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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You got it wrong again. It's Nicholson

quite right - apologies - posted whilst cooking dinner, and google enquiry for "Leak" somehow ended up on his workmate's website "Nicholson".
you've posted the most recent Bill Leak on #484 I notice.

(On this occasion I prefer Nicholson's take on it )
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd sucks all the young FHB's in with his stimulus bribe then comes out with his self serving BS "essay" today stating things will be tough with this and that and rising interest rates???

There must be thousands out there scared after reading that, I mean really this man is nothing but a first class prick.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

No need to apologise. It's called a senior moment.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I can feel the love in the room already, right, where did I put my drink?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

One thing seems pretty certain. Rudd's main interest in trying to force this ETS bill through is to get the grounds for a dissolution and have an election before the electorate wakes up to him. The ETS is not an urgent matter.
It is urgent to him. He wants to go to Copenhagen and strut around, boasting about how he already is leading the world in having an ETS up and running, or at least legislated.

He is in the box seat at present. Malcolm Turnbull took a body blow over the Utegate affair, has not recovered, and is now impotent as far as the ETS is concerned. He knows an early election will kill him, and lose the Coalition many seats. Labor are (quite reasonably) making the most of the division in Coalition ranks re the ETS.

My guess is that Turnbull will obtain a grudging majority of his party to vote for the ETS even if his amendments are rejected by the government, and he will thereupon be remembered not just for his incompetence but also for his cowardice.

I agree, but don't think it will happen that way.

When the Libs have rolled over on the ETS, it leaves the way wide open for the government to introduce any other dodgy legislation they want to get through, playing on the same fear of the Opposition of a double dissolution election. Labor must be laughing themselves silly.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd looking after Labor..........errr sorry Australia

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Smithton in the north-west will be connected by the end of the year
lol - not far from where Howard was gonna buy the only hospital to be federally owned
Hell Rudd was always gonna roll this out in Tassie first - debug the system whatever.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

ALP hypocrisy anyone?
Looks like the old school tie socialist hack elites have all the answers again.

Job seekers warned: don't be snobs
July 26, 2009 - 11:37AM

Job aspirations are great, but they need to be realistic, says federal Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner.

Mr Tanner said people could not be too choosy when it came to finding work in times of high unemployment.

He was commenting after his federal front bench colleague Employment Participation Minister Mark Arbib warned job seekers not to be job snobs.

Mr Arbib, in an address to the young Labor conference in Sydney on Saturday, warned that unemployment among Australian youth would worsen before it improved and people should take a job even if they do not consider it ideal.
When in opposition, Labor loudly condemned the then coalition government for saying the same thing.

In 2006, then Human Services Minister Joe Hockey announced plans to push more of what he termed "dole bludgers" and "job snobs" into work, copping strong attacks from welfare groups.

And in 2001, the Labor opposition along with church and welfare groups roundly attacked then workplace relations minister Tony Abbott for referring to some unemployed as "job snobs" unwilling to accept any available work.
But, Mr Tanner on Sunday, said what the ALP once condemned was now a matter of practical reality.

He said Mr Arbib's remarks indicated it was important to have aspirations but it was also important that they were realistic.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Why are we spending 11.5 million dollars over 4 years for a flat and an office in Rome when we have a perfectly good Australian Embassy 5kms away? Treasury estimates that the cost of the new post is $55,700 per week to for the new ambassador to Rome whose sole job is to lobby for Kevin Rudd's bid to obtain an Australian seat on the United Nations Security Council. Apparently the "position" is ... wait for it ... Ambassador to the Vatican.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes trainspotter. What a waste!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd always has the best our money can buy.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Who is going to live in the flat?
Will it be Tim Fischer or Mandy Glandstone?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Is this someone in addition to Tim Fischer?
What utter nonsense.

Where was Amanda Vanstone despatched to? Didn't she go to Rome?
Oh sorry, I've just realised the above reference was to her.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Is this someone in addition to Tim Fischer?
What utter nonsense.

Where was Amanda Vanstone despatched to? Didn't she go to Rome?
Oh sorry, I've just realised the above reference was to her.

Sorry I'm just Aussie and grew up around colloquialisms and word-play puns. Couldn't think of one for Tim Fischer though. So you got me. :

But how does Jim Beam-Petersen sound?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes he is a lot better than the little nerdy Johhny, who I met once and was the most arrogant little man (even before he became PM) and who kissed Georges **** for so many years and ruined Australia's reputation on the world stage.

We are a lot better off since and I havent looked back since.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think you should listen to the TISM album Gentlemen Start your Egos.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

THE PM bags the deregulation of the past 25 years but claims he wants to boost productivity.
KEVIN Rudd's second long crisis essay continues to misdiagnose Australia's economic challenges as stemming from the failures of a "decade of neo-liberal free market fundamentalism". And, compared to the first essay penned in January, an emboldened Prime Minister now feels vindicated that massive government intervention has saved global capitalism. But these intellectual foundations muddy rather than clarify the PM's reform principles for driving the next decade of productivity growth. His road to recovery ends up in the hoary political refuge of "nation building", which will also serves to justify post-crisis belt-tightening.,25197,25839597-5017771,00.html

This guy is right on the money !

Rudd will combine his bleak new message with insistence that the government's fiscal stimulus - such as the $14bn primary school construction program - will continue to support jobs.

But he is warning working families to prepare for higher petrol prices and supermarket bills, on top of higher interest rates, when the economic recovery arrives and global commodity prices turn up.

That's a bit rich. In opposition, Rudd promised to ease the household squeeze from higher petrol and food prices during a global commodity boom.

But the actual policy response - including Fuel Watch and Grocery Watch - turned out to be a useless political stunt.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What country do you live in ? I live in Australia where Rudd makes Howard look like a national hero.
You haven't looked back ? well dont because all you'll see is ruin and forward for that matter.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Apparently so according to the latest polling, and Turnbull is slightly more popular than the Swine Flu according to the figures. So I suppose the short answer to your question Does Rudd inspire confidence should be answered.

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