Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I watched Stepehn Smith on a morning program today and I gotta say I was captivated. Like you all say, sincere, to the point, great mannerisms, no shifty face expressions, meaningful dialogue and he attempts to honestly answer the question. Great stuff. If only more pollies were like this we could be on a winner.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

When is Kevin going to tell us who sent the email?

Damn good question Calliope - I wonder if the Feds are going to report on their investigations? Anybody know?

And another thing, ol Smithy might be a nice guy and all, but why the hell was the Government so unprepared to handle this latest China crises. He really didn't have a clue - I'm afraid he's as inept as the rest of them.

Anyway, I don't trust anyone who wears a wig as well as Stephen Smith. Its a cover up of some sort.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Damn good question Calliope - I wonder if the Feds are going to report on their investigations? Anybody know?

And another thing, ol Smithy might be a nice guy and all, but why the hell was the Government so unprepared to handle this latest China crises. He really didn't have a clue - I'm afraid he's as inept as the rest of them.

Anyway, I don't trust anyone who wears a wig as well as Stephen Smith. Its a cover up of some sort.


Stephen Smith doesnt really impress me, there's something fake there.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I am big on reading people....I read their faces, facial expressions or impressions
so far Rudd has at least 20 different faces..for 20 different occasions

I like to observe body language as well, but Rudd strikes me as very stiff with a limited amount of expressions. His expressions are quite wooden and insincere. His comments seem to be rather calculating rather than off the cuff. Fits well with his voice and attitude.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The little rat fink knows exactly what he's doing -

From Crikey -

1 . Feds build 1000th home in three months... in Rudd’s electorate
Editor of the National Indigenous Times Chris Graham writes:

As Federal Minister for Housing Jenny Macklin boasts that the Rudd government has just begun construction of its 1000th home under the Rudd government's broader stimulus package, construction has not started on a single home under the Northern Territory Intervention's housing program.

Construction has begun on the 1000th home in just three months, as part of the Rudd government's $6.4 billion national social housing stimulus package. The housing is being built in the inner Brisbane suburb of Woolloongabba, in the Prime Minister's own electorate of Griffith:

The Rudd government's mainstream public housing success comes amid revelations that the pace in Macklin's other portfolio -- Indigenous Affairs -- is nowhere near as frenetic. Construction has begun on zero homes under the NT intervention's housing program, despite federal Labor supporting the declaration of a "national emergency" in remote NT communities more than two years ago.

But Macklin shouldn't be surprised -- leaked government documents obtained by the National Indigenous Times reveal that she was warned in early 2008 that the Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP) -- which the Rudd government inherited from the previous administration -- had major flaws, and that if the $700 million program proceeded it would not deliver any black housing in the Northern Territory until 2011, at the earliest:

The government was also warned that the program would drive the price of housing in remote regions up, was based on a model that led sparked a Roal Commission in NSW in the 1980s amid high-level corruption of the public tender process, and was unlikely to meet its employment objective of a 20 percent Indigenous job rate in construction.

The advice was contained in a "private briefing memo", from NSW Labor Senator Ursula Stephens to Jenny Macklin, dated May 12, 2008. A copy of the memo has been obtained by the National Indigenous Times. Yet despite the advice, Macklin approved the SIHIP process.

Now, more than two years after the NT intervention was launched, construction hasn't even begun on a single home, the government is facing accusations the program is mired in red tape, and more than $100 million of the program funding has reportedly been set aside for administration.

The full story appears in tomorrow’s edition of the National Indigenous Times.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The little rat fink knows exactly what he's doing -

From Crikey -

Now, more than two years after the NT intervention was launched, construction hasn't even begun on a single home, the government is facing accusations the program is mired in red tape, and more than $100 million of the program funding has reportedly been set aside for administration

It's not a problem, Burnsie. All Kevvy has to do is say "sorry" again, and all will be forgiven.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The little rat fink knows exactly what he's doing - -

Rudd must be getting to you Burns, now you are reverting to you childhood looking for new insults.


Rat fink cant be too bad, he drives a ute.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd must be getting to you Burns, now you are reverting to you childhood looking for new insults.

Just demonstrating that insults from all eras apply to the Queen of Spin and he's already greasing the palm of his own electorate at the expense of an Election promise and disadvantaged peoples.

No insult is low enough to drescribe him.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Just demonstrating that insults from all eras apply to the Queen of Spin and he's already greasing the palm of his own electorate at the expense of an Election promise and disadvantaged peoples.

No insult is low enough to drescribe him.

How could anyone trust this man? It's not only Qld cops that are corrupt. Forget about the Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program where up to 70% of allocated public funds are swallowed up in indirect costs. (i.e. ripoffs)

The Australian

However, it is a different story in Kevin Rudd's Brisbane electorate of Griffiths, where construction this week began on the 1000th home built under the government's $6.4 billion social housing stimulus package.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This is from another forum, I presume it's correct and if so more damning evidence against this imposter -

I think a pattern is emerging here.

2 years into a housing program and no houses are built.

2 years into a computer for every kid at school program and no computers have been delivered.

2 years into a "root and branch" review of the tax system and no review has been done.

2 years after the geat summit and no ideas implemented.

2 years into a program to reduce homelessness and nothing has happened.

