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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

...and wait for it!!! Guess who the first ambassador is???

Watch krudd playing partisan party politics for the Labor hacks again...etc. etc. etc. (ad nausium)

Grumble...grumble....yeah...bloody commies......

BUT WAIT!!! That's right it's Tim Fischer?....Wasn't Tim Fischer past leader of the National Party?.....and wait....Weren't the National Party the junior member of the last coalition government???

Wonder what krudd's up to hmmm.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

rhen my boy, I really do think you need a little history lesson.

It's a crying shame that you have the temerity to forget that it was your beloved John Winston Howard who then as treasurer under the superb guidance and outstanding leadersip of then prime minister Malcolm (Where's my pants?) Fraser, sold Australian motorists down the gurgler by obligating Australia to the World Oil Parity Price in 1978. We had then and still do now have some of the largest reserves in the World of the highest grade oil prized by the Aviation Industry....shame poor ordinary blokes like you and me can no longer take advantage of it eh...?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Why are we spending 11.5 million dollars over 4 years for a flat and an office in Rome ....
Apparently the "position" is ... wait for it ... Ambassador to the Vatican.
"Many of the ambassadors to the Vatican are not career diplomats, but personalities in their own country. Most have a high level of education and culture ," he said.
Sounds like a perfect description of Tim Fisher, lol ... especially the "character" bit.

Anyway, seems Australia is not alone (1 in almost 200?) in being represented at the Vatican, even though the objectives are not obvious. (I'm guessing Tim's main goal is to get the Swiss guards to wear wool)

Hey Tim ... herewith some Latin to practice - especially for the current diplomatic service :-
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm a bit confused about your posting this as though it's a new announcement. From memory Tim Fischer was appointed to Rome about a year ago, so it's hardly news.

Am I missing some point somewhere?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Am I missing some point somewhere?

Not at all Julia. Perhaps I was being unnecessarily playful...I have promised in another thread to play nice from then on but, would you agree that it would be perhaps a more fruitful conversation to be hoestly critical of all decisions by all flavours of politics that affect all of us - rich and poor alike?

My honest belief is that partisan politics has outlived it's usefulness.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This cartoon says it all really.


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

TAXPAYERS will wear considerable costs in reforms of Australia's health system, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says.
The Prime Minister pledged to be "blunt'' with taxpayers about the cost of reforms proposed in the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission's report, released on Monday.,27574,25852795-29277,00.html

FINALLY! a "blunt" answer from Kruddy 747. Too bad he is admitting that "WE" the taxpayers will be footing the bill yet again.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I saw a news article that Kevin Rudd was stepping down and offering the leadership back to John Howard - mumbling something about "here, you and your mate George dubya got us into this mess, - only fair that you get us out of it!!" . Rats, Can't find the link.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

MP Julia Gillard Member for Lalor faces the media after asking Kruddy747 as to the secession plan. She thought she was going to be P.M. She was WRONG ! Pinocchio asked for his nose back.


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Interest Rate Rises on Horizon
Thursday 30th July 2009

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has warned home buyers that interest rates will rise as the economic recovery gets underway.

The Reserve Bank slashed interest rates to 49-year lows from last October, as a global banking crisis froze credit and threatened economic disaster.

Since then, government stimulus packages have encouraged first home owners back into the market – but the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows the average mortgage has gone up to around $282,000 for first home buyers.

Financial markets expect the cash rate to begin rising early in 2010 and to hit 3.4 per cent in a year's time.

The Prime Minister has warned interest rates may rise quickly, so home owners and property investors should be prepared for how they will cope when rates rise.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Bit too late now isnt it you essay writing mega tosser KRudd
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He speaks and acts like a second rate preacher from Gympie.

He inspires no confidence in me on how he will manage this life or the next.


lol ... I completely agree! Nothing like seeing a stupid man talk as though he is clever. Meet a few of them in my life and when I compare them to Mr Dudd I cant tell the difference.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Absolutely agree! Particularly the last sentence - well put!!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Of course, this is all totally irrelevant. Simply because the great unwashed out there still luv him and his mates.

However, when things go when his ETS closes down industry in this country, followed by mass unemployment and an A$ worth about USD 0.4, which in turn will lead to further mega problems, (b) he raises taxes significantly to pay for his grand health plan, and to pay back the billions borrowed, (c) our universities go broke because there are no more fee paying students to keep them afloat, (d) he aquiesces to the greens to get his legislation passed, and we are flooded with all the dumbassed green demands, (e) the place is flooded with refugees, followed by riots (because that's all they know), .................blah blah. Well then watch the great unwashed turn on him.

The only real problem is....who is going to fix his mess?

Then again, if he is successful in Labor's grand plan of dumbing down the Australian population to a level where there are no more intelligent and educated people to vote him out, then he and his mob will be in power for ever. Let's call it the Labor dictatorship. That's their plan isn't it?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

*clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap * Round of applause goes to Julia and Buddy. Free thinking at it's best. Brings tears to my eyes it does.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Tony Abbott has something to say about P.M. Kevin (squealer) Rudd

"I suspect what it is, is much greater political cunning and much more sophisticated political mechanics than anything we might have realised when he was simply the shadow minister for foreign affairs.

"But will that political cunning get Mr Rudd through until the next election?

"I don't want to sound like a head kicker but the fact is that, as was reinforced by the speech this morning he's never had an original thought. He's never said an interesting thing and he's never taken a tough decision,'' Mr Abbott said.

Mr Abbott was referring to Mr Rudd's opening address at Labor's 45th national conference, held at Sydney's Darling Harbour today.

"I am confident that as soon as he has to take tough decisions, such as saying `no' to all the multitudinous pressures of lobby groups with their hands out, his popularity will start to change.

"One of the reasons why I suspect he is very eager to have an election before next year's budget is because next year's budget I think is when many of the chickens will finally come home to roost.''

spoken like a possible Leader of the Opposition.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That reminds me, I once new this manger (I crossed paths with him a few times in my business) and his management technique for coaxing people was promising them things like improved conditions, financial rewards etc outside company policy. This worked fine as long as he changed jobs every couple of years before the promises needed to be resolved.

Eventually it did catch up with him just as I think it will all catch up with KRudd before the next election.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You know we should all worship our Kevvie because he IS "GOD" or at least he thinks he is.

He giveth life on one hand ($900 STIMULUS PATMENT) and taketh away life with the other ($1000 to fix the HEALTH CARE). That's $900 + interest. Don't blame the previous Government because it was then a state responsiblty to be funded out of the GST. The states squanded this revenue on other quackey things.

I wondered why there was an elastic band attached to the stimulis cheque ; now I know. At least the pensioners will be $50.00 better off because they received $1050.

Does he inspire me? How could he when he pulls off this stunt.

Wake up Australia!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

If anybody had any doubts that Rudd's continual obfuscation, spin, evasion and deliberating lying would catch up with him this editorial in his favourite newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald, should put them to rights;

Now they're really angry. Rudd's the new George Dubya
July 31, 2009

Article from: The Australian
More Government Gazette insubordination. Yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald editorial rebukes its star columnist

The SMH of course is making a case for Gillard.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd can't help telling porkies. The 50,000 new jobs he boasted about to the ALP conference are neither "new" nor "jobs".


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