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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Take some time out to read your own posts, Burns.

Rederob is running rings around you and your only come backs are that Rudd is a gay, poof, faggot, homo, girlie boy etc.

Rederob is running rings around you

Running rings around me ????? geez you must live in a small world - as if I'd care enough to even notice what he says - Oh I'm shattered ROFL you are a goose no doubt about it

As far as your comments on Rudd go I didnt mention any of those but nice of you to point them out and add to his general description, all very accurate too.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It is really not that hard.
yep spot on Timmy
follow the big money.

Lab 1.50
Coalition 2.65
Any Other Party 2.75

PS Who is the "Other Party" with similar odds to the Coalition??
Family First maybe?
Fishing Party?
What Women Want?

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Enough of the personal abuse.

Not going to single anyone out.

Go and have a cup of tea you lot, chill out.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Thanks for the opening on this one rederob. Here I was lurking in the background and you go and drag me in it.

"Calliope is offering free counselling and trainspotter will guarantee any malpractice claim as ride to early retirement."

The Libs are in a world of pain at the moment and require a shot in the arm of testosterone to grow some hair on their balls. Current style of opposition is certainly not doing them any favours in the opinion polls. On the other hand our Mandarin speaking pontificating PM is politely having his nose rubbed in a giant pile of iron ore. Kruddy had to go snivelling cap in hand to the good 'ol U.S.A who waded into this debate under the terms "humanitarian rights". China warned Rudd 747 to not turn this into a political football. Too late.

My point being the PM has now been shown up for what he is. A 5% at best. The media hungry PIE FACE PM has had a very looooong honeymoon period with the good citizens of Banana Republic Land but it won't be long before the music stops and there will not be enough chairs to sit on. Then and only then will this "spending like a drunken sailor" boot licking zealot be thrown out of office enmasse and be replaced with a Coalition that will have to take control of the good ship "Credit Card" . Just like last time. The debt truck will be running around every roundabout in Canberra getting dizzy.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Not wise council, just common sense.

If what you mentioned in the previous post was true, I'd certainly call it wise council. It seems you know things privvy only to the Chinese. Here is an example:
"The Chinese are a pragmatic people and they have never been fooled by the pretentious Mandarin speaking Rudd." (post 374)
Did you poll, lobby or infiltrate the Chinese to get this nugget of intel or have you simply assumed it and written it as fact? Could you offer solid data (as opposed to your own heresay) to justify this conclusion of yours?

How do you draw this inference?

Here is your quote I was referring to: "They have alternatives for supply of coal and iron. We don't have alternative markets."
It seems you were criticising the current government on selling vast quantities of ore to China. From my recollections this was the case at the time of the previous government, too.
We also do have other markets to sell ore to. I'll leave you to do a little research on this, though becuase I like you and it is the only way you will learn the truth.

So yes I was being a little tongue in cheek and expelled a little urine from you. I figured one outrageously exaggerated (yours) post deserves another (mine). And again I forgot my smiley face. Live and learn. Oh well.

I don't think you are that naive.
I'm not, but that was sweet to say. Thank you.
But again I may have exaggerated slightly as I was inspired by your post; Specifically this piece of literary gold. "When they tell Rudd to shut up...he shuts up."[/I]

Now I'm not doubting your insight into world economics but I have been involved and seen first hand negotiations for contracts on a multinational level. With limited trading partners, but not as you put it, one trading partner ("We don't have alternative markets."), there must be give and take. One must potentially lose a battle to win a war. The old chestnut of "what you lose on the swing you gain on the roundabout" comes to mind.

Now it all seemed fine just a few short quarters ago when our ore suppliers held our trading partners (Note the plural here. More than one!) to ransom with outrageous price increases. That was the "roundabout" part. I'll let you have a little think and see if you can find a "swing part" wi***** trading nations.

What are you thinking? Your analogy eludes me.

Well i'm sorry for you not seeing any synergy here. Think harder and a little more laterally. It will come.

I trust this answers your questions. If not, don't hold out for a more basic expanation. I needed bring in my 13 year old neighbour on this one before posting to make sure she understood. She did.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Enough of the personal abuse.

Not going to single anyone out.

Go and have a cup of tea you lot, chill out.

Enough of the provocations. You guys need to chill out.

No more warnings.

Thread closed until sanity may be able to prevail.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

THE centrepiece of the Federal Government's so-called education revolution may be worse than useless, a visiting American researcher says.

Before the 2007 election Kevin Rudd vowed to spend $2.3 billion rewarding parents who installed or bought home computers. He later said his decisions would be evidence based.

Jacob Vigdor, of Duke University, North Carolina, has conducted what is probably the world's biggest study on the effect on maths and reading scores of gaining a home computer. He finds "statistically significant" evidence that it sends them backwards.

"Children in homes with computers tend to do better than those in homes without - there's no doubt about that," Professor Vigdor told the Herald.