2 years after they would "apply the blowtorch to OPEC" and nothing has happened.

etc, etc, etc

Am I the only one that sees a pattern here?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

there are more than that list...but how about this one...that 43 billion for fast broadband.....if the libs or anyone else wants to know the will cost them $24,000 to access the information...heard on the bbc radio today...not sighted in the news by the media....
sounds like a cover up...again...
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

there are more than that list...but how about this one...that 43 billion for fast broadband.....if the libs or anyone else wants to know the will cost them $24,000 to access the information...heard on the bbc radio today...not sighted in the news by the media....
sounds like a cover up...again...
No cover up, kincella. I heard that on ABC News today.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I know this has been brought up previously BUT didn't Telstra lay a fibre optic cable ALL the way around Australia already? Not sure if this was answered. Sorry to you if it has but if this cable is already there WHY do we need to spend so much doing it all again?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This is from another forum, I presume it's correct and if so more damning evidence against this imposter -

The list provided here included no housing started in the proposed housing programme, yet Calliope's provided insert asserted that plenty of homes have been built in Mr Rudd's electorate.

Both assertions cannot be right.

None have apparently been built in aboriginal communities where there several families living in each house.
Jenny Macklin assures us, however, that such terrific repairs have been done to existing houses that they are 'like new houses'. Difficult to see how that counteracts the overcrowding problem.

Re the root and branch tax review not having happened, to be fair this isn't the sort of thing you can do in a week. Ken Henry is due to produce this at the end of this year, from memory.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Found this one laying about gathering dust:

Prime Minister promised in 2007 in the lead-up to the election that his party in Government would pay small business invoices within 30 days…When he found out last October that wasn’t happening, he said he’d stop the delays in payment to small business and lead by example…a recent report by Dun & Bradstreet found average public sector payments took 57.8 days in February this year compared with 49.1 days in August 2007, before Mr Rudd became Prime Minister.

Oh oh ... the PM better start printing more money to cover the debts.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The list provided here included no housing started in the proposed housing programme, yet Calliope's provided insert asserted that plenty of homes have been built in Mr Rudd's electorate.

Both assertions cannot be right.

I think the poster there must have meant no building , in fact not one, re the promise to help Aboriginals.

There have been 1000 homes built in Rudds electorate however, thanks to the stimulus package.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Will the ALP actually do anything during their tenure? So far I have seen a litany of broken election promises and rhetoric. Zero substance. And before you bleat out STIMULUS PACKAGE ... it is my tax payers $$$ that has funded this. This single handed act of drunken sailor spending has cost the country and the people 315 BILLION DOLLARS. Sort of reminds me of the ransom that Dr. Evil would demand. (hold pinky finger to side of mouth when saying it)

Hospital watch - Rudd promised to resolve the hospital crisis with the threat of the Feds would take over the hospitals if the states had not improved their hospitals by 30th June 09. D-day has long gone and Rudd has not done anything - no surprises there.

KRuddy 747 is much more focused on jet setting around the world to get a photo shot with some dead celebrity like Michael Jackson, or the worlds biggest ball of string, or to kiss the ring of the Pope or his own appointment to the UN than he is to looking after the Australian economy. Unless you call single handedly swiping the giant "Credit Card" called Australia until the magnetic strip has worn out.

The grocery watch, fuel watch and now hospital watch have all failed - but we all knew that they would as these were Rudd promises!

I had a watch dog once. He would watch the burglars come in and take my stuff and he would watch them leave. Apparently Rudd the Invinsible has begun acting like this as well. The watchers watches watching those.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think the poster there must have meant no building , in fact not one, re the promise to help Aboriginals.

There have been 1000 homes built in Rudds electorate however, thanks to the stimulus package.

Just gets better doesn't it?

After reading the Austrailian, found that in an island called Bathurst, 25 houses were recently built (under the management of the ALP) from funds given by the previous Coalition government.

Now get this, eight of these were built by a local company for $350,000 and another company (didn't say who) built the rest for $650,000 each - they were similar houses. Must be building mansions out there!

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

SBS News last night. 670 million to build houses in the NT for the aboriginals. Leaked out last night this money is leftover from the Howard Guvt "Intervention Plan". Claims of 70% disappearing in administration. Labor pollie who is in control of this catastrophe (her name escapes me) gets her fat head on TV and claims "Only 10% is administration and we are still in consultation with the people on the best way to spend the money" WTF?

BUILD HOUSES .... BUILD HOUSES .... and Oh I don't know BUILD HOUSES. Have they sent a plethora of architects and design consultants to the NT to ask the Walpiri people if they want double glazing and french doors? Does Sir require his jacuzzi in marble or ceramic? BUILD HOUSES FOR CHRISSAKE ! Concrete tilt up like they did in Darwin after cyclone Tracy. ALL the houses built out of this material are still standing. Cheap, quick to build and INDESTRUCTIBLE (other than really big cyclones) Just get in there with the firehose and clean em out when finished !! No timber to burn or termites to munch on. Can be manufactured off site and transported on trucks. Derrrrrrrrrr.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Whats starting to really piss me off is we've heard nothing from Turnbull in weeks, we need someone in there who can take this little tosser on, he's ripe for the picking and the Libs don't seem to be able to handle it.