boat people.

And don't waste your time by challenging me to name what Howard achieved in his time in office. I'm not here to beat the drum for Howard or any other politician.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

these global forces you talk about put other advanced economies around the world in massive billion/trillion dollar deficits. Australia surplus.

So, your'e saying that Asian and Sub-Continent growth (the regions that have been buying all our commodities) put advanced economies in to deficit?

No, those countries put themselves in to deficit. Through many factors.

Take the US for example. For quite a few years in this decade they were spending $1 billion dollars per DAY on their military. George W spent more money than EVERY preceding president COMBINED. That is not a factor that put Australia in to surplus.

when the squeeze came...
did you think our banks didnt implode.... just by coincidence?

I must admit that you are right about this one, however, the Wallis review and the subsequent FSRA in 2001 was what kept our banking system immune to the shenanigans that caused the GFC.

This was one thing that Johnny actually did right i.e. listened to someone else's recommendations and implemented them.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Bunyip, yes!! little Johnny had a system with the boat people that WORKED, what's the old saying, if its not broke, don't fix it.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

And don't waste your time by challenging me to name what Howard achieved in his time in office. I'm not here to beat the drum for Howard or any other politician.

I'm not challenging you or anybody else, I'm quite sincere with my question.

When I tried to think about it I couldn't really remember anything that Johnny did that was worth bragging about.

So far I have the GST and the FSRA.

And you have to be fair to KRudd, the GFC came along within his first year in power, and effectively used up all the surplus and created a deficit - coping with this would derail any PM's plans.

So reacting and steering the country through the biggest economic and financial crisis in 80 years is not doing anything?
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

I just thought of another Howard achievement.

He inserted the word "mateship" in the Aussie Constitution and then called a press conference to announce it.

Gee Johnny, I guess your "mates" in your electorate didn't hear about it when they tossed you for Maxine McKew!!!
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

I wondered where all the Howard Haters (Rudd Lovers) had got to. They have been very quiet on the boat people and global warming, but they are back with a vengeance on this thread.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

I wondered where all the Howard Haters (Rudd Lovers) had got to. They have been very quiet on the boat people and global warming, but they are back with a vengeance on this thread.

Why if you are a Howard critic (not hater), do you automatically have to be a Rudd lover?

I don't vote for either Liberal or Labor, as they are both very similar.

KRudd does not escape my sights.

In this thread I am only addressing the ridiculous and untrue statements made by Howard toward KRudd recently, which is the thread subject.

Don't worry too much Calliope, KRudd will put foot in mouth again before too long, and I will afford him the same scrutiny.

In terms of boat people, 95% of asylum seekers enter Australia by plane and that is a non-issue.

With this in mind I still don't understand why the brouhaha over boat borne refugees - is it that either party does not want the poor refugees only the wealthy ones?

It's interesting that most people are polarised in thought in regard to politics. You are either for one or for the other, never a third view, or an impartial view i.e. if you make a criticism you are automatically for the other.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Yes its polarisation at its best.
We all know that Labor spends it and the Libs/Nationals repay it and we know that Labor stands for warm and fuzzy things but lack logistics where as the Liberals take the tough stance and upset the thin skinned.

As for the rest of the parties.. They are there to make up the numbers.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

The criticism many of us have had of the handling of the GFC has been the enormous amount handed out to everyone for them to waste if they wished.
Yes, the Libs would also have applied a stimulus but they would have used the funds on something which would have had a longer term view, provided employment in its application, and given us some e.g. necessary infrastructure into the future.

I don't think I'm the only one who considers that the cash handouts were to provide instant results for around six months, thus avoiding the 'two quarters of negative growth' so that politically the government could claim they have avoided a recession.

And yes, it has worked. We have not had a technical recession.
But what do we have to show for spending that large amount of money?

Why if you are a Howard critic (not hater), do you automatically have to be a Rudd lover?
Plenty of us are 'fence sitters' and are simply commenting on policy and government behaviour as we see it. Because Labor is in power, then obviously they are going to be making the decisions, which are then up for approval or criticism. That doesn't make people disagreeing with the government ipso facto wholly happy with everything Mr Howard did.

And (to borrow a Ruddism) "can I just say" that I really dislike the phrase "little Johnny". It's personal and derogatory. If you have something to criticise about any politician, why not keep it to his actions and/or policies, rather than making any unnecessary personal references. We don't elect them or fire them on the basis of their size or appearance. (Well, I hope not.)

And Tink, for someone who claims to be a swinging voter, you could have fooled me!
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

I agree, but the point I have been making is that Howard said KRudd has done nothing since gaining power. I'm saying coping with the fallout of and taking action against the GFC, whether you think it was the right or wrong measure, is actually doing something.

If KRudd took no action about the GFC and ignored it, what would Howard say then? That he did nothing? That's what he is saying.

So we are both sitting on the same fence then.

The term Little Johnny is not derogatory, it is factual. His name is Jonathan, John, Johnny and he is short in stature compared to average male height. Its been his nickname since he entered politics.

I still think Paul Keating's nickname was better - "Old Jellyback". At least that was funny.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

So we are both sitting on the same fence then.

While I found Howard hard to like, I find Rudd loathsome. The main difference is that Howard's policies were never designed to harm me or Australia. Rudd's policies certainly are. His lust for self-aggrandisement can only be at the expense of me and my country.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

I am waiting for Xmas, all the people that got the hand out have all bought all the TVs, and such like, now what is Krudd going to tell all the big stores this Xmas when no one is buying.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

When I tried to think about it I couldn't really remember anything that Johnny did that was worth bragging about.
What about backing Chris Corrigan to take on the MUA and force changes which have significantly increased productivity on our wharves? No Labor govt. would have allowed it.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

Thank goodness for free speech. Long live Oz.
Don't kid yourself that we have 'free speech' in Oz. Free speech is a myth! This country, especially our internet forums, is infested with 'speech police' who will come down on you like a ton of bricks if you accidentally say the wrong thing.
Re: Howard monsters Rudd

And Tink, for someone who claims to be a swinging voter, you could have fooled me!

Oh well, I like to even up the table

As I said, I dont like Howard. He lost me completely with the Hicks case.

Every other country got their people but ours was left there for 5yrs.
He was too busy listening to Bush

Rudds still new on the scene, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, for now.
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