"But there could be other reasons. Those homes also have a lot of other things other homes don't have, and often have more educated parents."

He examined the performance of students before and after their home gained a computer. This meant examining students from less well-off homes. The better-off ones already had computers.

But Professor Vigdor told a seminar at Australian National University he did not think this was an important limitation.

Professor Vigdor found that acquiring a computer at home made end-of-year results for year 3 to year 8 students in North Carolina "significantly worse" in reading and maths. These results were spread over five years.

"The bad effects fade somewhat over time, but even after five years they are still negative. I am not saying go out and burn all the computers.

"If you want to buy junior a computer with your own dollars, that's fine … but it's another thing when we talk about spending public dollars."

Righ then ... Maybe it is because North Carollina year 3 to 8 kids are not as bright as the little tackers in Banana Republic Land ? Not only that ... I don't believe that he has implemented the strategy of a computer in every clasroom rhetoric just yet? Good thing on both accounts. Kids aren't being dumbed down and Kevin 747 has not wated taxpayers dollars. All good.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I've seen no evidence of an "education revolution"

Just more spin from the Labor party, hot air, the reason kids cant read or spell is because of Labor teaching policies, if they really want to help the kids hand education over to the Libs til the next election when the Libs will take everything else over anyway.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I trust this answers your questions. If not, don't hold out for a more basic expanation. I needed bring in my 13 year old neighbour on this one before posting to make sure she understood. She did.


A bit long winded, but if it makes you happy, I'm okay with that.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Mr Rudd's $17 billion school building program does nothing to improve education. The reason the schools turn out illiterate children is because the teachers are illiterate and the teachers' teachers are illiterate. Rudd is powerless to turn this around. The unions have too tight a grip on standards.

The Qld teachers are putting on rolling strikes for better pay. Their catchcry is that they "deserve it"
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It's disturbing when you and I and countless others can see the problem but no one will do anything about it.

I agree we are producing a generation of kids with LESS education that you got in the 50's or 60's, oh yes they can turn on a computer or IPhone but they have no idea of how to use the English language to their advantage and can't do basic math in many cases.

It's tragic and there's no excuse in this day and age.

Things should be improving not degrading.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

PMSL ... my wife is an education specialist. She actually teach's teachers how to become teachers. You know when they have all those "Professional Development" days? Her job is to lecture them on effective classroom delivery. Whatever the hell that is? You would have thought with all those years in scholastic development that they would have got all this down pat by now. Let's face it, They went to primary school, then to high school, then to university (big kids school) and then straight back to school to teach. All this time the bell rings and they switch on like robots. They have recess, lunchtime, afternoon recess and DOT time to boot. They still get paid for SCHOOL HOLIDAYS, which effectively is 3 months of the year and work from 9am until 3.15pm. Never worked in the real world. A lot more "perks" go with the job but I will leave that for someone else to point out.

There is no moderation to speak of and you betcha every single one is a UNIONIST. How about we give them an OUTCOME BASED delivery requirement in their employment job description. You teach and you get paid. You produce morons and you don't get paid as much? Your thoughts??
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Teachers are institutionalised to a great extent, if you ever hear them talking shop out of hours it's an eye opener, they have no idea of the real world, they beleive they should get top dollar for doing bugger all and have no idea where the money comes from nor do they care, they are teachers and are special.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Ah, Trainspotter, question, who teaches the education specialists in the latest teaching techniques? And there is so much speculation at the moment on what the best techniques are, so are they getting it right?

What I've seen lately, is a lot of kids can't spell & add up without a calculator. I get the paper on Saturdays & its comical watching young people adding $1.50 & $1.20 on a calculator...and they still get it wrong!!

Your right about Teachers though Mr Burns, my sister is one of them & is a member of the big spenders group. Anyway, getting off the thread.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The orders on "re-education" come from the Dept. heads. I am guessing they would receive their orders from some psychobabble neophyte with too many letters behind his/her/its name proving they are qualified? My wifes job is to deliver it to them (teachers that is) enmasse. In turn it is the teachers job to learn it to the delightful little social misfits who really don't want to be in class because Daddy & Mummy have spoiled them rotten and they all just want to be individuals. We as a society are partly to blame for this.

Anyways .. completely off topic now.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Your right about Teachers though Mr Burns, my sister is one of them & is a member of the big spenders group. Anyway, getting off the thread.


Yes Buckeroo, we are getting off thread, but not much. Mr Rudd wants the world to recognise Australia as a Middle Power and him as a great leader. No matter what he does on the world stage, if he allows the population to dumb down beyond the tipping point, we will be third rate.

He hasn't inspired much confidence in me that he is even interested.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Adolf Hitler said: "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."

I believe Rudd is sporting the same philosphy. Just throwing it out there to be attacked like a hot chip is to a flock of seagulls.
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