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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd's missus says she has never heard him raise his voice to the kids. I can understand that. Rudd is a nagger. A nagger can wear a kid down much more affectively than a yeller.

As I was having a cup of tea and a scone with Therese Rein the other day she suddenly blurted out "I call Kevin FOUR horses" ... "Really", I said quite startled by this sudden outburst that almost caused me to spill my Twinings down the front of my best blue blazer. "Why pray tell do you call your husband FOUR horses?"

"Well, all he does is ... NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG!"
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Originally Posted by Stan 101

Why you are refusing the nation of your wise council is something only you can know. You are wasted here on this forum

Not wise council, just common sense.

You have it all under control and no doubt would be pushing our iron to all areas of the globe including Antartica.

How do you draw this inference?

Even as a minnow of a nation we should take no crap as we are, after all, the centre of commerce.

I don't think you are that naive.

I wish you could have had a word in "pig iron Bob's" ear all those years ago. What was he thinking?

What are you thinking? Your analogy eludes me.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yet again the Rudd haters have misjudged his adeptness in foreign affairs.
Hu's fate may be reported somewhere in the media, but after looking in the Sunday Mail it is likely to be difficult to find in the News camp.
Not even the Opposition have been in play on this matter in recent days, so low is it on the political radar.
It just goes to show the Opposition to be hacks, flakes and also rans.
Sadly it took another bombing in Indonesia has put Rudd and his flawlessly competent Foreign Minister in the spotlight. This tragedy shows the sensitivity and ease in which Rudd handles adversity, ably backed up by Stephen Smith.
Rudd is truly inspirational when it counts.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

howdy MacQ
the following revolves around an attempt to work out how long he's been in Aus...
1. I'm inclined to agree with you - or at least I'm not gonna rush in where an experienced diplomat would fear treading

2. true - which means he's been in Aus at least approx 8 years, 5 years for permanent visa, 2 years for apply for citizenship, 6mths to 1 yr to pass - I'm guessing since about 1993 - anyone know? The article below says he's been with Rio since mid 90's.

3. probably true - that they are treating him as one of their own (rightly or otherwise by international law)

4. disagree (not that I'd know) and
5. disagree again. - If he's been here since early 90's (to be confirmed - possibly longer? anyone know?), and has worked hard for Rio since, then he gets our backing surely.
cheers. 2020

PS - hey, if there are specific corruption charges in the wings, then all bets are off. Let's face it , the courts in Aus are a joke - ... and China is ten times worse.

PS As Harrison Ford says in a movie (forget which) "You want justice, go to a wh-ore-house; you want to get screwed, go to court". Still that was USA, we're much better here (yeah right lol)

XXXX bludy hell it was Richard Gere "Primal Fear " as best I now recall
...mmm sounds like that is wrong

PS thanks god for the fact that Smith is Foreign Minister, and we don't have to listen to someone like Downer at a time like this.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I've never read so much absolute crap crammed into a few sentences in my entire life.

Rudd is a weakling of monumental proportions and Stephen Smith looks as incompetent as he no doubt is.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I've never read so much absolute crap crammed into a few sentences in my entire life.

Rudd is a weakling of monumental proportions and Stephen Smith looks as incompetent as he no doubt is.
That's what we enjoy about your posts burnsey, they are so predicable, and so informative lol.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Red, isn't Rudd the foreign Minister?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I understand we're sending an international delegation, including Mel Watt and Peter Weir to meet with Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao
... basically to advance the matter

"Hu Watt Wen and Weir meet in China to discuss what to do with Hu".

(or is that whom?)

"Hu Watt Wen and Weir discuss what Hu does with Hu".:eek3:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well i usally /ignore funny posts here cause im really here for trade chat..but kevin rudd<<-------lmao...he inspires sheep....welcome 2 the matrix..but he dosen't inspire me..nor do any of the politicians..he might be able 2 speak mandarin/might be smart/seems like a nice bloke...but really simple job here for any leader is 2 muster the sheep(chaos theory)..stablise and comfort all the people who need comfort and rely on the matrix..but really when i seen there first stimulas package of 45billion and just handed out..instead of spent on infracture 2 create lost all respect 4 this goverment..and maybe the govement should read up on hyperflation RE:Germany post war u flood money into the economy..i could go on all day..but plz y couldnt kevin rudd wifes run the country.(at least she can run a succesful company.)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence more than ever judging by opinion polls and the bitter twisted posts of those who cant stand the thought of a non coalition PM
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence more than ever judging by opinion polls and the bitter twisted posts of those who cant stand the thought of a non coalition PM
Actually I would like to see a prediction market run on the two parties and see what really would eventuate from it. You might be surprised.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence more than ever judging by opinion polls and the bitter twisted posts of those who cant stand the thought of a non coalition PM

I quite liked Kim Beasley but they backstabbed him out didnt they.

In fact of all the labor leaders I put Rudd last, he's done nothing except spend up big on our account to buy his own popularity and dont worry about the polls they'll change when he runs out of our money to spend.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I've never read so much absolute crap crammed into a few sentences in my entire life.

Take some time out to read your own posts, Burns.

Rederob is running rings around you and your only come backs are that Rudd is a gay, poof, faggot, homo, girlie boy etc.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Your devotion to Rudd and Smith is touching. However, I happened to listen to the flawlessly competently Mr Smith on Offsiders this morning. It was a cliche ridden non-event that outdid even Rudd for saying nothing. But then he has the excuse that he knows nothing. That's not his fault. Rudd keeps him in the dark. Actually both are floundering on the Hu affair. China told them to butt out. They now have to attempt to appear wise by saying nothing.

Sensitivity and ease. Cliches roll off their tongues with ease but they were sensitive about three Australians killed in Jakarta and one in Afghanistan, when on cue, they adopt their funereal tones.

Smith does have some ability. He cleverly adopts Ruddspeak so that we will know that they are Rudd's words and not his.

If you doubt me, I suggest you have a rerun of Offsiders and count the hackneyed phrases. I gave up counting after 20 and that didn't include the same ones repeated.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Now red you are overreacting in this case.

In your failed assessment of my comments you have emotionally taken the party line and felt the need to deride the real message.

Opinion polls only are no guide. (unqualified, rash and manipulated opinions dominate)

A prediction market is a better tool for gaining insight into a topic. (investment like decisions are made)

I subtly suggested that a prediction market may surprise and be different to an opinion poll.

I don't believe in the two parties.

And you have exposed yourself as a fool. What else would you like on the platter?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm guessing you're still living overseas somewhere (?) - maybe getting your opinions at the local Waltzing Matilda Bar? (or some other school for qualified, non-rash, and un-manipulated opinions).
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What's with the personal attack?
I would have thought it was relevant. The popularity of Rudd is gonna be difficult to judge from Overseas, hai, m'hai?

Actually I would like to see a prediction market run on the two parties and see what really would eventuate from it. You might be surprised
to be fair, .... true , we might be surprised,
on the other hand we might not I guess.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I would have thought it was relevant. The popularity of Rudd is gonna be difficult to judge from Overseas, hai, m'hai?

to be fair, .... true , we might be surprised,
on the other hand we might not I guess.
Let's talk about the topic and leave personal attacks out.
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