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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Whats starting to really piss me off is we've heard nothing from Turnbull in weeks, we need someone in there who can take this little tosser on, he's ripe for the picking and the Libs don't seem to be able to handle it.

I do believe he is in the panelbeaters shop having a suit of teflon similar to Ruddy's being fitted as we speak. Apparently he had the stuffing knocked out of him after the last bingle. The new suit has inbuilt blow torches and a special button to push in emergencies that will shut his vocal chords off from uttering another word when he gets out of his depth. Not bad eh?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He better have something up his sleeve but I bet he hasn't , not enough mongrel in him, we need Howard or Costello on steriods.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Like all good blue blood Liberal bankers he is not really fit for the job IMO. Look at what Ray Martin did to Dr. John Hewson on a birthday cake question. FAIL. Made him look like a bumbling idiot. John Hewson also self made, merchant banker, bloody clever, ZERO media savvy. Howard had three goes at being P.M. and worked the factions into a frenzy to enable him to do so.

Labor went through this same carthasis with Beazley, Crean, Latham then Bomber Beazley again. Best free set of steak knives from Kruddy did the number on him on the 4th December 2006.

You are right. We require some free thinking, media aware, eloquently spoken, good looking, teflon coated, Liberal minded, tough as a junk yard dog, iron willed, leader type person. Last time I looked in the Liberal cupboard it was sadly lacking of this kind of person.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Good point Calliope. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my behalf. Or maybe we can "create" our ideal leader, sorta like Frankenstein. You know, a piece of Hewsons economic rationale, Howards political savvy, Hockeys media presence, Turnbulls ????? Oh dear .... I got stuck.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

My view is that the Coalition shouldn't allow Rudd to blackmail them into voting for the emmissions trading bill on the threat of a double dissolution.

Labor will win the next election no matter when it is held. That is a given. The Libs may lose votes but they won't lose any face by showing a bit of guts.

They say a country gets the government it deserves. Australians deserve another term of Rudd.:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

They say a country gets the government it deserves. Australians deserve another term of Rudd.:

There's truth in them words, Calliope.

Only problem is, the 25% of the population who are on to KRudd, are going to get mighty frustrated having to wait another 4 years! We can only hope a revolutionary army is formed so we can join & vent our frustrations.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

THE Federal Opposition says it will pass the emissions trading scheme (ETS) - if certain significant changes are made to it.
Ending days of confusion about the opposition's policy on emissions trading, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull today released a statement setting out his demands.

He says he'll seek the support of his own party to pass the scheme in a Senate vote, due on August 13, if the demands are met.

He wants the Australian scheme to offer the same protection to workers and industries as the US scheme, which is still being written.

There must be "full compensation" for heavy-polluting, trade exposed countries, until the bulk of their competitors face a similar carbon price.

Coal mines should get the same assistance as mines in Europe and the US get.

Agriculture must be excluded from the scheme, but agricultural biosequestration - storing carbon in soils and plants - must be included.

Electricity generators must get adequate compensation.

And the scheme must allow for voluntary action to reduce emissions to make a difference.

"If the government amends its ETS to put in place these crucial improvements, I will seek, and am confident of obtaining, the support of the coalition partyroom for the amended scheme," Mr Turnbull said.

Oh dear ! Classic foot in mouth again.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Federal parliamentary terms are 3 years.......
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Just trolled through an old thread and found this gem:Seems like nothing has changed. Just new players. On the 29th-July-2008, 05:14 PM #1 agro wrote

Kevin 07 or Kevin 747


anyone else get the feeling that our PM, kevin, seems to be out of the country more often than he is in the country?

also, the sense that he is trying to be a hero and save the world from global warming?

and seeing though Australia voted for change, we have got change, inflation (higher interest rates), union strikes (truckies), does not want to take the tax cap of petrol prices, and a whole lot of other things i could go on and on about

i think we would have been 100 times better under an experienced liberal government who had a proven record (if only Howard gave acceptance to Costello running the party) but that's how it goes..

rant/vent - hope i don't get flamed now
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

A bit long winded, but if it makes you happy, I'm okay with that.


