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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That's not fair, Mr Burns. The Libs had a decade in office and did absolutely nothing to improve education. Probably it deteriorated under their watch in terms of university funding at least.

I don't know what new teachers earn, but a friend of mine has been teaching for 30 years and earns arond $80K. Doesn't seem too bad to me.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That's not fair, Mr Burns. The Libs had a decade in office and did absolutely nothing to improve education. Probably it deteriorated under their watch in terms of university funding at least.

I'll tell you what's not fair Julia and that's passing the buck while our kids are educated negligently, just get on with it , I dont give a rats about the past, I can spell and add up and I was educated while the Libs were in.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That's not fair, Mr Burns. The Libs had a decade in office and did absolutely nothing to improve education. Probably it deteriorated under their watch in terms of university funding at least.

I'll have to counter this Julia - I think they did a lot for the country concerning education.

The first phase of their education revolution, (and labor thought they had invented this term!) they removed the noose around the taxpayers neck to ensure that people who could afford paying extra, payed extra through private schooling. Notice how Labor is keeping the status quo? I wonder why?

Their second phase was to make Universities become world class. They did this by getting them to rely on overseas students for some of their funding. How best to get the best from our universities when they have to compete for funding with overseas universities.

The last phase which never happened, was to make all schools provide performance information to parents & the wider community.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think when I went to school that I had a mixture of Liberal and Labor thrust upon me. I know Labor was in power in the states and the NT (I actually had a job delivering Liberal pamphlets into letterboxes at 10 years of age) and Libs in the Federal position when I was in primary school. I remember Bob Hawke saying "Any boss who sacks a worker for not turning up today is a bum." and I was in high school then. And I turned out alright. As long as I keep taking my medication, I am fine. Ohhh yeah, I can read and write, don't need a calculator for maths and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Thas because you were so deprived of it at school

LOLOLOL ... you could be onto something here Mr Burns. I will have to attempt to navel gaze my scholastic achievements to confirm this outcome based derivative. I have a vague recollection of library mat time in year 3with Mr. Potts reading us "Mulga Bills Bicycle" by Banjo Patterson and I was fascinated by the prose.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yep, prose is not bad, creative writing classes?

Definitely though, maybe look at the medication - have you tried taking something...less speedy?

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Back on topic. Correct me if I am wrong but did Not Kruddy 747 state that "He would bring the boys back home from the war" ?? and now he is stating that his government is "rock solid" behind the war effort.

"This brave Australian soldier has paid the ultimate sacrifice for his country," Mr Rudd said.

More evidence of a vote of no confidence from this quarter.

Before you all jump all over me I recognise that in the first instance he was talking about IRAQ and not Afghanistan. So does this mean one theatre of war is preferred to another?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Julia, I believed education was the responsibilty of the states and was to be funded out of the GST which the Labor states obviously misused. They then keep harping on the fact that the Federal Government did not assist them.

Why do the lefties keep blaming Howard?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm not sure that it's the funding that's the issue.

Rather the fashions that the education system is forced to endure.

i.e. just one example: phonetics in teaching reading is now being used again, thank heavens. This works.

For several years the notion prevailed that actual spelling and grammar were unimportant, as long as the meaning was understandable. So, instead of learning words on a phonic basis, children were encouraged to 'guess' the word in the "whole language" approach. It has been a disaster and finally this has been recognised.

Pretty tough on all the people who were poorly taught in the intervening years.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You asked to be corrected. He promised withdrawal from Iraq, not Afghanistan.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

*Thanks Knobby22* Cast your binoculars over my last statement.

"Before you all jump all over me I recognise that in the first instance he was talking about IRAQ and not Afghanistan. So does this mean one theatre of war is preferred to another?"
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Spot on here.

I think there has been a lot of tampering with education without measuring if its effectiveness and even though Howard's Government was reigning at the time, it was the Teachers Union & States that were at the forefront of this.

Again to sort this out, force Schools to openly provide performance information. To me, I don't care what or how they Teach, as long as they produce results - just like private enterprise.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I like Stephen Smith....he has a good open honest face...his face language and body language is excellent considering he is a polly.....he should be groomed for PM.....he is the opposite to most of the PM and team.....
no matter how hard they try to appear honest or front of the cameras.....just watch their true self appear in Q & A time in parliament.....the really true feral self appears
or when they are asked a question that requires a truthful answer......

and PS about the education being thrown at school halls and gyms...even if the school has same....laptops but no money for the internet cost....millions of dollars worth of school plaques.....for Julia's name to be shown on each....
but no education for the children...... and more pay for the teachers....
oh and how long have each state govt, that is in charge of education, been ruled by it 20 years or more....about the same time that education has been sliding into an abyss.....
go figure....oh I can understand if you cannot do that
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

When is Kevin going to tell us who sent the email?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I like Stephen Smith....he has a good open honest face...his face language and body language is excellent considering he is a polly.....he should be groomed for PM.....he is the opposite to most of the PM and team.....
I agree. I like him. He's calm, reasonable and seems courteous. Seems to have a reasonable approach to the job. Lindsay Tanner is similar.

When is Kevin going to tell us who sent the email?
Good reminder. I'd almost forgotten about it. I think the Attorney-General's report was to be completed by end of this month. (Or whoever it was that was doing it.)

I wonder if Mr Grech is still on leave?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

sorry...but Tanner is not anywhere near the same league.....Tanner makes me nervous with the head wobbling....ask him a question...and like the rest of the team....they will say but Howard had 12 years etc....they dont answer the question...they have no they blame everything onto Howard...
now ask Smith a question and he will answer it barking, or laying the blame....
huge world of difference between the two men
oh and for whatever reason ...I dont trust Tanner....its his face language ....

I am big on reading people....I read their faces, facial expressions or impressions
so far Rudd has at least 20 different faces..for 20 different occasions
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I agree. I like him. He's calm, reasonable and seems courteous. Seems to have a reasonable approach to the job. Lindsay Tanner is similar.

Stephen Smith seems competent. His problem is that Rudd considers himself to be to expert on Foreign Affairs. So Rudd takes the trips where he can get the kudos and gives Smith the menial jobs, like the trip to Cairo to lobby the non-aligned countries to vote for Rudd for a seat on the Security Council.

He sent the Governor General to Africa earlier in the year on a similar mission.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I agree. I like him. He's calm, reasonable and seems courteous. Seems to have a reasonable approach to the job. Lindsay Tanner is similar.

Stephen Smith seems competent. His problem is that Rudd considers himself to be to expert on Foreign Affairs. So Rudd takes the trips where he can get the kudos and gives Smith the menial jobs, like the trip to Cairo to lobby the non-aligned countries to vote for Rudd for a seat on the Security Council.

He sent the Governor General to Africa earlier in the year on a similar mission.


I am big on reading people....I read their faces, facial expressions or impressions
so far Rudd has at least 20 different faces..for 20 different occasions

Do you really think so? I thought he had as much expression as his South Park lookalikes, except for his very cold and nasty look when he is asked the wrong question._
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


Do you really think so? I thought he had as much expression as his South Park lookalikes, except for his very cold and nasty look when he is asked the wrong question._
Agree. His face is like a mask most of the time - a good match for the monotone that is his voice.
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