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Kevin Rudd

Re: Is Rudd another Scullin?


A Rudd Government, if we get one, might last as long as Scullin’s did. That would take us perhaps to the beginning of 2010. Labor would probably split long before that. The Treasurer or some other minister might take a few Labor dissidents to form a government with Opposition members led perhaps by Peter Costello. Somehow, we might then stumble through a long, deep and terrible depression, to end around, let us say, 2017 in World War Three.

With those prospects, Labor - and Kevin Rudd - might be well advised to disdain any offer of power to govern and so avoid going down in history as another well-meaning but feckless Scullin-type Government. Let Howard and his retinue take the blame and just opprobrium for a catastrophe to which they have contributed with such unbridled generosity.

It won't happen of course. On the night of 24 November 2007, Labor, led by Rudd, will probably be declared the victor and they will confront their unenviable destiny. For Australia, it won’t be any worse than having Howard's Coalition as the victor. Indeed, it might be rather better. But, whoever is the victor, I - as one who grew up in the last Great Depression - can only offer a prayer and express a hope. That hope is that we Australians may come through this new and even more terrible challenge, with the same spirit and fortitude that we did seventy years and more ago.
Re: Is Rudd another Scullin?

In 1929 the Scullin Labor Government won a landslide victory and took office just two days before the New York Stock-Exchange (NYSE) crash of Black Thursday, 24 October, which ushered in the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Lucky - the only depression (at least in NSW) next week is a bit of welcome rain - but who nose , you might be right lol.

i.e. The world financial markets might just be hanging on their seats tonight to see the outcome of that quaint election thing they have downunder there in Austria - or whatever it's called
Re: Is Rudd another Scullin?

Lucky - one thing 's for sure - you'll be able to say you called it first lol
Re: Is Rudd another Scullin?

since you're into history there, here's a bit on Menzies, 16th and 21st PRIME MINISTER
16th and 21st PRIME MINISTER
26 APR 1939 - 29 AUG 1941;
19 DEC 1949 - 26 JAN 1966
You'll notice a bit missing there between 1941 and 1949.
Now why would that be do you reckon ?


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Re: Is Rudd another Scullin?

For some reason people at asf dont like me talking about Liberal party eyebrows, so ill refrain, but im sure there is something in it
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

featured in chasers last night
get your own wax statue


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Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Cats love ear wax as it smells great. It has a bitter sweet flavour and goes well with a bowl of milk and Chinese rice.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

What a crack up! First time i've seen this thread. Shame on me.

Question... Why do some people get so emotional over politics? Is it a problem posting political opinions?
Build a bridge...
I for one wish I never enroled to vote! What a waste of 15 minutes on a Saturday afternoon.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I nowadays always postal vote..... They post out the ballot papers 2 weeks early so you get a good look at them, a reply paid envelope, AND if it were to be close you could feel as if your vote was the deciding factor as they say ""It will come down to postal votes"", Plus no dramas going to the booth with a hangover etc etc etc
Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Firstly, an apology.
This comment by our PM inspires anger in I'll try to remain calm and apologize now if I don't succeed:
Mr Rudd stuck to his guns when quizzed on a comment he made earlier in the day when he said that, through the Budget, the Government had done "as much as we physically can" to help.

He said the price of petrol, which hit a record high of $1.62 per litre in capital cities earlier this week, was largely out of his control.,23599,23745135-29277,00.html?from=public_rss

Wow! And in this man we trust to lead us into the future.
Sorry, but I think the man is a Luddite and possibly worse...though saying why may be slander.

Maybe on this point we should review an earlier PM on this issue:
JOHN HOWARD, PRIME MINISTER: The principal purpose of the meeting was to talk about the Government's target of 350 million litres of bio-fuels by the year 2010. I'm pleased to report that both the Government and the oil companies have agreed to work together to achieve that target.

Well Mr Rudd what have you physically done/doing? Howard's proposition is certainly not one of those "silver bullets" but what is your Government doing??? We're further down that petrol price track now and we want you to wake up to the answers that have been around for 50 years now but were not "commercially appropriate" (to state a euphemism).
In that 7.30 Report I refer to, ethanol (a stopgap measure at best) was discussed as cheaper, legal and harmless to the engine (wonder who started the rumour to the contrary????). Yet in my town, this mix is not available to me!

Come on Mr Rudd. There have to be some of your believers reading this to forward this challenge: Show us you are no Luddite. Show us that you are doing something and not just interested in "talkfesting" in this matter.Try to wrest back some control.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

well, I seem to recall the first thing that Howard did when he got in way back 11 years whatever was to sack most of the CSIRO scientists
Luddite...One who opposes technical or technological change.

After Ned Ludd, an English laborer who was supposed to have destroyed weaving machinery around 1779
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

well, I seem to recall the first thing that Howard did when he got in way back 11 years whatever was to sack most of the CSIRO scientists

Yes. None of them inspire hope...whatever political affliction they belong to!


Main Entry: af·flic·tion
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈflik-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the state of being afflicted
2 : the cause of persistent pain or distress
3 : great suffering
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What is in his control at present ,fuel,food ,interest rates..............thats right the warm and fuzzy feeling summit we had.Another brainer the alcopop tax to stop binge drinking teenagers $50million per month to coffers and has just driven teens to buy bottles of spirits and mix themselves.At what time frame do we stop blaming previous leadership
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I thought he was doing reasonably OK until his comments on Bill Henson the photographic artist calling them 'revolting'. I didn't vote for him and neither for Howard but my vote would have gone to Rudd on preferences. Here he is now giving fuel to the philistines who are condemning the human form which has been a subject of art for thousands of years, this is nothing new. Hensons' work is brilliant and beautiful and not 'revolting'. Its all in the eye of the beholder and thus in this case what was Rudd thinking when he saw the artworks, if he even has seen them. There is nothing to say he has seen it.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

ok the slide from the old days when 100's of kids went on to study science can probably be blamed (a bit) on both sides.... (refer jpeg). Mind you Howard must take the big chunk of the blame...

and Nelson seems to get a mention or three...

This from Australian Science Jan/Feb 2004...

or go to this website , and click on the pdf link in the top line there ...


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

btw rhen, I found this article on some early "me-too-ism" by Howard, some policies based on Labor initiatives, some on Pauline and One Nation.

The evolution of industry policy under Howard
Evan Jones, The University of Sydney

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well 20/20 looks like your Saturday arvo is going to be exciting ,defending Rudd all day I hope he appreciates your gallant efforts:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well 20/20 looks like your Saturday arvo is going to be exciting ,defending Rudd all day I hope he appreciates your gallant efforts:

lol - I'm told I have to vacuum the floor
personally I prefer madly going through the internet - working on avoiding "late-onset-vacuum-between-the-ears"

check out the 55s mark rifling through those books chanting "Input!! Input!!"

Short Circuit 1 Trailer
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

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