But you simply avoided the question of supplying data for your outrageous statemnt, I see. I'll leave it that. Your avoidance says more than words.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

But you simply avoided the question of supplying data for your outrageous statemnt, I see. I'll leave it that. Your avoidance says more than words.

Brilliant Stan. It only took you four days to come up with that little gem.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This is another example of Malcolm Turnbull's political ineptitude.

Firstly he is unavailable for comment on the ETS for several days.
During this time most of his colleagues make unedifying and contradictory statements about the Liberals' position on the ETS.

Then it's made clear by Turnbull and others that they have no choice but to agree to the legislation because it's a perfect double dissolution trigger for the government, who would undoubtedly win an election.

So effectively the government can put whatever they like in the legislation in the comforting knowledge they have the Opposition over a barrel.

Mr Turnbull, therefore, is hardly in a position to be making any demands re what will and will not be included.

To be so clearly demonstrating that their 'stand' on the ETS is not based on conviction at all, but is purely a political capitulation, will imo send them even further down in the polls.

I bet John Howard is feeling pretty smug. Costello too, for that matter.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The part of the statement that makes my heart so heavy is this:- "If the government amends its ETS to put in place these crucial improvements, I will seek, and am confident of obtaining, the support of the coalition partyroom for the amended scheme," Mr Turnbull said.

You have buckleys of getting the factions to stand behind you on this one Malcolm. Any true leader would have said:- "The only way the government will get our approval is if it amends its ETS to put in place these crucial improvements. My party will only accept the amended scheme and nothing else, if this means a double disollusionment of parliament, so be it" Mr Turnbull said.

WOW ... I would like to hear that !
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

As for double dissolutions etc ...

Libs / Coalition would lose
Greens and Indeps would win.
Lab would break even (except that they gain immediate change of senate instead of mid 2011 for half-senate)

(according to Antony Green)

According to Green, a double dissolution is (arguably) no solution for either of the major parties.
"Why would the Coalition load the bullets in the gun, and why would Labor want to fire it?"

Time will tell.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?,27574,25827790-5007133,00.html

Hu 'likely 'persona non grata'

STERN Hu, the Australian businessman detained in China on suspicion of spying and stealing state secrets, is likely to be declared persona non grata and thrown out of the country, a US think tank says.
This would make sense, now that they have deflated Rudd's pompous ideas that he has some sort of special relationship with China. China is firmly in control of that relationship. That is their message, loud and clear.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Mr Rudd has put out a new 6100 word masterpiece for the SMH titled "The Building Decade. The Long Hard Road to Sustainable Recovery." It is an admission that the massive debts that he has incurred and the high prices induced by his ETS are going to be a huge burden on the country for a long time.

It's not surprising he wants to get the election over before the next horror budget.

Of course he is still blaming the neo-liberals for causing the Global Financial Crisis in the first place.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

KINDERGARDEN kids could organise a better argument compared to the opposition at the moment, Family First Leader Senator Steve Fielding said on Friday.

“Tony Abbott’s latest message to Liberals to avoid a double-dissolution election beggars belief,” Senator Fielding said.

“This sets a dangerous precedent, given it appears as though the Liberals will just roll over and pass bad policy because they don’t want to go to an early election.

“Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott need to grow a spine.

"They need to stand up and do what’s right for this country, not just operate in their own interest.

“I’m seeking an urgent meeting with Mr Turnbull to discuss this issue because I honestly believe we can’t have an opposition which is scared of standing up to the government.

“At the end of the day, if the opposition simply rolls over and gives the Rudd Government a green light to do as it wishes, we could be paying for the consequence for years to come.”

Got the speed wobbles now ......... wont be long before massive train derailment.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hear! Hear! trainspotter. I wish they would stand up to Rudd just like the Nationals. Show some gutz.
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