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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I can think of one place that jet setting weasel will not go to anytime soon.....China
You are right: He's been there already and other nations are on his agenda before a return trip.
Unlike the upstart Opposition members that have repeatedly tried their megaphone humiliation of the Chinese over the Hu matter, Rudd has taken a considered and measured approach.
Bishop is of the view that people like Hu deserve "special" treatment; treatment that would not be graced on you or me as mere mortals.
Why so?
In the eyes of the Chinese Hu has ratted on his own countrymen (citizenship issues to one side) by obtaining information - through whatever means - that affects China's economic well being. Prima facie things do not look good for Hu.
If Hu had bribed some petty clothing manufacturer because his employer was Quirky Shirts rather than Rio, do you think Bishop would be pushing the PM to intervene? Hardly!
Rudd is aware of what it takes to do business in China: As nice a man as Hu may be, there is a chance that the way he went about his negotiations for Rio will provide the Chinese investigators with rather damning evidence. It would be folly for Rudd to go to bat for a corporate giant that has commercially screwed the Chinese and is proven to have indulged in unscrupulous means to do so.
Deep down even the weasels that rail against Rudd in this thread know that this is a case of softly softly catchee monkey. Were it not, then Turnbull would have tried to do Rudd like a dog's dinner.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Methinks Turnbull is a bit gun shy at the moment and is letting his posse of outlaws do the dirty work on this one. Saddle up pardner, the Chinese are at the gate. And Hu is with them.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hello, Rederob you're becoming like a parrott, the goose has taught you how to say megaphone.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hello, Rederob you're becoming like a parrott, the goose has taught you how to say megaphone.
Please pm your personal comments and save the thread for posts on topic.

As shown in regular polls, Rudd retains a honeymoonesque level of confidence among the voting populace.

The media are beating the bushes (check the word of the day thread for its French equivalence) to flush out Rudd on the Hu affair, but he has already worked out the highest probability outcomes, and none involve his direct (public) intervention.

The stark reality about the Hu affair is that the more anybody in Australia wants to push it, the less likely the Chinese are to reach an accommodation. And Rudd knows that the less he says, despite what the media wants to stir, the better. Instead he is happy to let the relatively inexperienced but nevertheless flawlessly competent Stephen Smith take the running.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Adieu ... rederob adieu .... but unintelligently the media pack is starting to bay for blood and they are hungry for a carcass to chew on. Krudds lack of response despite his high prose of Mandarin speaking and Chinese Diplomatic links is growing tired amongst the proletariat. We as the oppposition also voice our opinions in this matter. We grow restless on the empty promises and unlike a good Catholic, I no longer feeel the guilt. Either let China CHARGE Hu with espionage or let him go. Iron ore or not. It has now become political. Gloves are off. Either we are selling to China Iron Ore or we simply waiting for a sincere diplomat to break our trade agreement?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Instead he is happy to let the relatively inexperienced but nevertheless flawlessly competent Stephen Smith take the running.

Competent, maybe. Flawless, I doubt. That would put him up there with you and 2020, who, as far as I know never get it wrong. I don't think Smith can claim that sort of superior status yet.

Smith has the problem that he is Foreign Minister in name only. Before he opens his mouth he has to clear it with the PM's office. Thus he uses phrases such as;

We are dealing with it methodically, and

We are taking it step by step.

This is typical Ruddspeak for; I haven't got a clue
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Oooowhoooohuuu. I leally scared of you missa ludd.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

"Release Hu or we will be forced to let you buy your iron ore from Brazil" Mr Rudd throws down the gauntlet to the yellow peril Commies. "Which is cheaper but slightly lesser quality." Mr Rudd thundered "What's that? You don't care because what you make out of our iron ore is already substandard quality" Mr Rudd went on the attack "Oh ... I see, you already have enough stock piled for the next 10 years of production." Mr Rudd was last seen looking for a Bex and a good lie down to fix this international scandal.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rubbish. He is way out of his depth, and hoping it will all go away.

OK Calliope, you bag Rudd if he does nothing, and you bag him if does something.

So what do you suggest Rudd do in this situation?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

OK Calliope, you bag Rudd if he does nothing, and you bag him if does something.

So what do you suggest Rudd do in this situation?

To be honest ducky, i think he is at his best when he does nothing. Less collateral damage to the taxpayer.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

OK Calliope, you bag Rudd if he does nothing, and you bag him if does something.

So what do you suggest Rudd do in this situation?
What, actually, has he done in this situation?

If I were Mr Hu, I don't think I'd be feeling terribly reassured.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

China has released a press statement "Canberra needs to stay out of our judicial Sovereignty as it will damage the Sino-Australian agreement"

Hmmmm .... sabre rattling at it's best. China needs our iron ore and we need their business. All will be forgotten soon. Hu?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

To be honest ducky, i think he is at his best when he does nothing. Less collateral damage to the taxpayer.
I agree, this is the best course of action.

What, actually, has he done in this situation?

If I were Mr Hu, I don't think I'd be feeling terribly reassured.

Stern Hu is a dual national. The Chinese government are treating him as one of their own, as they should.

Hu is a "ring in", his allegiance to Australia is zero, zip, zilch.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

apparently the pm is now blogging....good luck...some suggest only those blogs sucking up to him and agree with him on climate change will get past the mods...lets know how you go..and good luck.....I would like to give him a piece of my mind....and then wait for him to blow his stack....hahahahaha...
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What is the Oz government supposed to be doing right now? Hu has been accused of a crime and the Chinese authorities are investigating whether charges can be laid.

I wonder what Dr Haneef thinks of all this?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What is the Oz government supposed to be doing right now? Hu has been accused of a crime and the Chinese authorities are investigating whether charges can be laid.

I wonder what Dr Haneef thinks of all this?

Yes. Imagine if he had been caught in China and had a cousin who was a Uighar.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Mr Hu's unwitting sacrifice has been a great service to his adopted country. It took the Chinese to expose to us all the flaws in Rudd that the majority of Australians have been blind to.

The Chinese are a pragmatic people and they have never been fooled by the pretentious Mandarin speaking Rudd. While we all thought he had a special relationship with China, and knew how to handle them, the truth is somewhat different.

They find his aspirations for world leadership on various issues, including an Asian Union to be amusing. He has now been brought to heel. China has all the cards and we have become a vassal state. The future of our economy is wholly dependent on a strong Chinese economy. They have alternatives for supply of coal and iron. We don't have alternative markets.

When they tell Rudd to shut up...he shuts up.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd's missus says she has never heard him raise his voice to the kids. I can understand that. Rudd is a nagger. A nagger can wear a kid down much more affectively than a yeller.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Why you are refusing the nation of your wise council is something only you can know. You are wasted here on this forum. You have it all under control and no doubt would be pushing our iron to all areas of the globe including Antartica.

Even as a minnow of a nation we should take no crap as we are, after all, the centre of commerce.

I wish you could have had a word in "pig iron Bob's" ear all those years ago. What was he thinking?

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